21.12.07 (21 December 2007 CE):
pchan koko!! And now, we find ourselves at another Solstice. But this one is so different than the last. Perhaps we have grown a little bit more, perhaps we are more solemn, and perhaps it is even more crucial to be mindful upon this date, moreso than the last. For whatever reasons, please keep those in your hearts who are special to you. And for your gift from me, a very special little PMD adventure, please just click fartosaur above. To view cbr files, download a free viewer: CDisplay, CBviewer, Comix, or look at a list organised by OS here.
I hope for the most peaceful and blessed Solstice for you all. I love you all and I thank you. Please stay patient with us as we begin the final stretch of rebuilding CaptainN.net into the exciting and beloved nexus that you know and love.
Be well.
