Central Info - Updates Archive
19.12.07 (19 December 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! We'd like to apologize for the downtime and lack of updates lately. For those of you who have stuck with us through this trying time, we appreciate your patience. And for those of you just joining us, welcome aboard. The long and short of it is that we were trying to move to a new server after our current host decided to lower our bandwidth. However, after several months of working on this, our new host announced that they were not going to be able to host us for as long as we had originally thought.
So our apologies once more for the downtime and lack of updates here on the main site and in our forums.
But I am pleased to announce the start of something brand new, yet steeped in tradition. We are bringing N-Fans back to the community. The basic idea is that instead of having just one main N-Fans comic, a variety of artists and authors will be able to work with different Teams to create their own adventures through the N-Fans rendition of the Videoverse. (We would like to keep the main storyline going, though, and until I have learned to better use the tools around me, we'd really appreciate someone who was more into making comics than writing them.)
We are currently compiling a set of tools, templates, and sprite sheets for those who are interested. Come by the forums and discuss your feelings on this! pchan koko!! I know all of you expect and enjoy every year's holiday special. This year we won't disappoint! I'm working on something very, very special for all of you. I wuv you all and I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. Be well!
4.11.07 (4 November 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! Well, it's the start of my vacation, I hope all of you are having as much fun as I am! Not too much to say, but I hope you are all doing well out there.
13.10.07 (13 October 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! Well, I've gone and done it now. I went and caught the doll bug. Now I'm spending all of my money on these dolls called Pullips. I really need to figure out how to spend less money or get a better job. But I'm happy for now. :) Hope your days find you in good spirits. Until next time, be well, everyone.
pchan koko!! PMD for youuuuu! Enjoy. :)
06.10.07 (6 October 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! Once again, I really like how today's comic turned out. Wuffy is doing an excellent job of making my bizarre visions a reality. Props, Wuffy. In other news, I am thinking about slimming down my toy collections. I think the first things to go will be my SD Gundam gashapon toys. So if you see a bunch on ebay, they're probably from me! Hope today leaves you feeling well! Until next time, be well.
pchan koko!! Unfortunately I've thrown my back out, so I haven't been able to whip up PMD as I wanted to this week. Hopefully I will be able to next week though. I hope you're all well, and remember...don't bend over recklessly!
29.09.07 (29 September 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! I return from a little mini-vacation. Staying in a hotel can be fun. Especially when your acquaintance orders blankets specifically for building a fort in your room! But now it's back to the daily grind. While being away was a welcome change, returning home just reminds me of all the things I have to take care of. Here's hoping your list is shorter than mine! Until next time, be well.
24.09.07 (24 September 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! All quiet on the western front, as the kids say. I've been working on a new sprite style that will no doubt end up in the comic at some point or another. Anyway, things are progressing smoothly and will no doubt come to good ends. Until next time, be well.
02.09.07 (2 September 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! Just letting you know that all is well and all is as it should be. Except that I need a better job. :p Anyone hiring?
02.09.07 (2 September 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! Not much to report, I'm afraid. My recent vacation was quite nice, I must say. Anyway, I like how this one turned out. Until next time, be well!
25.08.07 (25 August 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! Well, this concludes the meeting. Which means that the promised mini-arc I've been talking about in the forums is going to start with the next update. Speaking of forums, have you been checking up lately? We'd love to have you if you haven't yet joined. :) Still waiting for call-backs for my auditions. And that's about it! Until next time, be well!
18.08.07 (18 August 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! Moving right along today. Not much to report. For you action lovers, don't you fret, the up-coming mini arc will satisfy your needs! On the home front, I'm waiting to get call backs for auditions from
several places, so that's pretty exciting. And that's about everything! Until next time, kids, be well!
11.08.07 (11 August 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! And our second comic sees completion. I'm just starting to get into the swing of things. Things can only go up from here, gang! After the meeting, we'll see an adventure-filled mini-arc, so look forward to it! I hope you enjoy today's comic. Until next time, be well!
pchan koko!! And PMD returns, with a hand-drawn strip again. When we get back into a rhythm with the updates, you'll see more of our adventures on xebnax! Enjoy and be well as always!!
01.08.07 (1 August 2007 CE):
WaxPoetic here! We realize that there's been a month's worth of radio static, and for that we apologize. We've been really busy this month and things are just starting to calm down. Now, on to business. From now on, I'll be writing the comic, and OracleofWuffing will be making them into a reality. I hope you enjoy the new directions I'll be taking the comic in - so look forward, the future of N-fans is bright.
pchan koko! We would also like to wish a very happy birthday to Lucychan, a very dear friend of ours and Annichan's papa! Happy birfday lucychan!! <3
09.06.07 (9 June 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Honest! I want to apologise for the lack of comic updates of recent, but things have been a bit hectic recently. I'm looking around for a place to stay that's closer to my internship than relatives. I do not want to end up paying 20-40 for a train every day. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have somewhere. Fingers crossed. I start on Monday so I REALLY need a place very, very soon. I have sorted out things like getting my big PC somewhere safe to stay for 3 months, and I'll be using my laptop all everywhere else. Since any place I go has Wi-Fi (and my laptop has CS2), comics CAN be made (hooray!), but updates may still be sporadic until I return in September. It all depends what time I end up with. Likely there will be Saturday updates, but I do want people to bear with me on this.
Sadly this means I don't have time to dedicate to ACTUAL storylines, so I have to rely entirely on one of the sub-plots. Just so you know, this isn't it. ;) This is build-up to another storyline. The one we'll have may not even take place in the mansion in any way, shape, or form. :p Don'tcha feel lucky!
Anyway, you people take care! Travel safe, and hope its less than 4 hours and $162 (81.90)!
31.05.07 (31 May 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Sorry yesterday's comic is... well, today, thus very late, but yesterday was a bit hectic for me. There was supposed to be a photo thing for a group project on our course that my group won, but that never happened, so I ended up waiting around for nothing. Also finally got round to returning the XP disc that never got used, and sold the Motherboard that didn't end up getting used. Then I heard back from NCSoft -- I'll be doing intern-work after next week with them, so I had to look up places to stay or best places to commute from.
The comic I had in mind did not end up working out for several reasons, so I threw this one together instead. I'm happy now, as well, because one of my friends fixed my laptop! Apparently he didn't do anything, but he must've done SOMETHING because 1: it turns on while on battery, and 2: it doesn't turn off 5 minutes later. So that's all well and good right there. It means I can work on comics with little to no hassle again till I get an art program on this computer.
Everybody take care! Keep your bodies healthy!!
26.05.07 (26 May 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Still waiting for an art program for my new 'pute, so I'm making do with doing comics on the laptop still. Of course since the laptop's lost the desk privelege, there's no mouse space. ^^;; And the new 'putes stoled the graphic tablet (I can hand-write documents~!), so it needs the mouse. But that's okay, because I have built up a great reputation at Starbucks, and I get the sofa, which means I can do comics in comfort! :p Which is awesome.
HOPEFULLY by the next comic I'll have an art program (and be able to put myself a month in advance again), but either way, *shrug*
Take care, peeps! 3 meals a day and a sofa battle will keep you healthy!
pchan koko!! Sorry about the lack of PMD updates, but I've been so busy lately with Pandemonium Renaissance...the comic book version! Yes, I've redone the comic to a higher standard and it'll be available soon. But I do need to work on PMD, so be expecting more PMD soon. Sorry again about the lack of PMD! Be well!! Wuv!!
23.05.07 (23 May 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Been checking out my system, enjoying a few things that I can do, and a few things I forgot to add. No Photoshop on this computer, and I forgot about DVD software. So my new Captain N DVDs will have to go on my laptop. *sigh* As for comics... yeah right now that's laptop too. But its got space again, now, so that's not as bad. Since we're at summer now, and all I need to worry about is a job, I might get around to starting/doing projects I had otherwise neglected to now. When it gets closer to really getting underway, there'll be details in the forums.
Speaking of which, go join the forums! Otherwise its all boring!! We need people to tell us interesting things, and give their game opinions!
Take care, peeps! ;) So says Tabatha! ^-^
19.05.07 (19 May 2007 CE):
Lalala here! And after saying all week "I'll have my new PC ready this evening!" since it started getting built Monday, I FINALLY have it~! ^_^ My wonderful housemate sorted out the final dregs that just wouldn't fit together! I mean okay I got Vista instead of XP (I did buy an XP disc, and that's broken so I've got to take it back), and I've got to wait on getting Photoshop (I left it at my parents' house so my mum could install it ^^;; So unless I can get Imageready or something I'm stuck!), but believe it or not Vista isn't too bad (DIGITAL POST-ITS, PEOPLE!), and I prepared some comics because I was bored. Plus I still have the laptop and it still has Photoshop, so anything I don't get prepared I can easily whip up in the meantime. :) BUT that's enough about my droll life! XD
Take care, people! And remember: POST ITS!! =D
16.05.07 (16 May 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Hey people! Sorry this is a bit late, I've been trying to sort out a new computer so I'm not doing everything through the laptop, which is, frankly, totally knackered. A few bumps along the way (including poking my friends who bent a rather important pin so now they owe me 45 ($89, give or take)), but we're nearly there. Just need to get the OS on it and I'll be away. Hooray! And should be able to get it cheap through the Uni so I'm not too bad off that way, provided they still do it at least... But this will make doing many, many things that much easier. Anyway you guys take care! Because sometimes we all need to stop and smell the sunflower oil!
12.05.07 (12 May 2007 CE):
Lalala here! And the comic is here too! having a bit of fun realising some sizings are still not matching up (and that when they do match up it looks weird), so I'm playing around with a couple bits as well. Funfun! Getting comics ready to get you all accustomed to who our new lot are, since we've gone forward 6 months and all. Once I'm sure everyone's all aquainted, we'll move onto proper plotlines and things. Which'll be fun.
Anyway you all take care! ^_^
09.05.07 (9 May 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Still! I want to apologise for not having a comic ready for Saturday. This Tuesday was the hand-in deadline for our projects at the University, and I had a few bits that really needed updating, and MAYA work to finish. Which became total heck come Monday, when my work erased itself. At 8PM. With the hand-in at 11. Needless to say I wasn't impressed. Buuut, we're now into Summer! Yays! So for the next couple weeks I've got spare time! Woooo! There may end up being more but I'm factoring in the possibility of a job/placement. I've got till September to kill, may as well work through it. *crosses fingers*
Anyhow take care, people! Keep your chin up, because things could be worse! ^_^
02.05.07 (2 May 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Coming up to the last few weeks of University! Fighting with MAYA 8 which seems to love creating new corners/edges/faces as and when it pleases with no reason behind it, and no way to stop it. Its seriously hindering mine, and many classmates, projects. And they've got to be in on Friday. Oh well. I'll be back in Uni in a bit, with a hope that the class computers are different. Fingers crossed!
Sadly because my time's eaten, I haven't had time to work on new comics recently, and we've just reached the end of the pre-mades. Luckily the next few aren't demanding of attention, but if they're late, its because I've been extremely busy, and please bear with me on that.
Take care~!
pchan koko!! Just a note: I'll probably start updating PMD on Saturdays now, because Wednesdays are always hard to get going since the previous day I always go shopping at the local Asian markets, and then I do karaoke in the evenings, which is always three or more hours of solid dancing and singing. And Monday is always grocery day for the household. So I'm thinking I won't hold things up if I just switch to Saturday. We'll try it for a while! Be well!
28.04.07 (28 April 2007 CE):
Lalala here! The project deadline I thought was yesterday turned out to be next week so I'm kicking back a little, but just enough to get a butt-load of new comics done for here. Woo! Also a little cheesed. Trying to sort out a new phone for use with Uni and hopefully work placements, but apparently I've been declined because someone in this house has a poor rating. If its me I'll be cheesed at my bank. If its my housemates I'll be cheesed at them. *sigh* It was so cool looking too... And useful for writing, and the sort you could do drawings with as well. A proper-good phone. Ah, well. We'll see what happens. Take care everyone! ^_^ And don't forget to get your copy of P-Chan's book! :)
26.04.07 (26 April 2007 CE):
Lalala here! MAN yesterday was fun! There was this game-fair thing in Manchester, for designers and programmers to go looksie at (it was really for third years, not second-years like my group but hey~!). Got some goood info on the business. And a T-shirt, a yo-yo, a cup, and some stickers! And a mars bar. ;) Next year will be awesome. I also have some idea of how to go about placements, so this summer I might even have a job! Woow~! We then went around for the rest of the day visiting the shops! I found manga, some miniature toys, and CHOCOLATE. A shop that will sell slabs of chocolate. I'm a very happy camper now. ^-^
Still got some work to do but now I'm more motivated to get through it, and I've got a better idea of what I want to do with it, so that works for me~! Take care everyone~!
21.04.07 (21 April 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Sorry this is late, I've been a tad busy. ^^;; Uni deadlines are approaching and personal projects are getting done but also getting pushed aside. It happens sometimes~! Got a summer approaching very soon so things'll slow down again after that (while I look for a job for Summer). Anyway you guys take care of yourselves! :)
pchan koko!! We'd all like to wish our friend Cubies a very happy birthday today! Be sure to stop in the IRC chat and say hello if you can! Be well!!
18.04.07 (18 April 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Had a fun couple of days with some good friends of mine! Couple more of walking trouble, but that's to be expected! Been working on the Mansion, and the garden, and the newer people, and projects for the Uni as well. Also some sidey-EarthBound projects. Take care of yourselves.
14.04.07 (14 April 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Things are a go-go for doing more comics so I'm feeling good about the projects. I've also, at someone's mention, resized P-Chan to the size he SHOULD be, and not the size I had him. ^^; He really was far too big. But now everything's all ready for the future comics (including Xebnaxians I was missing), and Master Pelle was nice enough to find me the Maniac Mansion layout, which is awesome. ^_^ THANK HIM, PEOPLE!! ^__^
Also, there have been issues and problems, which we have great people like hushicho and Oracle of Wuffing around to sort out, which is also very much appreciated. Check the chat and forums to thank them for that! ^__^
Right, I've got project work to do for University, so I've gotta go! Back to fighting my CD drive and MAYA! <:)
pchan koko!! Sorry about the dating weirdness, it seems like I've been not all here lately. Anyway, I hope that I've sorted the dates of the updates now. @_@ Come by the #Captain_N channel on Gammaforce to say hi to us! We'd love to have you join our family. Be well!!
11.04.07 (11 April 2007 CE):
Lalala here! And another comic up there! :D An' its a big one! Well. Sorta. ^^;
Oh! Bomberman Land Touch DS! Minigame mania! I love it! The green bomber's a bit missing right now though! But its okay! I've got tokens! :D Some of the games are tough/annoying but hey, aren't most minigame games? Lookit Mario Party! XD
Anyway! I run now! Hospital calls! ^^; Stay healthy everyone! And happy! ^__^
07.04.07 (7 April 2007 CE):
Lalala here! Slowly getting over my cold, with help of olbas oil, internets, and new friends of awesome! ^_^ And the summer sun is coming in, and I'm not sure whether I should be excited or worried. ^^; Sun doesn't seem to agree with me. But anyway.
Enjoy today's comic, the plot is eventually developing! And perhaps now a few questions that arose have been answered, to a certain degree. ;)
04.04.07 (4 April 2007 CE):
pchan koko! PMD returns today! Enjoy! :) <3 Wuv always! My artbook is also out, and it's called Celestial Phantasia. Please support my work! You can easily purchase it just by clicking below on the banner.

Lalala here~! I am a happy camper that Wuffing and P-Chan were able to get our forums back in order! :) So we are all able to discuss our madness again~! WOO! And I can spend plenty of time in front of the 'pute for that because I caught a head-cold! XP Its not very nice. Lots of sneezing and green. To stay upright I've got medicine. But o'course, easter hols means significantly little upright is neccessary! ;)
Anyway, you guys enjoy this comic! More will come as I make 'em, which shall start happening again now... provided I don't get wrapped up in Wii antics. :p
31.03.07 (31 March 2007 CE):
pchan koko! Update! We have the forums fixed. Have fun! :)
Just a note: we're still working on getting the forums fixed. It's become a very daunting task, but we're working steadfastly upon it. Just be patient and we'll have them up in no time. Hopefully. :)
Lalala here~! Easter Holidays has started for me! Whee! 2-3 weeks of no University! ... I mean I still have to work a bit but... *shrug* After this weekend I should only have 1 project left: Set design. And after the odd bunny thing I made today... I should be able to pull it off. ;)
Anyway yes! Comic! Doesn't it look all interesting and stuff! I bet you're all wondering what happened, aren't you? :P ... Don't worry the serious stuff will come back. Honest!
Anyway look after yourselves, peeps! Be well!
28.03.07 (28 March 2007 CE):
Lalala here~! I'm a happy Lalala because I've finished up the GDD (Game Design Document) for my course that's been hanging over my head! Yayyy~! Now to tackle the other two projects! Fingers crossed that'll all go swimmingly!
Small note, thought I'd make those who don't know aware, and say it so those who do know to show we're not unaware of the situation: the forums appear to be down right now. We're contacting the right people to get this issue resolved and we'll try and get them back up ASAP. I hope you guys'll all be nice and patient with us. :)
Back to work~! Be well everyone!
24.03.07 (24 March 2007 CE):
The Lalala here! Not a lot to say today. Kinda spleepy. Something to do with having a lovely long day. Got to see the folks, so that's always good. And we've now got a near-final cast-list, which is awesome. Also, almost got all the Xebnaxians again, which, like the Mansion, has been an elusive sheet to get ahold of. But that's what lessons are for. ;) So again, I do hope you enjoy this. Walk the right side of the path and avoid the dog doo of reality for a while! ^_^
21.03.07 (21 March 2007 CE):
pchan koko! Welcome to the renewal of N-Fans: The Series. Thank you all for all of your support through this difficult time. We are continuing the series, and I think you'll enjoy what we have to offer. Please do check back regularly, as I will be starting PMD again soon, as I'm sure many of you have been waiting for. Now I'll leave it to Lalala to explain our N-Fans continuation and plans for the series from here on out. Be well!
Lalala here~! And so is the first of my comics! O_O I do hope you all like it. They may not be up to the same standards as Webster's but I'm doing my best so please bear with me. Also, I haven't done a sprite-comic since the Team Yellow's Kamek saga, so I might be a little rusty. But I'm smoothing things down now for the future of the N-Fans. :)
We'll be finishing off this saga before moving onto the new turnaround, and plans have been made for the road ahead so we'll see where that takes us. Hopefully somewhere with lots and lots of coffee. Coffee is nice. :p
Anyway hope you enjoy! ^_^ The updates aren't going to come in as regular as before, instead coming on on Wednesdays and Saturdays. This is down to hectic schedules. So again, bear with us. And enjoy the show~!
February 2007 CE):
pchan koko. To view our tribute to webbychan, click here.
10 February 2007 CE):
pchan koko. It pains me to be the bearer of bad news to all those who have yet to hear. But last week Webster, creator of CaptainN.net and my dearly beloved, passed away suddenly. He was only 22, but he touched our lives so deeply.
I can't begin to describe my pain and sadness, but that's not to say that of others is any less. So many people were touched by his life and his way. So many lives were changed by him. It's most traumatic of all that it is so suddenly that he is taken from us, at least from this physical plane. But he will always be with us. He's just a thought away, a short distance indeed. He's always with us.
If any of you would like to give your condolences, there is a forum thread that you can post to, or you can come into our IRC channel. Just click the IRC button on the site's navigation to the left and navigate to us. You can use an IRC client or our java client. We'd be happy to receive you. Last but not least, if you have a personal tribute that you would like to present for us to post on this site, in a tribute coming soon, please mail with it. You can alternatively present it on the forum, as we will provide a link to the thread during the tribute. We are trying to assemble a suitable tribute at a place that was and is and always will be home to the one I call webbychan.
As he would say, be well.
pchan koko! See updates archive.
11.14.06 (November 14th, 2006 CE) [Updating for 10.23.06 (October 23rd, 2006 CE)]:
N-finity here. Well... I'm finally back. I'm sorry that I was gone so long -- I didn't expect to be -- and I'm sorry for not saying anything about my being gone -- I also didn't expect to be. I haven't been without a computer... but I have been without a lot of things. The reason that I stopped updating for these past three weeks comes down to this: Some things in my life occurred that caused me to need to take a solid, complete, and immediate break from doing many things in my life. It wasn't that there was suddenly an increase in things that I needed to do, it was that some things that I have learned in the past few weeks caused a need for me to reassess my view, to take a title from Douglas Adams, on "Life, the Universe, and Everything." Unfortunately, I don't mean that for comedic reasons nor half-heartedly. In the past few weeks my view of the world has changed all due to one specific catalyst of an event (which, when I feel a bit better about doing so, I'll speak on more) and several events after it. While the events of these three weeks have not been entirely well, I'm reaching a point where I feel (at least overall) good again. I'm not quite as cheerful as I'd like to be and I'm not sure that I will be again any time soon but I am, at the very least, not as emotionally unstable and likely to lash out at people as I was at the onset. I know I'm being cryptic and that many people who know me and converse with me hate it when I do that... but it doesn't feel right yet to use specifics. Some of those closest to me know already what this post refers to and, for those who have asked and given their support, I thank you... I have needed it.
Traditionally, I have wished well to you, my readers, at this point of my little daily blurb. Today is no different: I do wish you well. However, today I don't feel it with quite the joy and fullness with which I normally write it. These past few weeks have been hard and the months to come as things continue also do not settle me. I do not know when things here will catch up to the present, but I will do my best to make it as soon as reasonably possible. For all the days past, missed, and yet to come, my readers, be well.
10.22.06 (October 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, time for some more complaints about the programming competition. First, I'll cover the competition itself. It's an "AI" competition in the most simplistic sense, good for a 24-hour competition with six hours of forced breaks. Basically, you make an "AI" for a game and compete against other teams attempts at the same. Simple, good, and generally fun. There are always problems with it each year, but this year was monumental. How monumental? Well, there's this type of Boat, a Rum Runner, which heals your Pirate Ships. It's supposed to only do so when you are touching them. For the first six or so hours, however, it healed any ship on the board at any time when told to. Touching ships? Bah! It laughed at the idea! So, six or so hours in, they fix it, thus making it so that it can't heal any ships at all for the next three hours... and also making it so that boarding defeated ships no longer works, either. Oh, and the distance function they gave between two points on the map? Yeah, that doesn't work, either. Why? Well, they hadn't tested their code enough to find out that a function that should have returned a double, a type of decimal number, was returning negative integers. That's right, it always returned negative values for distance... meaning that they had *never* tested it. Why did it do this? A namespace conflict. Another function was overridng their own. Then there's the team from UIUC... in pirate hats. You see, you're not supposed to know about the details of the competition until the night of it... and they're in pirate hats. Yeah, they didn't know anything. This year's competition is a mockery of what it has been in the past... and there have been some very bad years.
However, let's get on to the good stuff. Today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #264, contains Episode 1904 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Cossack's Modifications", and is joined by the first two pages of Pchan's new manga, Seiyuuki Shine. I hope that you enjoy it. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.21.06 (October 21st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Having read the "API" for the programming competition last night, I was worried. I put API in quotes because documentation that describes a vector that contains pre-initialized integers for the firing range of the pirate ships -- it's a "software pirate" theme -- that's named fireRange as "a vector of the firing range of the ship" is hardly an API. Which one of the vectors is min? Which is max? Do they change or are they constant? I was in the same competition last year and this year's was obviously rushed. Real documentation is non-existant. Basic information like the rate of turn of a pirate ship (which the documentation that was given would seem to say is instantaneous) is not given. Neither known is the damage given by ramming another ship. Oh, and the damage from firing your laser-cannons at the enemy ship? Yeah, that's not there, either. The "maps" are blank; path-finding is pretty much useless except to avoid hitting enemy ships. It's a horrible, horrible mess this year. Last year I was spoiled. This year I am horrified. I can do better... and I will. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.20.06 (October 20th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Perhaps going with a lot of black and near-black areas wasn't quite right in terms of aesthetics, but I think Cossack likes the idea of sensory deprivation. At any rate, today's the beginning of the programming competition. We'll see how that goes. At any rate, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.19.06 (October 19th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm at UIUC and it's a bit of a relaxation already. Hopefully all goes well in the days to come. At any rate, today's PMD is the three-hundredth. ^^ That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.18.06 (October 18th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I look forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow begins a journey to a conference... and possibly some relaxation. I could use that right now. That said, I need to get off again to sleep. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.17.06 (October 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Another test comes for tomorrow... and sleep again is my only wish. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.16.06 (October 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. A tiring day... and a test tomorrow... z.z Let me sleep well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.15.06 (October 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. So tired. z.z Even being home for the weekend hasn't helped make things more relaxed. I could talk about my car... and all that... but... *sighs* I'll just leave it be. At any rate, today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #262, is made of Episode 1897 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "A Trust In The Xebnaxians." That said, I hope you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.14.06 (October 14th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode (and tomorrow's) feel needed to handle some issues regarding the Xebnaxians' decision to not act in the view of the other non-Xebnaxian members of the current troupe. That said, I should be heading out here. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.13.06 (October 13th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Episode up and onward we go. @.@ Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.12.06 (October 12th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. -_- Let's keep today short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.11.06 (October 11th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. z.z Tired... z.z I had a test this morning and have a rather major assignment due tomorrow. My expectations for myself, you ask? Well, I expect to sleep now... wake up around midnight... and work on the assignment for about ten hours before the class to get it done in time. Hopefully I shall. z.z At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.10.06 (October 10th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's PMD marks the last PMD before PMD 300. An equivalent for N-Fans is not too terribly far away with only a little over 100 more episodes until episode 2000 rolls around. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.09.06 (October 9th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I really have nothing that needs be said today, so I shan't. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.08.06 (October 8th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Being rather wishing to get some sleep, that's what I'm going to try to do. I'll probably just end up reading a few hours as I have a feeling that sleep is not going to be forthcoming, but we'll see. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1890, entitled "Shuffing Around The Pieces", as it makes up today's Sunday Special Sunday Special #261. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.07.06 (October 7th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Sleep... and such... that is what today is. z.z And sleeping oddly and hurting my back, but that happens. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.06.06 (October 6th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today was a day of sleeping. I woke up, made it to my first class, went home to change clothes because I lacked time to before my first class, and... yeah... I fell back asleep... until 9:00 PM. @.@ Ouchers. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.05.06 (October 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. The assignment of yesterday? Done. The doings needed done for tomorrow? Few to none. Ahh, a bit of rest... ^^ That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.04.06 (October 4th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today's test went fine and tomorrow's thing, an assignment that's due, shouldn't be too bad either. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.03.06 (October 3rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, a noteable assignment due today was done for a class I'm in... and that's good. z.z I've been so exhausted lately that just to have that one thing behind me is nice. A test tomorrow and another assignment Thursday await... but it's better than where it was. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.02.06 (October 2nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It's hard to believe that it's already October. October is a month that sneaks up on me and, when yesterday I was first writing the blurb, I found myself at "September 31st" once again. It always seems to me that September has 31 days and, no matter how many times I get it wrong, I always continue to think wrongly in this matter. *yawns* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.01.06 (October 1st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today is a definite day of yawning, of napping, and of wish for another day tomorrow that could be as today. That said, for today, Sunday Special #260, we have Episode 1883 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "A Push of The Button," and is all of this Sunday Special. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.30.06 (September 30th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And, given a time limit and no obvious way to determine what else to do... why not poke the green button? It's green, after all, and it does appear to be button-like. Hmm... That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.29.06 (September 29th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Friday. @.@ And tired. @.@ And things to do. @.@ And... @.@ Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.28.06 (September 28th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Now seemed the right time to get back to the solving of Cossack's first puzzle, as Mooort seemed the right catalyst to the finding of the next part of the solution. That said, I'm going to get to some reading and then sleep: I could use both and want the rest brought by then. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.27.06 (September 27th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. z.z Let's keep this one short, too. I want to sleep so badly. z.z Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.26.06 (September 26th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Oi... I've been sleeping a lot these past few days. This, to me, indicates an illness not yet apparent that I'm trying to fight from actually occurring, but the levels of sleep are a bit much. :/ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.25.06 (September 25th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Tonight... right now... sleep. z.z Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.24.06 (September 24th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are with Sunday Special #259, consisting of Episode 1876 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Not Where He Was Left." I'm not feeling very well today, so I'm going to keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.23.06 (September 23rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I really dislike it when I can't find my keys... That was today's adventure. Their location? Behind the cushion of one of the chairs. Until today, I thought that the appearance of the seam was just for aesthetics and that the seam wasn't really there. @.@ Well, that said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.22.06 (September 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, it's not as complicated as the mobius strip-like creation of the Ring Met, but it likely was the influence (or influenced by) Cossack's more advanced Ring Man that became the Ring Met after it was stolen. At any rate, onward we go. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.21.06 (September 21st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm just going to rest today. z.z Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.20.06 (September 20th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Since I managed to screw up the upload yesterday (only fixing it about thirty minutes ago), I'm including yesterday's PMD in tonight's update. @.@ I apologize for this... it's been hectic lately. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.19.06 (September 19th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Such a long day. z.z Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.18.06 (September 18th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Happy Insomnia Monday, everybody! Well, insomnia until mid-day, then nap, then more classes, then sleep again, then waking, then stuff, then episode, then nap again (I hope.) At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.17.06 (September 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today's not much of a day to speak of stuff either. It's been a day of more finishing work on a project, reading, and napping. Not a bad day, but definitely not an event one. At any rate, until tomorrow, enjoy Episode 1869 of N-Fans, making up the entirety of this, Sunday Special #258, entitled "Forced Exit." Until then, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.16.06 (September 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today has been about sleeping. That's pretty much all its been. I'm without really any words to say otherwise. As such, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.15.06 (September 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. A game night is just what I needed, and tonight for ACM it was just that. We have had a great turnout of about forty people -- and when you consider that thirty of those are ACM members and our chapter has only around 60 members, that's really rather grand -- and there's been a variety of games being played. Wonderfully, board games have been at least as popular as console games... and the game of Risk that I played was wonderful with tons of near-world conquering and all that such. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.14.06 (September 14th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm just going to be short here today... it's been a long day and there are things remaining to be done that I would just as well get to as soon as possible so that I can finish them up. @.@ That said, I hope you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.13.06 (September 13th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today I learned perhaps the coolest thing ever: North Dakota is the only state with a Broderbund-created Carmen Sandiego game. Yes, that's right: "Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego?" So, yeah, a person I know is married. His wife works for a company. That company sells software. I think you know where this is headed: Yeah, they still have a bunch of ol' boxed copies of it for the Apple ][G. I just want to know *what* she's stolen in North Dakota. There's three things I can see her stealing: the capitol building, the town of Zap (and of course all their zip with it), and nuclear missles. That's pretty much it. Unless she steals the Badlands. And, if she stole the Badlands, I'd say she deserves 'em. That said, I hope you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.12.06 (September 12th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hmm... I'm not sure what to say for today. I have a rather busy next few days... and don't terribly look forward to it. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.11.06 (September 11th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Ahh, 'tis a busy day, today. It's been good, though. Well, it's mostly consisted of doing organization-oriented stuff, but good stuff that will cause benefit. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.10.06 (September 10th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. We've been in Cossack's Tower for a long time already, so it seems only logical, as this really is getting further away from "Old Business" than I expected, to bring it into a new Mission. As such, today begins Mission VI: The Battle of Cossack's Tower, which is intended to be a comparatively short mission, hopefully taking no more than a month or two (especially considering we're functioning under a six hour time limit.)
At any rate, today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #257, is made up of rather nice selection of offerings. As there was no PMD this week due to Pchan's scanner problems (as noted below), he used his tablet and made a set of three sketches which he invites you to color and then send to him for a bit of a coloring contest. Additionally, he offers the 17th Anniversary image for Captain N: The Game Master, also from tablet, which was actually put up yesterday in Captain N Sector but which I did not note here. Finally, (from the Pchan side of things,) we have page forty of his current manga. As far as N-Fans goes, it's Episode 1862, "The Games Begin" by title, and just a short little introduction to where we're heading.
I look forward to seeing how things go.
That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
Pchan KOI-KOI! Well, since I'm temporarily unable to scan anything, I thought you all might enjoy a special PMD event, so here it is! Here are three coloring pages for you to enjoy and color using your favorite program, or print out and color with crayons, colored pencils, markers, or whatever you'd like! Please be sure to send me your finished pictures, and we'll put them up right here! If you can, send some by Thursday, and we'll try to post them on Thursday or Sunday, whichever we get more submissions for...or maybe both! Of course you can keep sending them and we'll keep putting them up. Please enjoy these coloring pages for you! Wuv!!
09.09.06 (September 9th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hello, Kevin. I don't have the normal offering for you today, so instead I'm going to talk of what is to be in this year to come. It's been a long time since we've changed this site, and the age is showing. Browsers had progressed and this layout has not... and it needs to: This site as a whole needs to. It is still based on HTML when all my other major works are, at the very least, assisted by the use of PHP. Many of them are full-blown content management systems and rarely require one to go through FTP or other such protocols. That needs to change. There is a project going on to change it and progress in that project has been made, although various other things have also sadly slowed it. We have gigabyte upon gigabyte of footage of you. It is right to take advantage of that content to add and replace screenshots, to extract more audio and video samples... to re-present you to the world through this site. We have little to show to you today, Kevin, but the year ahead will be bright for you. Thank you for your understanding, Kevin, and be well. We'll chat again soon.
09.08.06 (September 8th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Tomorrow is the 17th Anniversary of Captain N: The Game Master. It's amazing to think that well nearly two-thirds of my life has included Captain N. That said, I could use a nap. Until tomorrow and the anniversary, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.07.06 (September 7th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. A project done, more to come... @.@ There's a lot of things coming to a close right now... and I wish I had more time to get everything done that I want to. *sighs* It will all get done, but it takes time... At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.06.06 (September 6th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Oi... I'm going to keep today's short. @.@ I have something needing to be finished... and I don't look forward to it. @.@ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.05.06 (September 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. You know, I've not been sure where all of this arc has been going -- I'm pretty sure that's been apparent for a while -- but the idea is becoming clearer. Perhaps it's what I've been reading lately, The Gaean Trilogy of John Varley again, that's doing it. We'll see. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.04.06 (September 4th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm not sure what to say for today... it's just been a rather fast day and I wish it were six hours earlier than it is. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.03.06 (September 3rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. One of the greats of this world has left it. The light that was the personality of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, has been extinguished, and the world will forever be an emptier place because of the untimely end that has been brought to what had been a true blaze of life.
Steve Irwin, to me, will be remembered for the many hours I watched him during high school, the cable-enabled years of college, and, most of all, the wonderful restful days of summer and short excursions home. The wildfire blazes he showed us, the infestations of mice, the helicopter rides, his children, his wife, his wonderful zoo... and his crocodiles.
Steve Irwin was a man who lived in a way that might be called crazy, but it was a calculated crazy, not an insanity. While he took risks, they were ones which he exaggerated the risk of to make it more enjoyable for us, the viewers, so that we would want to learn what he was trying to teach us.
But sometimes things happen beyond our abilities to calculate. This time, whatever the circumstances, the charismatic luck of the Crocodile Hunter came to a close when he was fatally stabbed by a sting ray earlier today, apparently dying instantly.
He will be missed.
09.02.06 (September 2nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It rains today. ^^ Beyond that, though, I'm feeling that there's little to say. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.01.06 (September 1st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today felt animated, so today is animated. ^^ That said, I need to get some other things done as well, so I wish all of you well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.31.06 (August 31st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Birthdays and organization rush events and websites, oh my! @.@ It's been a long day and I wish for sleep and I'm going to reward myself with it. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.30.06 (August 30th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Wow, apparently I screwed up the date on the 26th -- there were two news entries for it in the archives. @.@ Bah. At any rate, we're fixed now and with the second of three PMDs for this week (as long as I get Thursday's in my inbox before the next update) as I forgot one last week. Shh... :P At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.29.06 (August 29th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today doesn't feel like much of a day to blurb, so I shan't. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.28.06 (August 28th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, tonight was the election for the new Member-at-Large for ACM due to the one elected in May switching schools... and majors. *sighs* It went well, however, with the person I was hoping to win having won by a rather strong margin -- he received over two-thirds of the votes -- and thus making me happy. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.27.06 (August 27th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Mmm.... 255... a very nice number... That's this week's Sunday Special, made up of page 38 of Pchan's manga and Episode 1848 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "The Process of Talking to One's Self." In my opinion, talking to one's self is actually a good way of solving problems. Visualizing one's self as being in front of yourself and talking back, however, may not be quite as healthy. *shrugs* At any rate, I need to get going. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.26.06 (August 26th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, one of my projects nears completion. It's a website/CMS system for a radio show. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before. It's definitely not on the level of Drupal or other content management systems, but in that case this is good: Such a complicated system would be far too overwhelming for easy use... and that's one of the goals of this project. Plus, I like to reinvent wheels the first time I really deal with a problem when possible as it lets me understand the problem more fully. At any rate, I'm going to let this come to an end. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.25.06 (August 25th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Friday arrives... and it's a resting day. I'm not sure what else to say, so I'll let it be short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.24.06 (August 24th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, here's to another day, another episode, and one less planet in the solar system. It's a good day. That said, let's keep this short, like the two-cubed planets we now have, and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.23.06 (August 23rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. There are days that remind you of things. Today, for example, I was reminded why Weird Al is still my Overlord. Thus, for the sake of Weird Al and other artists out there, don't donwload his music. Don't go to his site where he asks you not to download his newest song, right here, and then download his song. For the sake of Al, don't download "Don't Download This Song" from this site as it is available. To download "Don't Download This Song" might cause bad things...
...and we don't want that, do we?
At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.22.06 (August 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I wish I could show you what it looks like outside right now. There's a thunderstorm and the rain it has brought is just beautiful. I love rain and storms and, although a little harder rain would make this storm that much better, I'm rather pleased for it to just be what it is. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.21.06 (August 21st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Classes begin tomorrow for most here, but for some they already have. The summer has gone quickly and I wish it were longer, but the newcoming semester of classes should be good as well. That said, my friends, my readers, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.20.06 (August 20th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, so here we are, Episode 1741, entitled "Solving The First Problem", and back from the family stuff. It was good and too short, but I met a few relatives I previously hadn't and, on the whole, enjoyed myself. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.19.06 (August 19th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm headed off to Minnesota from now until mid-afternoon tomorrow. It's family stuff and should be a good albeit short visit. That said, until tomorrow I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.18.06 (August 18th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. My back hurts again today... :/ Bleh. Hopefully it'll loosen up soon. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.17.06 (August 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And again, episode. ^^ I'm about to head out to home and sleep, so I'll keep this short. As such, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.16.06 (August 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And today, continuing yesterday's theme: Back... hurting. I've had a bit of my back that's been occassionally giving pain recently. Today it started up again. Bah. Beyond that, though, there isn't much to say. My almost always unnamed projects continue, things go well, and I seek rest. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.15.06 (August 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Stomach... hungry... Body... tired... z.z I'm going to keep this short, eat, and nap, although not necessarily in that order. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.14.06 (August 14th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. Well, I think today's meant to be a short blurb. :P Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai! ^^
08.13.06 (August 13th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I've felt off all of today. My brain just wouldn't work and... yeah. :/ But, that said, today's episode, Episode 1834, entitled "A Sneaking Maneuver", is joined with page 37 of Pchan's manga for Sunday Special #253. I think I'll leave it at that. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.12.06 (August 12th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today was a good day. The office was cleaned, reorganized, and made much more relaxing and comfortable. That's been most of the day, actually. ^^ Beyond that, there's little to say. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.11.06 (August 11th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I need to remember: Pringles make my stomach unhappy. They always do, but I never pay attention to that adequately. Bah. -_- At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.10.06 (August 10th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm not sure what to say for today and thus this isn't going to be a long one. I've not made much progress on anything today... and that's about all there is to say. I'd like some more rain. At any rate, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.09.06 (August 9th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today I'm just feeling out of energy. I haven't felt quite right all day and, as the day has gone on, my energy has just been sapped. :/ I'm really not sure what to say about it. There's been little interruptions that have managed to keep me away from any real concentration, too: a fire alarm going off as I'm about to sit down to work, lights flickering as I'm working on things online and causing me to disconnect and worry about the safety of my computer, and other things like that. That said, today's episode is done. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.08.06 (August 8th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. So tired. z.z I'm just going to keep this short because of that. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.07.06 (August 7th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm not even going to talk today. I'm not feeling well... and... bleh. @.@ At any rate, enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.06.06 (August 6th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today is, indeed, a rather special Sunday Special. Beyond it being a palindrome for the number, Sunday Special #252, it's also the beginning of Year Six of N-Fans, with yesterday having been the end of it. I had hoped that this arc would end by yesterday, but it seems it will be a bit longer than that. Not too much longer, but a few more days, I'd suspect. At any rate, today's episode, Episode 1827, is entitled "Hiding in The Air Ducts" and is joined by page 36 of Pandemonium Renaissance. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.05.06 (August 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Part of me wanted to advance to the next scene today, but I, as a whole, wanted to stay here a bit longer. It just seems the right place to be. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.04.06 (August 4th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I don't really have much to say for today, but I do like how the episode came out, bringing us back even moreso to the earlier Cossack encounter. So that leaves Doc and the others out of commission for now... so... Hmm... Well, at any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.03.06 (August 3rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Oh, a good sleep after the food your mother buys you, what could be better? That said, there isn't much more to say for today. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.02.06 (August 2nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I declare myself... tired. z.z A meeting, a mother coming through town takinng you out to dinner, and waking up at 11:30 PM yesterday put together do that to you. z.z But... episode... and now sleep. z.z Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.01.06 (August 1st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. A new month begins. Three weeks exist between now and when classes start back up. It's been too fast of summer. *shrugs* But, that being so, it's been enjoyable and, overall, relaxing. Other than that, there's not much to say for today. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.31.06 (July 31st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And the month ends... As with much of the past few days, today I have little to say. TSGK continues updating, my projects continue going... and that's all I really have to say about any of it. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.30.06 (July 30th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm not very sure what to say of today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1820, entitled "One of Those Xebnaxian Reflection Moments", nor what of page 35 of Pchan's manga. Today's Sunday Special #251, is made up of these things. Hrm. Beyond that... not really anything. Well, I guess, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.29.06 (July 29th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. You know, I think all three of the Megaland doctors are at economic war with each other. It amuses me to think how they likely sabotage each other as Cossack has hinted at here. *shrugs* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.28.06 (July 28th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's been interesting. It's mostly regarding Puzzle Pirates and some events of the crew that I'm on... but I'd rather not get into that. :/ It's not particularly encouraging. At any rate, I do hope you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.27.06 (July 27th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today's episode worked out. ^^ I'm not sure what all to say -- I'm debating what to do for the rest of tonight, really -- and thus I don't really think I'll keep this going for now. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.26.06 (July 26th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Bah. @.@ I've been up too long. I woke up at 10:00 PM last night and, due to a 20 minute nap, it's twenty-two hours since I had a real period of sleep. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.25.06 (July 25th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I don't really have anything to say for today, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.24.06 (July 24th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode actually makes me think of a discussion I was having earlier about video games and the goal of a self-consistant, believable game-world. *shrugs* I won't get into that discussion again tonight. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.23.06 (July 23rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. We're nearing Sunday Special #250, but today is just #249. That said, we've got Episode 1813 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Considerations on Cossack", for today. It's a rather simple little episode, but that seemed what should be for today. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.22.06 (July 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. A friend is playing Master of Orion II right now. He's having issues. I, unfortunately, did not grow up on MoO or MoO2. I was a Civ, CivNET, and Civ2 person. I could have probably been benefitted by Alpha Centauri... but I didn't get that one. *shrugs* At any rate, there really isn't much to say today. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.21.06 (July 21st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. Not really sure what to say for today. I'm listening to some recordings of They Might Be Giants playing live and resting... and that's pretty much what I've done today (on both counts), so not much to talk about even. :P Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.20.06 (July 20th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, an idea was proposed to me today... and so tonight is a night to work on that idea to, with luck, show tomorrow that the idea has merit. We'll see. That said, I really should be getting to that, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.19.06 (July 19th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Tired. z.z I still can't recall what I was going to say... but we'll live. At any rate, today's been a fairly productive day, with the finishing out of a module for the project I'm currently doing except for some slight adjustment to the display, which is rather simple. All I need to do there is provide some of the links between the various pages that currently can exist and... yeah. @.@ At any rate, it really is very little trouble to finish. That said, I'm going to head out and then get to sleep. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.18.06 (July 18th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I had something rather interesting to note today as well, but I no longer have any clue what it was. :/ At any rate, I think I should probably let this one be short and, with any luck, I'll figure out what it was I was going to say. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.17.06 (July 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Last night's dream was wonderful. It had me in a museum/aquarium/public-place-with-private-company-using-the-back-and-maintaining-the-awesome-place-to-decrease-taxes place. The fish and other sea creatures were incredible. I normally don't get much detail on non-humans in my dreams -- I rarely get that many non-humanoids (or even humanoids) at all, for that matter -- but this dream was different. The beautiful pinks and yellows and whites, an almost electric tropical glow to them, of the color-shifting manta ray-like creature that I saw were breathtaking. I actually said "wow" in my dream and was embaressed by this amazement because it seemed inappropriate with those I was walking with at the time. This creature, perhaps eight to twelve inches in length, was just breathtaking. I wish I could have kept myself sleeping when I realized I was waking up and that the dream was fading away...
That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.16.06 (July 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are with Sunday Special #248, including pages 33 and 34 of Pchan's manga as well as Episode 1806 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Of Robots, of Children." I hope that you enjoy our offerrings and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.15.06 (July 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I was able to finish up (at least for initial work) a rather major part of the website project I'm working on currently. That makes me happy. ^^ Beyond that, little has occurred, so I'll keep this fairly short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.14.06 (July 14th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. There was questioning in #Captain_N as to what was happening, mostly as to who it was. WaxPoetic suggested it was me implementing his Worldcycle concept, which he knows I love, but I think he'll be pleased with this as well, as I'm sure he could find similarities if he looked and I, now that I think about it, seem a hint of them as well. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.13.06 (July 13th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode began different from what it eventually became. While the changes didn't affect the ultimate outcome, the way the outcome of this episode in how it affects future episodes is slightly different. It's nothing too major, but it was enjoyable to see it change -- and for the better, I think -- as I made it. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.12.06 (July 12th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And episode again. ^^ I'm not entirely sure what to say about things right now. I have an idea about some things soon to come in the comic, but I should be getting to other things right now as far as my work goes. As such, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.11.06 (July 11th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, more work on the website I'm doing today was done today... and it's actually starting to get to a point where I feel it can provide tangible understanding of progress... which is good. Improving the underlying system is a great thing, but if it isn't visible to the users -- especially the client -- it isn't a great thing when you want to explain progress. At any rate, that and some more sheets for TSGK being organized are today's events beyond today's episode for me and I think that I shall soon be heading out to rest a bit at home and perhaps nap. I'm starting to run out of new books from my Canada trip a few weeks ago. Bah. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.10.06 (July 10th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I really don't have much more to say for today. I've mostly been just organizing sheets for TSGK's future updates. That goes well, but I don't really have much to say on it because it's just organizing sprites. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.09.06 (July 9th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, for today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #247, we've only got today's episode of N-Fans: The Series, Episode 1799, entitled "Coming to Agreement", to bring. I hope that you enjoy it... I'm glad that it at least brings this current situation to a bit of a resolution. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.08.06 (July 8th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Let's just let this one be short. ^^ Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.07.06 (July 7th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, my mom's in town. We were going to go to Pirates tonight. That didn't work out so well: All showings were sold out. Thankfully, due to the same system which made this be the case, (i.e. selling tickets for four days in advance of the actual date of showing) we will be seeing the show tomorrow at 2:20 PM. Yay. At any rate, she wants to get back and to sleep, so I'll get this up now. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.06.06 (July 6th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Oi. @.@ I spent most of my waking day organizing sprite sheets... @.@ It was... meditational. But now my mind has gone beyond the zen and into the daze... and I need to stop for the day. That said, there's really nothing more to add about things right now, so I shan't. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.05.06 (July 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Have you ever built a system that just feels right? That's the content management system I'm working on right now: It just feels right. I'll get into it more when I get farther along the road of building it, but that's enough for now. ^^ Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.04.06 (July 4th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, things are going well in terms of progress on websites. In fact, that's really all I can say about today and right now: Things progress. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.03.06 (July 3rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today has actually been a fairly good day. I've gotten some work done and we've got some good discussions of how to improve TSGK going on. Beyond that, however, I really have little to say. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.02.06 (July 2nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I am so very tired tonight. z.z I think I'll keep this one short as well and head off back to my place so I can sleep. z.z As far as today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #246, we've got page 32 of Pchan's manga and Episode 1792 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Wishes and Responsibilities." That said, I hope that you enjoy the offerings and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.01.06 (July 1st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today's a day to get another update of TSGK done and the last day before I really start to get to work on a project I'm being paid for. As it goes on I'll talk about it more, but it's a project that I would enjoy doing (to a large extent) even if I weren't being paid for it. As such, I'm quite pleased to be receiving the rest of my summer funds through this job. That said, I hope that you are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.30.06 (June 30th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Bah. @.@ I'm just going to keep this one short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.29.06 (June 29th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, that's certainly one way to handle this situation. :/ I'm not really sure what to say otherwise today. I need to get to work on some other projects so I think I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.28.06 (June 28th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm just going to keep this one short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.27.06 (June 27th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. I slept too long today, but I had lots of good dreams. One was an extended dream that involved triggering two sets of three triggers each of three colors -- aqua, violet, and green -- in a stormy-like cloud land. Very interesting, very cool. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.26.06 (June 26th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. There we go. Episode up... and soon sprites up for The Shyguy Kingdom for tomorrow... and not by me. ^^ I look forward to that. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.25.06 (June 25th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. I'm really not sure what to say for today. We have page 31 of Pchan's manga and Episode 1785 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "The Full Official Response," to complete this Sunday Special #245. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.24.06 (June 24th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. *stretches* Lots of sleep today. Sleep, dreams -- including an awesome pirate dream -- and that's about it. Beyond that, I went to a film with my parents since I'm still in Bismarck and have written this update. That's pretty much today. :P Pretty boring, huh? *laughs* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.23.06 (June 23rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today was a day to do things long left undone. Specifically, today was a day to update The Shyguy Kingdom. That said, I encourage you to look at the update -- both sprites and layout -- and have fun. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.22.06 (June 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. I'm not sure what to add today as far as the blurb goes, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.21.06 (June 21st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Pchan expressed to me yesterday that he believes that Megaland would treat the Xebnaxians as ambassadors and that there was no reason that they wouldn't. I disagree. I see no reason why Megaland would treat the Xebnaxians and all of us as anything but visitors from another videoworld (or wherever) and thus subject to their laws. None of us are ambassadors -- definitely none of us are recognized as ambassadors to Megaland -- and thus we should have no more protection than anyone else. He notes that Moon Pig is a being of godlike stature on Xebnax. I note that we are not on Xebnax and, although he may be a powerful being, his status on Xebnax is not likely to be known of on Megaland. If it were, Wily would likely have taken more precautions and might have reconsidered. Sage, being the most logical and least Xebnaxian of the Xebnaxians (although he has become a much more life-enjoying being during his travels), seems the most likely to recognize that they cannot simply solve this problem by doing what they can and take us away. It would worsen the situation immediately and especially so for any future encounters with Megaland... and likely other videoworlds as well. This must be handled with diplomacy, understanding, and effort. It cannot be solved through magic and force. *shrugs* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.20.06 (June 20th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. An increasingly grim outlook, especially with the end of the comic being at least sixty or so of the policebots decloaking. Those could probably have at least handled Wily on his own. Well... erk. :/ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.19.06 (June 19th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Wow, I really screwed up yesterday's upload. @.@ Argh. I'm sorry about that. Today's episode progresses things a bit more. I think things are not going well. @.@ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.18.06 (June 18th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Sunday Special #244... a nice number. Today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1778, entitled "One Good Reason", is joined by page 30 of Pandemonium Renaissance. That said, I hope that you enjoy our offerings and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.17.06 (June 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. While I think we all knew that Doc's interaction with the Police-bot was going rather poorly, I didn't expect it to go exactly as it had. I expected that this -- the need to make sure that Wily is given to the proper authorities and put under the proper level of imprisonment as well as protection -- might lead to trouble with Megaland but it has happened much more quickly and strongly-acted by Doc than I had expected it to. I look forward to seeing how this goes. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.16.06 (June 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. This is perhaps not the best way that this handover could be going, is it? Then again, one bot? Not exactly a show of force with someone who needs to be dealt with forcefully. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.15.06 (June 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Considering how big of threat Wily is to Megaland -- not to mention Videoland as a whole -- you'd think that Megaland's police and military would be all over it. Cameras-bots flashing... vid-bots recording... all that stuff. Perhaps it's just something Doc asked for -- no press -- or else they just really do want to make it as low-key as possible to decrease possible damage from an attempt to free -- or kill -- Wily. Perhaps, though it's not from Megaland. It is a bot we've associated with Wily in the games of our world. We'll see. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.14.06 (June 14th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. One of the things I've done since returning from Canada is read. I purchased several books and have made by way through Phillip JosEFarmer's The Fabulous Riverboat, the second book in the Riverworld series. It was an enjoyable read and I look forward to the third, The Dark Design, although the size of the print is rather small... which is the one thing of it that I don't look forward to. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
06.13.06 (June 13th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm not sure what to say for today. I've slept, I've read about half of the second book in Phillip Jose Farmer's Riverworld series, and I've done this episode. That's about it. *shrugs* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.12.06 (June 12th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And we're progressing in this a bit slower than I wanted to. I slept a long time today and am just being a bit slow about things overall right now. That said, I hope that you do enjoy where all of this heads and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.11.06 (June 11th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, this weekend was excellent. It went nothing almost as planned but also went incredibly well. We didn't realize that Winnipeg had their Pride parade this Sunday and we ended up going to that and then, throughout the weekend, we went to wonderful restaurants. The best one, an Italian wine bar, was just... incredible. The food: excellent. The decor: wonderful. The service: I have never felt better attended to. The waiter and waitress that were working the wine bar at the time we were there would fall in and out of conversations without missing a beat and pick up things from half-way across the room. Civil, cordial, cheerful, charismatic: all these words describe the experience... and the entire cost of the trip would have been worth it just for that experience. Ahem. At any rate, I need to get back to Fargo before I can upload this... and then I have to see if Pchan did send me the manga this week. I'm not sure if he was doing it because I've been gone... and I'm still without the 'net access right now. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1771, entitled "Spaceship Landing." That said, I'm going to get headed out. Until I get this up, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here at home. Okay, so we're back, we're uploaded, and we're with manga. ^^ Page 29. ^^ So, enjoy today's episode, today's manga, and today (and tomorrow until the update) as a whole. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until then, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
06.10.06 (June 10th, 2006 CE):
PCHAN KOKO!! It is the pchan who updates today, instead of the webbychan, who is having Canadian adventures! He is probably running around with potatoes in one hand and cheese in the other, if I know webbychan well enough. AND I DO KNOW WEBBYCHAN WELL! So all of you please imagine this scene. It will carry you through the dark times that some Saturday afternoons can become. Wuv!
06.09.06 (June 9th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And, as I said, a pre-departure update. As I said in yesterday's blurb, I'm heading off to Canada today for various reasons, but mostly for a bit of an adventure, I guess. That said, Pchan will be updating tomorrow and I will be returning Sunday night. Until then, I hope that you enjoy the episodes and are well. Until then, my friends, my readers, be well. Until Sunday, bai!
06.08.06 (June 8th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, tomorrow I'm heading off to Canada for a few days, so I'll be handing the reins over to Pchan as far as updating goes. I should probably explain why I'm going to Canada. Well, really, it's that I don't have anything terribly better to do and it's not going to cost me that terribly much as two of my friends, who were going anyway, invited me to go along if I chipped in for gas. Accomodations are supplied by them. What we are to do up there, I'm not sure. :P We'll see. It's a voyage, an adventure, and all those other words. It should be good. ^^ That said, Until tomorrow and my pre-departure update, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.07.06 (June 7th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hmm. I don't really have much to say for today. My laptop's being hot, so I really think keeping this short is best. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.06.06 (June 6th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And finally Megaland is in sight. I'm not sure what else to say for today (especially since I'm about to run out of battery and thus need to head back to my charger), so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.05.06 (June 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Time for a slightly more positive look on that which has transpired. I think right now I, in the Videoverse, am focusing on mostly the damage we've caused. Doc's better at seeing the balance, I think. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.04.06 (June 4th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hmm... not entirely sure what to say. Today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #242, is made up of Episode 1764 of N-Fans: The Series, which is entitled "The Damage We Have Wrought" and is joined by page 28 of Pandemonium Renaissance. That said, I think I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.03.06 (June 3rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It seems a valid question: Was this mission a success or a failure? I'm actually on the side leaning towards failure, personally, but I don't think that many of the things that caused it to be so were avoidable. Disco Duck and Wily had already taken over Totally Rad... so it couldn't have really been saved and our meddling would most likely ultimately take things even further from that videoworld's normality. Hmm. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.02.06 (June 2nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. These last few episodes have been good for some reflection on things done, things undone, and things not done over the course of this arc. I'm not sure of the details of what is to happen after this, but we'll see as they go on. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.01.06 (June 1st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It was... an interesting day. Some friends visited. One was going to help her boyfriend move some stuff into a storage place. On the way to taking her to her boyfriend, there was an accident. Very small, no one hurt, one car with an unhappy front bumper and light, one car with a rather unhappy rear axle. We were the former and hit the latter as it came out in front of us because we were in the inner set of lanes of a four-lane street and the person in the outer lane had stopped and was waving them to go because there was a block of cars in front of him on that side. Unfortunately, he didn't bother to consider that there might be people on the inner lane when he did that. -_- So, not the happiness. Fortunately, because we had right of way, my friend who was driving was not at fault. We personally don't think that the other driver was at fault really either (as if someone waves you on around here, it generally means you're good to go and you can trust them to look out for you,) but unfortunately, legally, she is responsible for it. The guy who waved her on? Well, he kept on going. Yeah. Great guy. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.31.06 (May 31st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. The end of the month... it comes fast. ^^ Not much has happened today and I really don't have anything to say. As such, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.30.06 (May 30th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm just going to keep it short for today. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.29.06 (May 29th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It's been a good day, another day of relaxing before heading out to more serious things for the summer. Hrm. That said, I think I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.28.06 (May 28th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, so here we are with Episode 1757 of N-Fans: The Series, which is entitled "Preparation to Leave" and is all of this Sunday Special, Sunday Special #241. I'm not entirely sure what to say beyond this, so I think I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.27.06 (May 27th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm not incredibly sure what to say for today. It's been a relaxing day. There was a storm. Apparently there was hail while I slept and there may be a few bumps on the back of my car since where it was parked when my dad moved it (to a more protective place) wasn't perfectly protected, just more protected. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.26.06 (May 26th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, it's been a good day. I've been working on some things, discussing some things I'm working on, and watching a few movies as I do so. How's that for precise description? ;P At any rate, I really don't have much more to talk about right now, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.25.06 (May 25th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today is Towel Day, the celebration of Douglas Adams, forty-two days after his date of death every year. So be it in the form of a towel or a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster that is your way of celebrating, enjoy the day. ^^ Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.24.06 (May 24th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I really do thank Waxy for the suggestion of this direction. It made much sense at the time but seems more and more right as this part of the arc goes on. At any rate, I do hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.23.06 (May 23rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today is... kinda bleh. I'm not really what to say about it, just that... bleh. :P That said, there's not really anything to add. I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.22.06 (May 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And today, the continuation of Wily's confronation with Disco Duck. Not quite complete, yes, but getting closer. That said, I hope that you enjoy it and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.21.06 (May 21st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Mmm... a nice episode number. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1750, entitled "Of Betrayal and Laser Pistols", which is that which makes up Sunday Special #240. Beyond that, I'm not really sure what else to say. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.20.06 (May 20th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. *stretches* A better day today. I slept most of it, having great dreams. I'm not sure what else to say... those dreams were just a great variety. Unfortunately, I have forgotten them for the most part. That said, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.19.06 (May 19th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I am in a really pissy mood right now because of the idiocy of a friend's girlfriend. How does her idoicy affect me? Directly, probably not at all... but I consider her a friend and she's probably just thrown away most of the chances she'll have to get the life she wanted. Good job for her. -_- *sighs* I'm sorry. Even in this, I do hope that the rest of you have had a good day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.18.06 (May 18th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well... tonight was interesting. Tonight I ended up playing the role of Gamemaster for a Paranoia mission. It was... yeah. @.@ Lots of fun, but I wish that I had had prepared better for it as it ended up being largely developed as we went on. It went okay. At any rate, as far today goes, I hope you are well and enjoy it. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.17.06 (May 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Mmm.... it's an enjoyable night. I'm listening to people playing (and arguing) over AD&D and all that such. It's amusing. At any rate, I think I'm going to keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.16.06 (May 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm just going to keep this short since rest sounds very good. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.15.06 (May 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It's Monday! O_O I know this, but what else is there to say? O_O That, I don't know. :/ I have the next few Duck eps written out, so we'll see how that goes. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.14.06 (May 14th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Oh, wow. @.@ Today was... @.@ Yeah, I spent most of today playing Puzzle Pirates and Tetris DS. My brain is definitely happy with me for using those parts of it. They don't get enough exercise... especially not in marathon runs like today. @.@ At any rate, for today, Sunday Special #239, we have Episode 1743 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Beginning Escape" and following the beginning of the next part of this conclusion, and page 27 of Pandemonium Renaissance. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.13.06 (May 13th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm not sure what to say for today. Things are coming to a close and we'll see how that goes over the next few days. At any rate, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.12.06 (May 12th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And, with today's ending, this school year is truly over. It feels kinda odd to not have anything specific needing to be done, but it feels okay -- kinda good -- too. I look forward to a little bit of relaxation before things busy up again. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.11.06 (May 11th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. A very simple episode, but one that is exactly what I wanted. Most of this episode is thanks to WaxPoetic, who has been discussing some ideas with me and was willing during this week of rather little free time to do the five sprites used for today's episode. That said, I thankfully did not have to take my final final today because it wouldn't have been possible to improve my grade in the course by doing so and my grade was quite acceptable. ^^ That said, I'm going to get this done. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.10.06 (May 10th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And the last final is tomorrow. I'm going to keep this short because I need to get some sleep for it, but I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.09.06 (May 9th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Part of me really wanted to get this done as an animated episode, but with two finals tomorrow that just wasn't reasonable. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.08.06 (May 8th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And... collision. This week is going to be a bit rough, as I think I said yesterday, so just a bit of info in advance. @.@ That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.07.06 (May 7th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are with Sunday Special #238 and Episode 1736 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Begin The Final Charge!" It is joined by page 26 of Pandemonium Renaissance. As far as everything else goes, tomorrow begins the week of finals, so bleh. @.@ Thursday ends it all. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.06.06 (May 6th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. *stretches* Hrm. I'm not sure what to write for today. Today's episode leads to where I wanted to be for tomorrow and that's about all there is to say. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.05.06 (May 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Tomorrow is the day of the annual ACM Spring Picnic. I look forward to it. That said, there's food to be prepared before I sleep and I'm tired already. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.04.06 (May 4th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today's pretty good. Things with the instructor went well. The unofficial count is seven of nine. The official count remains at four. Fun stuff. At any rate, I'm going to get going. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.03.06 (May 3rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And I'm not even sure what to say about today. Yesterday I found four cases in one course of graduate students doing things in papers that should very much not be in papers. It's been... draining. A friend and I confronted the instructor. We're not sure if he's even going to do anything. We're going to see him tomorrow again with all four papers... and the places... "borrowed" from all highlighted... and hopefully that will help. :/ It's... yeah. *sighs* I just need to be sure that there are reprecussions against these students for doing something so unacceptable. It's not just "even a sentence is plagiarizing" you're taught in English courses, either. It's full-paragraph to full-paper plagiarizing. It does not make one feel good about one's university to see such things and... yeah... I'm just going to stop that there.
At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.02.06 (May 2nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Bleh. @.@ Today was interesting. I'll talk about it tomorrow. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.01.06 (May 1st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode just seemed right to do animated and, since it isn't a very complicated one, I was able to do just that. That said, I need to get headed out to work on some code for a class I'm in that's due today. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.30.06 (April 30th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I am incredibly pleased with how this episode of N-Fans turned out. It's very simple, but it fits exactly as I wanted it. That said, today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #237, is made up of just today's episode of N-Fans: The Series, Episode 1729, entitled "Conscious/Conscience." That said, I hope that you enjoy this offerring and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.29.06 (April 29th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Nearer and nearer to the end of this, it is becoming clear how things will go. It's a nice feeling to have. That said, I hope that you're enjoying these episodes. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.28.06 (April 28th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. A good night is tonight. It's a relaxing Friday night of ACM and movies. This movie night's theme: College movies. So far it's been Revenge of the Nerds and now Animal House. A relaxing night... exactly what was and is needed after this week. Until tomorrow, however, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.27.06 (April 27th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And today is my mother's birthday. ^^ Unfortunately, I can't be in Bismarck today to see her, but there was a very nice phone call we had at least. ^^ That said, it's been a good day but I'm tired and soon to sleep, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.26.06 (April 26th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I am so tired. z.z It was ACM Executive Council Elections tonight. I'm Vice Chair now. z.z I'm also tired. z.z Because of this, I go. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.25.06 (April 25th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, refusal to accept Wily as being able to defeat you has been shown as an invalid tactic. Considering that Xebnaxians gain their strength from the closeness of friends and many of Pchan's friends have been seperated from him due to Wily's machine, that doesn't seem like much of a surprise. Hrm. :/ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.24.06 (April 24th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And now we at least know what Wily's machine looks like. I'm not sure what to say for today otherwise, so I'm going to keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
04.23.06 (April 23rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It's been far too quick of weekend, but it has been a good one. That said, I'm going to keep this short. Today, Sunday Special #236, includes pages 24 and 25 of Pandemonium Renaissance as well as Episode 1722 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Hoggertchan Is Taken!" Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.22.06 (April 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. So I think we can safely assume that Wily actually did have something dangerous or at least functional for this situation. I'm still not sure on the details, but I'm sure we'll see that rather soon. That said, enjoy the episode and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.21.06 (April 21th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Yarrrrr, matey! >o< I be playin' the Puzzle Pirates and be on the Viridian Ocean. If any of ye be interested, I be known as Eggplant, after the Great Vegetable Wizard, and be most appreciative of company. That been said, be ye well on this day o' days. Until next morn', enjoy it, Until then, yaaarrrrr!
Yeah. ^^ Be well. ^^ Until then, bai!
04.20.06 (April 20th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Things are busy lately. @.@ I look forward to this coming weekend and a bit of relaxation. @.@ That said, I hope you enjoy today's episode, another rather simple one, and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.19.06 (April 19th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. With a paper that is due tomorrow that I have not yet started, I'm tired, needing a nap, and intending to keep this rather short. I don't know exactly what Wily has under his command yet. I know what it does, but not what it is. Hrm. :/ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode of Pchan's stand against Wily. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well and enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
04.18.06 (April 18th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Apologies for the issues with yesterday's comic... -_- Bleh. At any rate, I'm rather exhuasted today so I'm just going to rest... thus today's episode is still with the Minions. @.@ That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.17.06 (April 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It's that day of the year again, my birthday. Twenty-two today. It's been a relaxing day; I've been given a few things by my parents that I appreciate very much -- the Shout! Factory DVD sets for Zelda and the Super Mario Bros. Super Show as well as Super Princess Peach -- and not much else has happened. There's not much to say about today's episode, either. It doesn't really advance anything. I do now know, however, how the next little segment will go... at least generally. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.16.06 (April 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. So today is Sunday Special #235, containing pages 22 and 23 of Pandemonium Renaissance and Episode 1715 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "The Two Guards Remain." That said, I really am not sure what else to put for today. While this hasn't been a very fast segment of this story, I like how it's ultimately coming out. I'm not sure of the final resolution, but I know the path there. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.15.06 (April 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm... I'm not entirely sure what to say for today, either. It seems that Lime has actually averted the expected problem -- which is good -- but we'll see where things go from here. At any rate, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.14.06 (April 14th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, this could be be the beginning of a bad thing... but we'll see. Hrm. At any rate, I think I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.13.06 (April 13th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm really no longer sure if Disco Duck is going to be able to trick them. Hrm. :/ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.12.06 (April 12th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I have a test in the morning, so I'm going to keep this short so I can nap. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.11.06 (April 11th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hmm... I actually expected the Minions to be tricked into at least *something* today. Oh well. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.10.06 (April 10th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. You know, leaving Disco Duck with the Minions might not have been a great idea. In fact, considering that I think that they can generally be described by either the word naive or gullible, it may have been a bad idea. We'll see. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.09.06 (April 9th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. You know, it's kinda hard to believe that it's already Sunday again, but it is and thus Sunday Special #234 is here. That said, we've got pages 20 and 21 of Pandemonium Renaissance, Episode 1708 of N-Fans, entitled "Leaving The Duck To The Minions", and finally an announcement and request from Pchan. I really do think this work is one of his more interesting stories and, for those of you who can, I encourage you to consider supporting him through it. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's offerrings and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
Pchan here! I've just published a real live comic-book! Please follow this link to the official studio site and purchase your own today! There's a full preview on site of the title, called Hauptmann Longinus, which is a story of a World War II-era struggle of a very different superhero! Thanks for your support, and enjoy!
04.08.06 (April 8th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, tonight's a bit better than last night, but I still don't really have anything to say. :P At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.07.06 (April 7th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today? Bleh. Just bleh. Sleep is called for, that is it right now. @.@ Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.06.06 (April 6th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm going to keep this short since I want to go check on something elsewhere. I hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.05.06 (April 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. It's a yawning night. I'm not really all that tired yet, but I think a sleep or at least a nap is in my near future. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.31.06 (March 31st, 2006 CE):
04.04.06 (April 4th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I feel like I have an idea of where things are going. It may be horribly wrong, but we'll see. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.03.06 (April 3rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm rather tired and don't have much to say right now, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.02.06 (April 2nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1701, entitled "Unit Deactivation", is a bit shorter than I had intended, but it was otherwise exactly how I wanted it to turn out, so I'm happy with that, although the content of the episode is not the most hopeful for our group... Mooort is deactivated. However, there is some good news for this, Sunday Special #233, as Pandemonium Renaissance returns with the first two pages of its second chapter. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's offerrings and are well. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.01.06 (April 1st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hmm... a special number today... but a more special one tomorrow. ^^ That said, I'm going to keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Well, I most certainly had an interesting dream earlier. It was about a Grue. Yes, a Grue. From Zork, yes. It wasn't quite the Grue that the later games featured, from my understanding, although I never played much beyond the first Zork. At any rate, this Grue was not like other Grues you may have met (assuming you somehow survived the encounter with the Grue, which I would highly doubt,) and not so much afraid of/destroyed by the light, but instead just a rather grumpy, mischievous character who seemed to be from the 1970s. This Grue was red, with a slightly furry look but rather moreso a lack of defined breaks in body parts -- his torso and head were indistinguishable, his arms seemed to just curve out from his body, and his legs were similarly just like a rather natural curve that seperated two parts of his torso. He was perhaps seven feet tall and wanted to play a board game. Several board games were presented as options to the Grue, but he insisted on Scrabble as soon as he saw it. He was rather excited about the whole matter, so I wouldn't have disagreed even if I didn't want to play Scrabble, which I didn't mind the idea of.
So the Grue placed a "word" on the board: "EXAMPLE 110." Now, how the Grue got that many letters -- not to mention the numbers -- is a good question. However, he did. Beyond that, he put two blank spaces over (I believe) the L... and I don't know why. I try to explain to the Grue that that's a good word, although I question where he got the numbers and so many pieces -- yes, I thought this in my dream and then spoke it -- but he really should have put the space between the "EXAMPLE" and the "110" as he should make one word.
This was a mistake.
The Grue did not attack me. Instead, when I looked back at the board, it had letters all over it, as if it were a game of Scrabble nearing its end. I believe in the beginning all the letters made words, but I cannot be sure for I soon began to notice the "E" of the "EXAMPLE 110" change. First, I believe, to a "Q". No observable intervening state was there. It was "E" and it was into "Q" made. Then things changed. I blinked. The "V" was not a "Q" and some other letters had changed. The next was five. Then more. Then they changed frequently. I looked at the Grue. It was playing a game with me.
I like that Grue, but it was at this time that I unfortunately woke up. That said, I should probably end this blurb as it is getting rather long, especially for me. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.30.06 (March 30th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Aaaaaaaaaaand... I'm sick. -_- A twenty hour sleep today helped, but I'm definitely not well yet. Bleh. So, that said, I'm not going to make this very long. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.29.06 (March 29th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Tetris DS, yes, continues to be played. I've limited myself a bit more today, however, as I'm only up to around 160 wins. I'm finally seeing more played with over a hundred wins, with the greatest so far I believe being 276 wins. At any rate, I'm still quite enjoying it, although the visions of Tetris games in front of my eyes when I watch people talk -- it is has been very interesting to watch them as they are enclosed in shapes -- are decreasing. That's probably a good thing. ;P That said, I'll leave this off. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.28.06 (March 28th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, it's been a lot of Tetris DS... a lot of Tetris DS... Remember what I said yesterday? Well, today (after losing six in a row to a 6000+ rating player) I'm down to around 5100 for my rating, but I'm up to 100 wins. Yeah... 75 wins... and around 20 losses total... so... yeah... a few games. Umm... *^^* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.27.06 (March 27th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, let's try to get this story moving again. I need to figure out exactly where to move to tomorrow, but we'll see how that goes as it goes. That said, I purchased Tetris DS a few days ago. I'm very much enjoying it, especially since I finally went online today. I'm not terribly pleased with my win/loss ratio -- I have 18 wins and I believe 6 or 7 losses (as it doesn't seem to shown them) and my rating is 5600ish, I believe. At any rate, if you have a DS, get Tetris DS. It feels like Tetris with Tetris on top. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.26.06 (March 26th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hey! It's a palindromic Sunday Special! ^^ Today's episode is a bit of a relaxer for me... I wanted some time to thing about how this is all going to go, so that's what this is really about. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1694, entitled "Considerations on the Current Situation." That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.25.06 (March 25th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. This episode, I think, would have been better placed on Friday... but... *shrugs* At any rate, there really isn't much more to say about these things right now, so I'll leave this for now. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.24.06 (March 24th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. @.@ I feel rather bleh today... so I'll keep this short before I head out to a nap. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.23.06 (March 23rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Now, Duck knows of Pchan. Pchan took out his Minions back in River City. He recognizes that this little cow-riding creature in a spacesuit is, despite all looks, a threat. Wily's on auto-pilot, though. He could minimize losses, but he's got to destroy everything he's created before he flees. A little bit narrow-minded in his view of how things are... but that's just him. At any rate, I think we're (finally) nearing the end of this Mission. I hope so. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.22.06 (March 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hmm... I'm not sure what to say for today. I've been working on one of my little project's a little more. It's coming together nicely... but... Hrm. I'm really not sure what to say. I'll leave it at that. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.17.06 (March 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm back in Fargo and this is good. ^^ I really don't have much else to say, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.16.06 (March 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I apologize again for yesterday's comic's issue in display. @.@ As I said, I forgot to change the extension of the episode after Pi Day. @.@ Bleh. @.@ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and PMD. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.15.06 (March 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today is no longer Pi Day. z.z Today is a tiring day, a day of sleep, a day of rest. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.14.06 (March 14th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Happy Pi Day! In celebration, of course, we have our circular episode and, as today is Tuesday, a PMD. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.13.06 (March 13th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And episode. As far as things go today, I don't really have anything more to say, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.12.06 (March 12th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, Sunday Special #230! We have pages 11 and 12 of Akamaru and Episode 1680 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Walk Through!" That's all that we have for offering today, but I hope that you enjoy them. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.11.06 (March 11th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. As has been reported elsewhere, Captain N will be coming to DVD! ^^ Those of you who have read the CN Forums have most likely read this here, but those of you that haven't, I encourage you to do so. ^^ And, yes, that poster's identity has been confirmed seperately through both my own means and the efforts of another, so it is to be believed. Yes. ^^ Good news. ^^ However, this means my Spring Break, a week I had hoped to spend resting, will not be quite so restful. That said, I'm going to take rest where I can and get to sleep. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.10.06 (March 10th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Oh, such a busy day and so many things in it. @.@ I really don't even want to start. That said, I think I won't. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.09.06 (March 9th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Tomorrow shall not be fun. There is much to be done and I do not look forward to doing it. @.@ But... I will survive. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.08.06 (March 8th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's another short-blurb day. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.07.06 (March 7th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm not sure what to go for in my blurb for today, so I'll just keep it short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.06.06 (March 6th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. This episode caused Waxy and I to have a rather interesting discussion regarding seran wrap and Pig Pong. Like I said, it was a very interesting discussion... and actually relevent to the events at hand. *shrugs* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.05.06 (March 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, so here we are. Sunday Special #229, pages 9 and 10 of Akamaru, and Episode 1673 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Ring Around The Watanga." That said, I think I'm going to keep this blurb pretty short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.05.06 (March 5th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I apologize for the episode not being up on time. I had to rush out to be mediator between some friends and, when I finally got back here, found a waiting confirmation box for replacing the HTML files. My apologies and wishes of health. Be well.
03.04.06 (March 4th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, for those not previously sure, I think today's episode spells it out a bit more about the Mini-Mets. That said, I need to get headed out for the night. So, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.03.06 (March 3rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. I just noted a bit of junk HTML code at the end of the blurb. Not sure when I added that, but I'll have to go back and fix it. *shrugs* At any rate, today has been a rather busy day and one that I look forward to have end. Sleep will be good. ^^ That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.02.06 (March 2nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. All I can say for today is that it has been at least as exhausting as yesterday. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.01.06 (March 1st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. March begins and I'm incredibly tired and in need of sleep, so that's where I'm going. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.28.06 (February 28th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. And the month ends. ^^ It's been quick, even for a February, and I'm going to keep this short as my day has been quick and my need to sleep definitely outways my need to write a longer blurb. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.27.06 (February 27th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today is a day for big yawns and soon sleeping. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.26.06 (February 26th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode number seems appropriate towards what today has been like. The project I've been working on has, excepting the bugfixes and such, ended... and that is good... but when I tried to get to CN.net to originally upload this, I found that the DNS server had been desynced due to a resync. After correcting the records... I await the server to be visible to me again. However, I do have the ability to upload to it restored via working through another subdomain that isn't desynced, so I can at least finally get this episode up. Finally, I'm not sure why, but the directory listings didn't show the files that should have been uploaded for yesterday's comic as being there, so I'm not sure if this was related to the upgrade that occurred yesterday (which, theoretically, I guess, could have messed that up) or me just uploading the files in the wrong place. In either case, I apologize for not finding these problems earlier. Finally, today's Sunday Special contains Episode 1666 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Mini-Met Meeting" and is joined by pages seven and eight of Akamaru. That said, until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.25.06 (February 25th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. That's one aspect of the Xebnaxians: They have a belief in the genuine goodness of others. If the Mini-Met lets them by, the Mini-Met is doing it because it is good, not because it is trying to trick them. A nice trait, even if not a perfect one. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.24.06 (February 24th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, so today's a little better than yesterday, but I'm still busy and exhausted. @.@ That said, I hope to get done with a rather time-consuming project tonight that I really would like to be over. Hopefully it will be done. That said, I'm going to end this. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.23.06 (February 23rd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I'm just going to keep this one short. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.22.06 (February 22nd, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Another one of those dates with numbers that are enjoyable to me. 02.22.06, with the first three non-zero digits adding up to the final one. I like that. ^^ At any rate, I decided to visit upon Kitty again today as I wanted another day before going on again with the Xebnaxians and the rest of their group. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.21.06 (February 21st, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, I'm not sure what to say for today, either, so I'm going to keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.20.06 (February 20th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I have no idea what to say for today. @.@ It's not been a great day; I'm exhausted. I just need some rest and I'm not sure how soon I'll actually be able to get it. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.19.06 (February 19th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. When I realized what yesterday's episode meant as far as what this one would entail, I realized something else: This series is becoming rather bizarre, especially with the Xebnaxians. I mean... wow. o_o We have a giant blue pig who is the physical embodiment of a spiritual symbol for a species of diminutive humanoid creatures that live in a realm in which time and space do not flow like that of the rest of reality and who generally have a rather great enjoyment of cupcakes. Except for that last one, that's not exactly your normal protagonist group. I blame that for why we have these rather bizarre events as of late. There's also that most of our more humanoid protagonists are in a state of stasis... Oi. @.@
At any rate, for today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #227, we have Episode 1659 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Fighting In Blindness, An Epic Battle!" along with pages five and six of Pchan's Akamaru series. That said, I hope that you enjoy our offerrings and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.18.06 (February 18th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. You know, that's definitely something to not get about Bright Man. He had a giant light bulb. He controlled time. I can see the light to time correlation, but it seems like he should have had something more closely related to disorientation or blindness. While disorientation beyond button switching might not have been reasonable, blindness would have been. Palette swap the background to all white. Change Mega Man's palettes to vairous shades of gray, and make Bright Man white or the lightest shade of gray. It'd be a very simple, very effective flashbang for the NES. That seems, to me at least, a far better "light-based" attack than limited time-freezing. Just a though. *shrugs* At any rate, I hope you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.17.06 (February 17th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. This weekend shall be dedicated to working on a website. I do not terribly look forward to it. That said, I hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.16.06 (February 16th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. I really don't have anything to say for today, so I'll keep this short. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.15.06 (February 15th, 2006 CE):
N-finity here. Well, after the comments of Wily and Duck yesterday, we can safely assume that there's something different about this particular Mini-Met... but what? I'm honestly not sure quite yet, but I doubt that it's the Mini-Met's chattering voice. At any rate, I'm a bit tired, could use some sleep, and have a test tomorrow and program due tomorrow. These things combined, I'm heading out. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
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