Central Info - Updates Archive
01.18.05 (January 18th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. And back in Fargo. ^^ After a medical thing this morning (and a nap thereafter since they took some blood (which always makes me tired)) I finally drove back, so I'm back in the ACM room again. ^^ It's good to be back here. ^^ At any rate, I should probably get headed back to my dorm room... not to mention get a few things (still) from my car. :P That said, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.17.05 (January 17th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. One question keeps coming to mind as far as Mark's new look: How did his hair get that color? I'll let you come to your own conclusions about that. I, to a large extent, expect Mark to become more likeable as a character in these episodes to come... although I'm not sure exactly how right now. At any rate, I have an appointment that I need to get to this morning before heading out for campus and hopefully get to class before it starts. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.16.05 (January 16th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. Sunday Special #170... and the reintroduction of Mr. Mark Moore into N-Fans. For today's Sunday Special we've got pages 56 and 57 of Gunner Epic and pages 75 and 76 of Zesty. Today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1260, is entitled, as you may have guessed, "The Reintroduction of Mr. Mark Moore" and I believe worked out very well. You'll notice little things about Mark already. He shouldn't have been left down there that long... especially alone. @.@ It'll be interesting to see how things develop from here. At any rate, be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.15.05 (January 15th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. And episode. ^^ I'm back in Bismarck today since I ended up not going back last night. Thankfully my car is being nice to me and I had no trouble starting it despite the windchills in the low negative thirties and higher forties. At any rate, I wish all of you well and hope that you enjoy this episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.14.05 (January 14th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm... today's episode came out well and leads into tomorrow's just as well... but I'm not sure what to say about it. It's been a fairly bleh day. Nothing bad... just... yeah. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.13.05 (January 13th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. Now it truly feels that Mission V begins. There are many directions that all these things could take. It shall be interesting to see which directions it does take in the days to come. Look closely at this episode. There is more going on than you may at first notice. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.12.05 (January 12th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. And episode! ^^ It's pretty windy outside and I'm still in the ACM room, about to head back to my dorm. ^^ I wish all of you well and hope that you enjoy today's episode. At any rate, be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.11.05 (January 11th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm needing to still grab stuff from my car to bring back into my dorm before I sleep so short this I will keep. I hope that you are enjoying how the story is progressing. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.10.05 (January 10th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. And the ACM room is open again today. ~o~ It's awesome. And I bought the books that I need thus far and all sorts of that good stuff. That said, I don't really have much more to be said. I think that I'm going to be going (with any luck) to a movie tonight. We'll see. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.09.05 (January 9th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. And I'm back in Fargo. ^^ I'm updating from the IACC and my battery is getting low, so I'll finish this quick. For today, Sunday Special #169, we have Episode 1253 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "A Groundshaking Event", pages 54 and 55 of Gunner Epic, and pages 73 and 74 of Zesty. I hope that you enjoy all our offerings and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.08.05 (January 8th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm soon to head back to Fargo. It'll be good to be back there. ^^ A bath, a DVD burn or two, and I'll be off. As such, I thought it best to update before I go. That said, I think I'll end this blurb and finish putting the episode up. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.07.05 (January 7th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. I'm going out to eat and need to get going, so I'll keep this short, just like yesterday. :P Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.06.05 (January 6th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. A tired Webbychan is today, so to sleep I go. Be well. Enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.05.05 (January 5th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. I'm leaving the PMD for yesterday up today because I forgot to mention something: Yesterday's PMD was PMD 150, which seems far too close to PMD 100 to have been that long already. It's amazing how fast time passes sometimes. At any rate, I'm getting tired already, so I'm going to keep this short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.04.05 (January 4th, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. *yawns big* I took a short nap and slept through both of my alarms, including four hours and some odd minutes of my alarm that doesn't turn off going off automatically for that entire period. It happens. *yawns* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.03.05 (January 3rd, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. I am so tired. z.z I have been working on programs and such all day with little success. Not terribly enjoyable. z.z At any rate, episode is now done, so I hope you all enjoy it and wish you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.02.05 (January 2nd, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. And Sunday Special completed!. ^^ I slept nicely today and, although the episode was unsure when I began to write it, I think it makes sense that it was like this, as this is kinda how I was like waking up. "Webster, your mom's going out to get pizza. You should get up so you'll be awake when she gets back." Yeah... it was a few minutes later when I actually did get up... Yeah. At any rate, today's episode of N-Fans: The Series, Episode 1146, is entitled "The Glasses, Returned" and is accompanied by pages 71 and 72 of Zesty and pages 52 and 53 of Gunner Epic. I hope that you enjoy all our offerings. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
01.01.05 (January 1st, 2005 CE):
N-finity here. And it's the new year. This night and the end of last have been fairly relaxing as nothing really major has happened. I've been working (still) on more websites and other projects. Only have around a week left to do them all, so I have to get some good work done still. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.31.04 (December 31st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm not sure what to say for tonight, I've been working on even more things, getting some wonderful advancements done to some scripts and such, and all that fun stuff. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and Holo-Haz. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.30.04 (December 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today has been fairly intensive. I finally finished the update to The Shyguy Kingdom; I have been working on some other websites as well. It's been a lot of work, but I've been enjoying it, too. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.29.04 (December 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. I slept well, but waking to do the episode, I'm still a bit tired. At any rate, I don't have much to talk about today except to wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.28.04 (December 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Ahh, I think I'm going to enjoy exploring the area beyond Hazard's door. It should be fun. ^^ At any rate, I'm not entirely sure what to talk about today. I've been organizing quite a few sheets for TSGK, but that's about it as far as anything (but sleep) goes, so I guess I'll not go on about that. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.27.04 (December 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. There is one door in the Mansion that we've seen but has never been opened, never been referred to, never given any logical purpose. You knew that Hazard would have to store his things somewhere, right? ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and where it goes from here as we begin Mission V. To all of you, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
12.26.04 (December 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Still a relaxed day here. I've been ripping more of my CDs, making soup, and finishing up this episode. I was originally considering doing this episode in Flash, but a slight problema came up, mostly that, when I last installed Flash, the English version on the website was broken on the Macromedia server and my CD was not with me in Bismarck, but not with me in Fargo, where I wasn't. As such, I really didn't feel like playing with Flash en Espaņol, I did the episode in ImageReady, which then reminded me why I try to keep background movement reasonable as three (fairly simply colored) layers moving each frame made the comic over nine megabytes. As such, I had to simplify. @.@ I apologize for that, but the background became a nice byproduct, so good in all bad, I guess. At any rate, Sunday Special #167 is Episode 1239 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Mission V", and begins the next chapter of N-Fans: The Series. Enjoy the episode and related background. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.25.04 (December 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And a happy VMC and all such to all. ^^ *stretches* It's been a relaxed day, which is good, and I'm going to keep this short because I'm not sure what actually to add to all of it right now. That said, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.24.04 (December 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I enjoy how this particular V.M.C. comic turned out. Kinda like a storybook is how it feels to me. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's special V.M.C. episode of N-Fans and Pchan's special solstice offering. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.23.04 (December 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A wonderful nap, and then episode. ^^ You knew that Pchan and the others would have to come back for something, didn't you? ^^ It was just too silly - too Xebnaxian - to resist. At any rate, I'm going to end the blurb here. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well and enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
12.22.04 (December 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I like Songchan. While she is one of the less seen Xebnaxians, I like her. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.21.04 (December 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Episode 1234... what a perfect episode for a countdown. ;) It just happened that way, seriously. *laughs* I didn't realize it until I was already writing the episode... and then I was like "Hey... wait a minute..." I love it when that sort of stuff happens. At any rate, I hope that you all enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
PCHAN KOKO!! I wanted to wish you all a blessed yule and a happy solstice! I hope you enjoy this very special time, this longest night of the year, and enjoy everything it has to offer. Tonight is a night of renewal, rebirth, and contemplation. I hope you will spend it in appreciation of these things. And always, it's the thought and the feeling rather than the exact date that matters...even if it's tomorrow when you read this...do think on it. :)
As always, love to you. Thank you. And be always blessed. :)
12.20.04 (December 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And big yawns today. For some reason, I just haven't quite woken up today. I'm not quite sure as to the reason, but it just seems that way. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.19.04 (December 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are, Sunday Special #166. ^^ I'm still feeling a bit disconnected with my being home still. It's really odd... Hrm. At any rate, I'm keeping myself busy with some work on TSGK, finally getting a project that I started quite a good while back finished. With any luck, it'll debut tomorrow. At any rate, for today's Sunday Special we have pages 69 and 70 of Zesty, 50 and 51 of Gunner Epic, and Episode 1232 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "A Sudden Change of Perspective." That said, I hope that you enjoy all that Pchan and I offer you for this Sunday. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.18.04 (December 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. It's kinda odd to be back at home, even though I am almost every weekend. I think that it's that I'm going to be away from Fargo and my friends there for three weeks. It's a long time; I'm going to have to make myself busy to not recognize the longing quite so strongly. It should be productive. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well in your day and hope that you enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
12.17.04 (December 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Such a busy day. As Fermat might say on the matter "I have had the most incredible experience, but the subject is too vast to fit these margins." At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until then, bai!
12.16.04 (December 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today PMD reaches 144. Today also marks my last day of finals for the semester. ^^ Both of these are good things. As merp is visiting, we're going to go out and have some fun. Not sure what we'll do, but it will be good, I am sure. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well. Until tomorrow, be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.15.04 (December 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Perhaps a search plan, considering that it is known that we aren't in the Mansion, isn't really necessary. However, Sir Gramalan, as both a Xebnaxian and one of his personality beyond that, is not always entitled to not search when it seems the best thing to do, so he searches. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well in this day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.14.04 (December 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Oh, last night was so much fun. ^^ One of my friends here, as well as the visitor that has come, merp, and I all went to a wonderful place downtown and used a sauna and just relaxed and it was wonderous. Absolutely, fully, wonderous and relaxing. At any rate, it's time to get heading out, so I wish you well. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
12.13.04 (December 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. The first final is over and I'm resting for a bit before I hear from a visiting friend, as with any luck we'll be finally getting together tonight. :P At any rate, I hope you enjoy today's episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.12.04 (December 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are again. For this, Sunday Special #165, Pchan has taken this week off for manga, but he did do a small little image earlier in the week and, as I find it cute, it is going up. Today's episode of N-Fans: The Series is entitled "The Love Thing Spaceship!" At any rate, tomorrow is my first final for the week, so I need to get headed out, but I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.11.04 (December 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Big yawns all around, here. I've been napping and burning CDs since I got home, basically. At any rate, the episode is now happily done. I wish all of you well in your day and hope that you enjoy your weekend as it is forming. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.10.04 (December 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A busy week is ending. ^^ Next week is finals, but finals should be less busy than these past two. It is good. ^^ At any rate, I need to get heading out now, so I shall be brief and end this here. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.09.04 (December 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today is the Pchan birthday. ^^ It has been good and busy and he has had fun, although I have not been able to spend as much time with him as I would like. @.@ School isn't a fun distraction sometimes. @.@ At any rate, I wish you all well and the Pchan buns the happiest of birthdays. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until thenm bai!
12.08.04 (December 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Oh my. So much happening today. @.@ It's been turning out well on the whole, however, and that is good. I like these little Pchan episodes and needed to distance from Cossack for a bit, I think. At any rate, until tomorrow I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.07.04 (December 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today has been bleh and good. @.@ Good because of Assembly codings, which reached over 2500 lines of WOPR-homaging fun. Yeah, lots of good stuff. @.@ Code binging is awesome. @_@ Beyond that, there has been some bleh in the ACM room. I'm hoping that things work out. They need to, one way or another. Here is a good place... and it needs to be good. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.06.04 (December 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. Valerian root tea is good. It is fun and tasty and it made me relax so much. ~o~ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.05.04 (December 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are with Sunday Special #164. For it we have pages 67 and 68 of Zesty and pages 48 and 49 of Gunner Epic, as well as Episode 1218 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Following The Lessening Smell." At any rate, I hope that you enjoy all of our offerings. Be well and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
12.04.04 (December 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. -_- And now the files actually go up properly. I'm still not sure where main.html went when it went up, since updates was updated. @.@ Bleh. Be well. Bai!
N-finity here. I love Dr. Cossack. He does remind me of a mish-mash between parts of Raskolnikov, Torgo, and a few other odd archetypes. :P In all seriousness, though, I just love how he turned out. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.03.04 (December 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. So tired am I. z.z It has been a full day, but too much to discuss within these margins for now, yes. z.z I wish all of you well in your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
12.02.04 (December 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Mis-setting your alarm for AM is a bad thing. At any rate, my roommate came in at the perfect time so I'm just finishing up the episode. At any rate, I wish all of you well in this day. Enjoy your day and be well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
12.01.04 (December 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today has been good. ^^ I have done shopping and all these things and it is good. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.30.04 (November 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. It's just passing so past, this recent time. Soon is the Assembly final project due. And then there's two tests Friday... and all these other things. It's reaching the end of the school year. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.29.04 (November 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode again. ^^ Today begins a very hard week of due projects and tests. I am not entirely sure that it will be pleasant, but we shall see. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.28.04 (November 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And thus the Sunday Special was done. ^^ Today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #163, contains pages 46 and 47 of Gunner Epic, 66 of Zesty, and Episode 1211 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Go, Bot Powers!" I need to get headed off to campus, but I wish all of you well on this day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.27.04 (November 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. This little break from school has been good. Relaxing. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well in your day and hope that you enjoy this episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.26.04 (November 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I feel good tonight. Relaxed, content with life. Tonight feels good. Perhaps it was the 16 hours of sleep. ;P Regardless, I like how this episode turned out and hope that you do as well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.25.04 (November 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I slept so well today. I'm not quite sure for the reason, but I did. Perhaps it's because I'm back to my home in Bismarck and I wasn't here last weekend. At any rate, the sleeping was good. ^^ That said, I wish you well in your day and hope that you enjoy our offerings. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.24.04 (November 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And after a day of classes, a game of StarCraft, a nap, another game of StarCraft that had been promised before I napped, and a two and one-half hour drive home, there is episode. @.@ I am tired today, but it is good to be back at my home in Bismarck. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.23.04 (November 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And time for the fun to begin, or at least I hope so. ^^ Pchan said to put last week's PMD up for today and a new one for Thursday, so that's why today's PMD may be up to familiar to some of you. That said, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.22.04 (November 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. I'm wearing my Hyper-Bright Shirt of Blinding +1 right now. It's from my UIUC trip that I did with ACM. It actually causes a green glow when there's a light nearby to form upon my skin. Rather eerie. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well today. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.21.04 (November 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And Sunday Special again. The StarCraft tournament went just as I expected as far as how I did, so no more need be said about that. ;P Beyond that, not much has happened that I really feel needs to be said about my day, so I'll get on with the contents of this, Sunday Special #162. Today's manga brings four pages, two for each manga. For Zesty, that's pages 64 and 65. For Gunner Epic, that's 44 and 45. Finally, there's N-Fans: The Series, with Episode 1204, entitled "More Thoughts In Gardenchan", and one that Pchan wrote and I'm happy with as far as it turned out. That said, I'm going to head off for now. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.20.04 (November 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, the StarCraft tournament begins in just a few minutes, so I best keep this short. I intend to lose; I intend to lose quickly, thoroughly, and well. It will be glorious! ^O^ *laughs* At any rate, my friends, my readers, enjoy the episode and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.19.04 (November 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Oh, the pain, the pain. @.@ I'm not too entirely happy with this episode, but what I watch now... I hurt. It's "Pod People", which is making "Manos" look good... especially after "The Wild Wild World of Batwoman", which has nothing to do with the Batwoman we'd naturally expect. @.@ MST3K night for ACM, if you haven't guessed. @.@ The dancing, really, it's the dancing that gets to me... there was such bad dancing in Batwoman... and now... Pod People... dancing... and singing. I hurt. You, however, be well and enjoy the episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.18.04 (November 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Tired is the Webbychan who should sleep. As I fell asleep in the ACM office last night after talking with someone for several hours, mostly about that we apparently both know or know of someone that someone I used to know was good friends with and worried about. There's more to it than that, but that's enough. At any rate, I wish all of you well today. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, be well. Until them, bai!
11.17.04 (November 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *yawns big* A good day; a long day. Hrm. Not sure what to say for the episode. It's Episode 1200, which feels like an accomplishment, but that's about all I can say about it. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.16.04 (November 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And tonight is build-the-computers-for-the-Saturday-StarCraft-tourney-thing night. o_o So I do these things and episode goes up now. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.15.04 (November 15th, 2004 CE): N-finity here. A nice Monday on the whole. A bit busy, but good and enjoyable. At any rate, I'm going to get some more programming done before I sleep for an Assembly program, so I'll keep this short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.14.04 (November 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today is a day of birthdays. Three active members of CaptainN.net share birthday's today and we wish them all very well birthdays. ^^ However, as it's nearly 11:00 PM and I still need to drive back to Fargo, I should get this over with fairly quickly. For today, Sunday Special #161, we have pages 42 and 43 of Gunner Epic and pages 62 and 63 of Zesty, beginning new parts of the stories for both of these mangas. We also have today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1197, entitled "A Small Diversion." At any rate, I wish all of you well in your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.13.04 (November 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Xebnaxians are generally quite cheerful. Chris, however, generally seems not. I agree with Puutaakha and, if you gather Shiroi's meaning correctly, I agree with Shiroi as well. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well in this day and give early birthday wishes to Pchan's mother. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.12.04 (November 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, it's about time to head home for the weekend. There's been some coding done, some classes been to, and the clothes are all packed for the return home. That said, I wish all of you well. Be well in the day and night, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.11.04 (November 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Enjoy the episode and be well, my friends, my readers. ^^ Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.10.04 (November 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today has been totally wonderful. My mom and her friend visited to see an art gallery on campus and took me out to lunch, dinner, and a movie. ^o^ Chili's (where I had a Peppercorn Veggieburger), Taste of India (where the meal split between my mother and I was wonderful and contains names which too greatly escape me to note), and The Incredibles, which was a really excellent movie. At any rate, however, CuteFTP has decided to crap out on me so I'm sending these files to Pchan to upload], along with the PMD that I forgot to put up yesterday. @.@ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.09.04 (November 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Again, I apologize for the accidentally uploading the HTML of yesterday's episode to the image directory and not finding out about the problem of this until nearly 5:00 PM today. @.@ 30 hours of being awake is too much. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, be well. Until tomorrow, bai!
11.08.04 (November 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity again. And I apparently I uploaded all the HTML for today's update to the image directory. @.@ I blame below for all of that. @.@ Gah. @.@ At any rate, I apologize and TODAY'S episode will be up soon. My apologies for screwing up the upload. @.@ Be well. Bai!
N-finity here. I am so very, very tired. I woke up at 5:00 PM yesterday. I have not yet slept. 29 hours. Yay. @.@ At any rate, today was an overall good day, with forthcoming ideas on a PHP script that I'm working on. I'll most likely implement those ideas tomorrow. At any rate, as far as today goes, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.07.04 (November 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are, Sunday Special #160, and one that I hope that you will enjoy. For it, we have pages 126 and 127 of Fantella: Zombie Fighter as well as Episode 1190 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Cossack's Slow Approach." Ever since I did Cossack's walk I've not been quite sure whether I like or dislike it greatly, but there's something quite amusing about it in either case. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy our offerings and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.06.04 (November 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode. ^^ Today has been a day of sleep, rest, and working on PHP scripts. It's also been a day of working on another website. A day of episode, too, of course, but every day is that. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
11.05.04 (November 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, it's a little before 8:30 PM and thus time to go home. I hope that you enjoy today's episode. I think that I'm getting an idea of where this whole thing has been leading, which is nice (especially considering that I've not been sure what this is all about for a week or two now.) At any rate, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.04.04 (November 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm feeling better today. I'm still a bit lethargic and out of energy, but compared to yesterday, I'm doing better. This is good. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.03.04 (November 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I just had a cute idea for a t-shirt. Nothing will probably come of it, but I'll tell you about it if anything actually does. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
11.02.04 (November 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I believe in giving rights instead of taking them. Taking rights away from being is wrong. As the very word "right" implies, they are not things that should be lightly taken. Similarly, they are things that should be much more easily given. This country is supposed to be a country of freedom, yet eleven states have measures and amendments proposed - at least ten of which are passing - that in form take away rights that are not yet even given. That is not freedom. I fear for this world regardless of which party wins the United States presidency, but there is one party that is obviously the worse of the two. To take rights is wrong, pure and simple. It must not be supported. It must be spoken out against.
As an atheist, I call out for you to pray for this world, as I fear it is not long for the rest of the Universe.
Be well and enjoy your lives. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai.
11.01.04 (November 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today has been considerably better than yesterday, so that is good. ^^ As such, I hope that you are all well today as well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.31.04 (October 31st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *sighs* I don't enjoy holidays. They so often turn out badly. I don't want to discuss it, let's just leave it at that. Pchan, on the other hand, wishes to wish you all a happy Halloween and Samhain, even though he's feeling a bit ill himself. At any rate, as far as the episode and such goes for this, Sunday Special #159, we've got page 125 of Fantella and Episode 1183 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "An Odd Daydream", and that's that. I hope that you enjoy our offerrings and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.30.04 (October 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Oh, today is such a long day. @.@ I will talk about today and the happenings after the episode last night tomorrow. @.@ Until then, my friends, my readers, be well. Until then, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
10.29.04 (October 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. ACM console night. I finally played DDR. o_o It was fun. I hurt my leg. o_o It is very wet outside. The streets are flooded. There seems to be no choice but to keep game night going indefinitely. Oh well. ;P At any rate, I hope that you're all well and enjoy your night. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.28.04 (October 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And a big test tomorrow. @.@ I hope that it goes well. I think that it will go well. That said, I think that I'm going to study for it a bit once this update is completed. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.27.04 (October 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm still yet not quite recovered from my UIUC trip. It was a long journey there and back and I still feel a bit exhausted and cranky from it. :P I enjoyed it so very much, though. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well and hope that you enjoy today's episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.26.04 (October 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Recovering from vacations is sometimes very hard. After a good deal of sleep, I'm already quite tired at less than ten hours since I awoke. As such, I am going to nap for a bit. Hopefully that will go well. At any rate, I wish all of you so well today. Be well and enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.25.04 (October 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, the ACM conference at UIUC was a great deal of fun. The fifteen hour bus trips there and back were a bit much, but the actual conference was good. The job fair was nearly universally skipped (or attended just to gain free stuff) by our entire group, and that was good. One of the members of our troupe was claustrophobic, and the fifteen person van with twelve people was, even in my mind, a bit crowded. He did not enjoy the trip, but once it came down to there only being two people on the row that he sat it, he did okay. Okay, to the conference guys. The first speaker was from Tweak Films, which did some work in "The Day After Tomorrow" and "The Return of The King" as well as others. He looked like he belonged in the audience and was a nice introduction. I enjoyed listening to him talk and show the tricks that they had to do to get the physics that they had to guide their programs by both look real while making it do what the directors wanted. For some fun trivia, the New York tsunami scene in "The Day After Tomorrow" contains two added features that you don't see. The first is giant invisible buildings that divert the water. The second is giant sinkholes behind visible buildings to make the water move how they wanted. Amusing. The next day had some people in the morning, but we needed sleep, so most of us slept and skipped the two sets in the morning. The first I attended Friday was the Wikipedia dude, Jimmy Wales, who was totally awesome. After that I wandered the campus with some other people from the ACM I'm in, found the math library, and all that fun stuff. It was good. That ended up taking longer than we expected, so the next thing I actually was able to attend was after dinner (and wandering around to shop a bit, as Disney wasn't an appealing company to listen to after dinner for us,) and saw Brian Sterling, cyberpunk author and Wired magazine author.
I state this with no reservation: Bruce Sterling is a hack. He is a sad, pathetic man that can perhaps write books, but not speeches... and let's avoid commenting on his Wired articles. His speech wasn't a speech. It was a rambling, a rant, but completely pre-prepared. He spoke on many things but - always before making known an opinion or point - would switch to something tangential and try to make the hardest connection between them that could exist... and failing horribly. He's read his completely written speech word for word, did every single action and drink of water that he had written in it, and emphasized the writing in such a way that it made it seem like he was trying to make himself seem serious, but in a self-mocking manner. He was disgusting and disgusted me. I opened Wikipedia, prepared to write in the Bruce Sterling entry, and stopped myself after I tried to write.
I stopped myself because of what Jimmy Wales spoke about. Wikipedia gives information, not opinions. They present the arguments of issues, not fight the arguments. I closed Wikipedia. I posted my thoughts elsewhere in a place where it might make sense to post such things without context. The speech went on. We endured.
I did the right thing. After Bruce Sterling finished speaking and the idiotic crowd began to gather around him - and it did, twenty or so strong at a time for several hours - the group I was with prepared to leave. Then someone said that he noticed I was looking at Wikipedia and editing Bruce Sterling's entry, then closed it. It was then that I realized that it was Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, and that he had been behind me the entire time. I told him why I didn't edit the document. He said he was considering editing it himself.
There are three types of people that come from being in power, famous, or behind such major things. There are men like my Theoretical Computer Science teacher, who is far above us because he knows so much more. He doesn't try to raise himself, but instead is raised by what he has learned. There are people like Bruce Sterling, who raises himself up by putting himself up and putting those around him down to make himself look bigger and taller. His pedastal is fake and flimsy and can be seen to be nothing more than a decorated cardboard box. Then there's people like Jimmy Wales, who - just in that small experience I had - showed me that he's just a normal person who did something that got big. He recognizes his luck, but doesn't try to raise himself up high. That's the best sort of person in such power. He has affected me.
That said, the rest of the conference doesn't really matter in comparison. Phil Zimmerman and his PGP talk was incredible, but it doesn't need to be expanded upon.
Be well, my friends, my readers. I wish you so very well and hope that you have enjoyed the comics put up through my conference vacation. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.24.04 (October 24th, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO!! Well everyone, it's me again, here to update for Webbychan the weebychan from Teepteep, who has left me a note to be sure to mention that the pages for Busy Busy are 15 and 16, and that the N-Fans episode today is entitled 'Expectable Moves'. I'll also add my own personal note that these are the last two pages of Busy Busy! Not In Love and that I've really enjoyed doing this little one-shot. I hope you've enjoyed it too. I'm sorry about Fantella this week, but I was feeling a little ill and very run-down the past couple of days. I decided, however, that Busy Busy was too near the end to let go another week. But Fantella can wait, and I will have new pages for it next week. I believe I'm going to do just one manga title for a while, to take a break and also to acclimatize myself with my new graphics tablet, which should arrive next week.
Since it's also the week before Samhain, or Halloween as some know it, I want to be sure to wish you a happy one...keep your eyes out for youkai and ghosts and the like, and I hope you'll all be safe and enjoy your holiday. Be sure to make some cupcakes and think of me! Well, that's about all I can say. Have fun and enjoy, and Webbychan will be back tomorrow with his regular update. Wuv wuv!
10.23.04 (October 23rd, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO!! Hewwo everyone! Pchan mama is okay, she had a tonsillectomy yesterday and I was worried although hopeful for her. At her age of course it wasn't something that's as smooth as it would've been if she were younger, but she kept getting seriously ill recently and her doctor suggested it. They said her tonsils were the worst they'd ever seen once they got them out, so hopefully their removal will help her to be more healthy now.
In other pchan news, I tried a particularly nice-looking cider yesterday, which was unfiltered and old-fashioned and pure, and it was really delicious. So delicious in fact that I think I drank too much of it, which has given me a terribly exhausted feeling today! So I think I will go have a nice bath and try to wake up. I hope you all have a good day, and be sure to come back tomorrow for the Sunday Special!
10.22.04 (October 22nd, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO!! It's me, pchan! And I'm back again today to update for Webbychan, who is at this moment probably at his convention. I just finished watching the new Saint Seiya movie called Tenkai-Hen, and boy was it a waste of time. Talk about people not understanding what made the original series so good! At least it's a movie though, so it's easily ignored...but boy, what a way to stretch something that would in the old days barely take forty minutes into something that took ninety painful minutes. Any Saint Seiya fans should just stick to the old four movies. They may not have all been great (although I'd say at least half of them deserve to be called great), but any one of them was better than Tenkai-Hen. It's unfortunate when the revival of a beloved series just showcases how good the original was, and how much the qualities it had are missing in today's attempts at the same thing.
Anyway, I've watched the magnificent movie 2 to get the bad taste out of my system, and what a great movie that was!! Action, excitement, and saints besides Seiya! Saint Seiya was the first manga series that I enjoyed in Japanese fully...this was before the time when nearly every series was translated into English and sold at a local bookstore...and it made me even more passionate about learning the language. Saint Seiya taught me a lot of kanji by reading it, and I still remember the story with fondness. It's a feeling that the Japanese call 'natsukashii', which is a difficult-to-translate term because it's so profound. 'It takes you back' is a crude translation, but it suffices. If not for Saint Seiya, I probably wouldn't have learned Japanese as well as I have...so thanks, Saint Seiya, for being my friend and helping me to learn Japanese. I love you!
Everyone, have a great day and appreciate your friends too. Maybe they're not outright obvious, but they're there. You just have to think of them once in a while! Wuv wuv!
10.21.04 (October 21st, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO!! It is time for the PMD! I hope you will enjoy it. Sometimes you just have to have dance time. You should have dance time, too. Until tomorrow and my update then, dance and have fun and be love and potatoes!
N-finity here. It's less than 90 minutes until the ACM-UIUC trip is scheduled to head out, so I'm just finishing up a few things here and there before I head out. Pchan is going to add the PMD later today, so you'll get an extra blurb from him, and that should be good. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you so very well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.20.04 (October 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And tomorrow I leave for the trip in the early morning. I still have a few episodes left to get done by then, but the way my day is set to go, it should be fairly easily done. At any rate, I wish all of you, my friends, my readers, the most well of wells. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.19.04 (October 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Pchan has something that he wanted to say today, so I will let that be said by him, but I still must say what I always do to all of you. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!

I know I might be late in finding this out, but a friend of mine informed me that a favorite singer of ours had recently passed on. Laura Branigan is her name, and she has a tremendous strength to her voice. She's best-known I suppose for her string of massive hits in the 80s, including 'Gloria', 'Self-Control', 'Solitaire', and others; I fell in love with her voice after hearing 'Gloria' and buying her self-titled album 'Branigan'.
So, what to say about her? Well, her videos were always interesting, and her music was always passionate and robust, filled with emotion and incredible feeling in every syllable, power from every note. 'Self-Control' was also quite a controversial video when it was first released, since it featured choreography by the brilliant and sensual Twyla Tharp, and I'm sure the song, lyrics, and video's imagery were forever ingrained in the minds of those who would later become the goth subculture in the 90s, and those who would go on to become enthusiasts of the supernatural, especially vampires and the like. But they weren't the only ones; the impacting lyrics would speak to an massive amount who clung to the night moreso than the sunlit daylight hours. And it was only one of Laura's magnificent masterpieces.
Perhaps one of the most inspiring things I can say about this whole thing was that it all started out very mild with the friend I told about her...he had heard 'Self-Control', but I got him the video and he seemed to really take to it. And he too became a very passionate fan of Laura, even finding tracks that I'd never heard of hers, such as her excellent work (as usual) on a song called 'Forever Young', as well as updated versions of earlier successes. Laura has a passion for song, and it makes her songs seem all the more magnificent.
I don't talk about people who have passed on in the past tense, because they are still very much a part of my life, and the lives of all who know and love them, the lives of everyone they've changed. It's the supreme compliment to any entertainer to touch a life so profoundly that by their passing they affect you this much. They have moved on to another form, another plane, another existence, but you have the songs that speak to you, and that is their rich gift to you. Through these songs you formed a bond with them and came to know them, even if you never personally met them. It connected you as closely as the best of friends. It's easy to see that in Laura's case, especially.
That friend who barely knew her only a year or so ago was tremendously affected by her passing. And to touch a life so profoundly in so short a time is amazing. He will always love Laura, and so will I. She is a great performer, a supreme songstress, and a deluxe diva, and she will always be an inspiration to anyone who performs in song. I hope that, now that she has gone to another existence, she will continue to sing for those who wish to hear. Perhaps you'll hear her song too.
10.18.04 (October 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode. ^^ I'm a bit exhausted today, so I think I'll let this go now. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.17.04 (October 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are! Sunday Special #157! We've got Fantella's pages 123 and 124, Busy Busy's 13 and 14, and Episode 1169 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Announcement of The Meal." I hope that you enjoy all our offerings. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.16.04 (October 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And thus the episode is ready and done. ^^ I hope that you enjoy my offering to you today. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.15.04 (October 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And, a little after 9:00 PM, it becomes time to switch to heading home. I hope that you enjoy today's episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you so very well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.14.04 (October 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Oh, what fun. Time to study for a test. :P It shouldn't be bad, but it's going to be a few hours of studying. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well in your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.13.04 (October 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And back to the Mansion for today. ^^ I really enjoy how this episode turned out and I believe that you'll like it as well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.12.04 (October 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Despite sleeping quite a bit today, I'm actually a bit tired again already, so hopefully I'll sleep again soon. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you are all well and wish you well in your day. Enjoy the episode. Be well. ^^ Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.11.04 (October 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Seven hours and nine pages (typed) of homework, two hours of sleep, and classes. That was my time since I got back to my dorm room last night around 11:45 PM. I've fortunately gotten a bit of a nap in, but I need more sleep very soon, too. z.z At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode of N-Fans and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.10.04 (October 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And thus today's Sunday Special was done and another doctor met. ^^ At any rate, today's Sunday Special, Sunday Special #156, contains pages 11 and 12 of Busy Busy, pages 121 and 122 of Fantella, and Episode 1162 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Between A Doctor And His Jammies." What he's wearing are not really supposed to be jammies, but they do admittedly have that look. ;) At any rate, I hope you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.09.04 (October 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm feeling bleh today. Not sick, just bleh. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.08.04 (October 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode. ^^ Gardenchan seems the place to be today, so there we are. With food discussions, which seem good for this garden full of foods and plants. It even has the various-colored roses that Moocows are generally so fond of. It is good. ^^ At any rate, I'm tired and wish to keep this short as such. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.07.04 (October 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Let me keep this quick. I'm sure some of you will figure it out, but I'm sure others won't. ^^ I hope that you like what is to come either way. At any rate, be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.06.04 (October 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'll keep this short since someone called me ten minutes ago, I didn't answer because my roommate was asleep and I didn't immediately recognize the number, and I've now recognized it. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.05.04 (October 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. Not sure what to say for today, so I'll keep it short. I hope that you enjoy today's episode and PMD. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.04.04 (October 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I didn't sleep much this morning. @.@ I had around ninety minutes to two hours of sleep, which wasn't nearly enough. Fortunately, I was able to nap a bit this afternoon and that was good. ^^ At any rate, be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.03.04 (October 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm just about to head back to campus, but the episode required completion first, so here it is. Just Sunday Special, Sunday Special #155, contains Episode 1155 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Let There Be Gardenchan", pages nine and ten of Busy Busy, and pages 119 and 120 of Fantella. I find the combination of Sunday Special #155 and Episode 1155 rather soothing, but that's me and my odd affection towards number patterns. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy all our offerings to you. Enjoy your day and be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
10.02.04 (October 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *yawns big* I've only been up for around six hours and I'm already tired. It seems to be one of those days. At any rate, I wish all of you well and hope that you are not as tired as I. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then and the Sunday Special, bai!
10.01.04 (October 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And it's October! *laughs* Hrm. At any rate, I don't really have much of anything to blurb about tonight, so I won't. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.30.04 (September 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Yes, the episode title is indeed a bad play on words. :P At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers, and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.29.04 (September 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I really hadn't realized how big of change of pace this has been, the switch from alternate Videoland to being back at the Mansion, until last night. It's such a tremendous shift. *laughs* I doubt we're going to face a foe that large again for quite some time, but I'm sure things will become a bit less restful soon enough, at least for a few of us. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, enjoy the episode and enjoy your day. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.28.04 (September 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today has been a day, and that's all I really have to say. :P At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
09.27.04 (September 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow, some strange events after I updated yesterday occurred. The first, of course, was my little brother trying to dust his halogen floor lamp with a duster... while it was on. I caught him about ten seconds before the smoke that was already rising turned into fire. @.@ He just wasn't using his brain there. @.@ Heat + Oxygen + Ignition Source = Fire. Simple. @.@ The second thing was the bike. It wasn't any bike that was on campus, it was the bike in the tree. And that's all I'm going to say about that. ;P At any rate, be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.26.04 (September 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm needing to get ready to head back to campus, but the episode came first and now it is done. Today's episode of N-Fans: The Series, Episode 1148, is entitled "Surprise At The Garden Site" and is an episode that I hope that you all will enjoy. I think you will. Also with this Sunday Special we have two pages of Busy Busy, pages 7 and 8, and two more of Fantella, 117 and 118. That, along with Pchan's birthday message to Ufraunt, completes this, Sunday Special #154. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.25.04 (September 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. @.@ I slept late today. I drove home last night after the ACM movie night (which ended up having the MST3K version of "Manos: The Hands of Fate," "Run, Lola, Run," and, of course, "Sneakers.") and ended up getting home around 6:00 AM. The movie night was great fun, though. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.24.04 (September 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hurrah! Tonight is ACM movie night! O_O I get ready to go to it now. Episode is done, I return home for Saturday and Sunday tomorrow, and this is good. ^^ Be well, everyone. Enjoy the episode and be well. Until tomorrow I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.23.04 (September 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today there was a little ACM meeting. It was good. We had a speaker from IBM that was in town for a tech expo and agreed to do a little presentation. The presentation was basically just an overview of IBM and their products and services and what is involved in various departments (in terms of programming and such) and how to get an internship or the like. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.22.04 (September 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Not much luck for Adam, is there? Today has been so busy. @.@ I woke up, headed off to class, got back from class, found out that my ID card was missing, spent ninety searching for my ID card, had a very quick lunch once I found my ID card, hurried back to my next set of classes, and then ended up (after classes) heading over to a friend's apartment for a bit to watch a movie. We ended up watching his roommate's imported copy of "Hero", which ended up not actually being nearly the movie either of us expected. We expected action. We got a slowly evolving plot that didn't really have clear good or bad guys with the exception of a very few minor players. At any rate, when I got back I recieved a call on the phone. I thought it was my dad when I quickly looked at the number, but it ended up being Devon Waldron, a friend with whom I haven't spoken in a long while. We had a good talk (despite lousy reception on this end, at least,) and talked for around thirty minutes. After that it was time for doing the episode. And now it is now and now the blurb is done. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy the episode and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.21.04 (September 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. Not sure what to write about today. Today was a fairly plain day. I went to my Tuesday class, worked on the discrete math assignment that I'll be finishing up the last three problems for after this blurb, and went out to get soda. That's about it. At any rate, I hope you enjoy today's episode and today's PMD. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.20.04 (September 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I slept so badly this morning. It just did not work out. @.@ I was up until after 5:30 AM... and then woke up once or twice around 8:20 AM before getting up at around 9:00 AM. @.@ That, combined with two discrete math-related courses (Discrete Math and Theoretical Computer Science I), makes me quite tired. @.@ I enjoy math, but it's just not something that often keeps me incredibly alert, especially when already being called for by sleep. At any rate, the episode is now finally done and this is good. I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.19.04 (September 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And back. ^^ It's slightly before 11:00 PM, so I'm around forty minutes later than I really expected to be, but that's okay, as I'm actually done sooner than I feared I might be. At any rate, I wish all of you well and hope that you enjoy today's episode of N-Fans, entitled "Lab Results." Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. And here begins the Sunday Special. Right now we've got pages five and six of Busy Busy and pages 115 and 116 of Fantella. The episode is not done yet, but will hopefully be done within slightly more than four hours, as I'm heading back off to campus to get up there before it gets to dark. At any rate, I wish you well. Until I return, be well. Until then and the rest of the Sunday Special, bai!
09.18.04 (September 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I went to "Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow" today. It was actually quite excellent. Angelina Jolie actually did a good job in a movie for once, although her part wasn't as large as the teasers would lead you to believe. Also, a cow plays a prominent role in the movie. o_o I enjoyed it greatly. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.17.04 (September 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I am incredibly tired tonight. It was probably the runabout on campus trying to find the right building, finding it 15 minutes after it closed, then scurrying off three hours to home to make it within ten seconds of Stargate SG-1 beginning. The nap at the end of Atlantis was not something I wished. I was quite enjoying the episode. At any rate, I woke up (thankfully) and now the episode for today is finally done. I hopet hat you enjoy it. At any rate, my friends, my readers, be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
09.16.04 (September 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow, PMD has reached its 120th strip. ^^ It doesn't seem like it could really have been over a year ago that PMD began, but I guess it most certainly has been a year and then some. At any rate, I wish all of you well. May you enjoy the episode. Be well and enjoy your day as well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.15.04 (September 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Nadeshiko's solution to this problem? Leave it alone. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.14.04 (September 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Don't really have anything to say for today, so I'll keep this short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.13.04 (September 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today was a rather bland day. Nothing of real major even happened. I finally picked up some books from Intel, but that's no big deal since they arrived late Thursday onto NDSU, and late Friday into a place they could actually be delivered to me from. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.12.04 (September 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are with the Sunday Special. I'm just about to head back to college, a nice three hour drive that should be good, but the Sunday Special needed to get up first. For this, Sunday Special #152, we have pages three and four of Busy Busy, pages 113 and 114 of Fantella, and Episode 1134 of N-Fans, entitled "Xebnaxian Literal Interpretation", which I think turned out fairly silly but good. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy our offerings to you. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.11.04 (September 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. @.@ A sore throat formed last night. @.@ It's getting slightly better, but still quite a bit annoying. I rarely get sick, so I shouldn't complain much, but it makes me grumble and sleep longer than I should to attempt recovery. At any rate, I hope you enjoy today's episode. How could it be Lord Watanga's fault? He did tell the portal to close, and it did seem to close when he left. :P Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.10.04 (September 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I need to keep this short. ^^ I hope that you enjoy today's episode. I think that it turned out quite well. That said, enjoy your day and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.09.04 (September 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Happy Fifteenth Anniversary, Kevin. May this day find you well. For it, I have prepared 65 Super Power Club Cards,all of which are now available in Nintendo Power Sector. They are not the entirety of the set, but they represent a larger number added than the previous total. Phoenix offers a piece of anniversary artwork that I am sure you will enjoy. I am in the middle of writing a story as well myself, but it isn't coming together in time. It began quickly and with purpose, but I don't wish to have it be forced. It will come as it should. I hope that you will enjoy it when I am finished. Be well, Kevin. Be well and with all my friends, all my readers. Until next we cross paths, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.08.04 (September 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *sighs* Today has been a fairly long day. I'm not really sure of what to say, however, so I think I'll let this just go. At any rate, tomorrow is a big day, the 15th Anniversary of Captain N: The Game Master. It will be fun. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.07.04 (September 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today's PMD is love. ^o^ Pchan and I were talking about things and somehow rock climbing came up and it just turned itself into a PMD when he wasn't sure what to do. At any rate, I'm going to keep this short since today has been long. I'll try to remember to talk about all of the things that occurred today when I update tomorrow and mention them then. At any rate, I wish you all well today. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
09.06.04 (September 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Pchan demanded this little detour to occur. It should be short but amusing, and I hope that you think so as well. At any rate, tomorrow (early morning) I need to head back to the university to get to my class tomorrow on time. I was a bit worried about my schedule at first, but I think that it is turning out to actually work very well. At any rate, I wish you all well and hope that you enjoy the episode and your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.05.04 (September 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And back! I'm really happy with how this episode came out and hope that you are as well. It, Episode 1127, is entitled "To Close A Portal", and, along with the little Phanto background I did to complement my laptop's new name, completes this Sunday Special. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your episode and enjoy your day. Until then, be well and enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
 Phanto 1600x1200
 Phanto 1280x1024
 Phanto 1024x768
 Phanto 800x600
 Phanto 640x480
N-finity here. And here begins today's Sunday Special. We've got the beginning of the new arc of Fantella: Zombie Fighter with pages 111 and 112. We've also got the first two pages of a new, lighthearted manga entitled Busy Busy Not In Love, which I'll see if I can get Pchan to give a good little writing on before the episode goes up. At any rate, thus begins Sunday Special #151. I'll be back soon with the episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.04.04 (September 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Lord Watanga, we wish you hugs and love and to be well. You know this and keep this in your heart. To everyone else, we wish you well as well, but today is the need for wellness for Lord Watanga. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai.
09.03.04 (September 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And back again for the weekend. ~o~ So nice. ^^ In computer news, I've finally decided on the name for my laptop: Phanto. Phanto, as some of you may recall, is the key-protecting mask of Super Mario Bros. 2. He's also my new background. ^^ I really like how his eyes turned out. ^o^ I'll put up that background for the Sunday Special, but for now I end this blurb and soon sleep for the night. Be well my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you so very well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.02.04 (September 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. There is only one thing about my current dorm room that I dislike: It is warm. We do not have air conditioning and neither my roommate nor myself currently have any fans. I shall rectify this over the weekend, along with some other problems. In related thoughts, I really like the IACC. There's a nice open wireless network ACM has... and the IACC building is airconditioned. ~o~ Wonderful. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
09.01.04 (September 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And we're into September already. The year has gone by fast and enjoyably. Yesterday I moved out of the motel and into the dorm. In all honesty, a fairly painless and good move. The only really painful thing about it at all was when the bookcase my dad and I were about to move out moved before I was ready to carry it and smashed into my right thumb and index finger. There's a nice dual-set of light gashes at the points it connected. @.@ That led to getting some good little items from the grocery store that I needed anyway, though, so that worked out for the best. I've ended up having only one roommate - my overflow status meant the possibility of more - and actually also ended up being in the hall with the biggest normal dorm rooms (especially once you throw in the closet space, which by itself is about the amount of actual usable space I expected,) on campus. Good stuff. I still have to move a few books out of my car, but that won't be bad. Additionally today I went to this one meeting that I heard was going on and decided might be a good idea. ACM, or Association for Computing Machines. In other words, CNG, Computer Nerd Group. Good stuff. I won a t-shirt in the raffle there, too. ^o^ At any rate, I wish you all well and hope that you enjoy today's episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
08.31.04 (August 31st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And yes, I do move today. I don't know much about what conditions at the dorms will be like, doubly so since someone else is already in the room I'm moving into, but I'll find out and it'll work out. *shrugs* At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.30.04 (August 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are, episode again today. I don't believe I mentioned this yesterday, so I will today. Tomorrow I'm moving from my nice, spacious off-campus motel room overflow housing to a dorm room. Good for travel time to classes... but so much smaller. @.@ We'll see how it goes. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
08.29.04 (August 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I didn't even realize it until I checked for the number. Today is Sunday Special #150. Considering that, it's not a major Sunday Special as Captain N ended for the chapter of its current arc last week and Gunner Epic ends for this arc this week with page 41. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1120, entitled "Island Exploration" and the previously mentioned page of Gunner Epic. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.28.04 (August 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. It's odd to come home, even after being gone for only five days. When I drove up yesterday, it didn't seem quite real. Even now, it feels different. I missed my family, but I think that, most of all, my dad missed me. More than my mom, my little brother, I think he missed me the most, which is a somewhat odd thing to realize when you consider the things that I have mentioned here about the times between he and I here, especially of around two or more years ago. To cover this episode, though, I find the shifters we use amusing. They've got a worse traffic record than holodecks. :P At any rate, though, I hope you enjoy these episodes and Nadeshiko's simplifying view of things. She's good at that. We make things so often so much more complicated than we need to, and that's the Moocows' (and especially Nadeshiko's) ability in things like this. At any rate, I hope you are well and enjoy the episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.27.04 (August 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm home again for the weekend. It's nice, although having to now transfer files back and forth files to this computer via CD-ROM is a bit annoying, especially after having the fun of wireless Internet access for the week. At any rate, though, I'm home and finally done with today's episode. I hope that you enjoy it. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.26.04 (August 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hit 631333 as I write this blurb. I like that number so I'll mention it. ^^ Tonight is fairly bland. I have little homework things to do, other things like that, but not much else. Today my little brother started middle school. I think he'll enjoy it, but he disliked today extremely. We'll see. ^^ I'm enjoying this college change as well. It is definitely a big difference from BSC, but I still enjoy it. I don't think I've even mentioned my situation yet. I'm in overflow housing, so I'm off campus right now in a hotel room. Pchan dislikes this incredibly much, but I don't mind it at all. My room is nice, spacious compared to what the dorm would have been, and my roommate is here very little (at least when I am) with his schedule basically being the opposite of mine and his work taking him away around eight hours each day. It is relaxing. That said, I'll let this blurb end. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.25.04 (August 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm back and will be updating myself again in the days to come, but today is Pchan's to blurb. Enjoy your lives, every minute of them. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you so well. Until then, be well.
Pchan koko. Remember the neat optical illusion that webbychan put on the index page a while back? That was from my friend Steve, as webbychan said, and my friend Steve was always wonderful with optical things, from illusions to photographs to cards to just about everything. Every picture he took and sent to me...in lieu of me going there...really did take me there. All of his pictures are so evocative and they draw you in. You can feel them. You can be in them for a little while as you look at them. They're magical and special. Just like Steve.
I met him by an odd chance, he mailed me about a site that I did that was still up but which I didn't really update much anymore. We got to know each other well, he lived in Britain and his wife was unwell. Steve and Vera. They love each other so much. I sent Vera a picture I had drawn for her, to make her feel a little happier, and she loved it, Steve told me. She passed away not too long after that. Steve was back on his feet a time later, but he too was ill. They both had lived with cancer for years and were treated again and again. Steve was determined to learn driving.
But he also wanted to travel, and he travelled often with friends, who would invite him up to see them and stay, and he'd send me the most beautiful pictures. His letters in my email were always long and beautiful and detailed. I always looked forward to them. They were like none other, like nobody else's letters. He ended up cancelling his driving lessons because he had to start visiting the hostel, things needed addressing. He wrote me one last time to tell me that I'd be kept up to date by a friend in case anything happened.
I heard from the friend today that last night he'd passed away peacefully and surrounded by friends. I think from my dreams I was there too, even if not in body. He and his wife both lived long, beautiful lives. They touched a lot of other lives that will never forget them. They're no longer in pain...enjoying their new existences...I'm sure I'll run into them both in my magical workings. But sometimes it hurts so much to know that you won't hear from them by email anymore or receive the pictures on their beautiful digital camera.
He sent me liquorice allsorts when I told him that I missed them, since at that time they weren't easy to find domestically. He even picked me up a beautiful Celtic knotwork phoenix in silver on one of his trips to Scotland, because he knew I loved phoenixes and knew I wouldn't have this. I will always treasure it. He was a true friend to me. He was always concerned that I'd be upset or depressed if he put too much on me in the mails...I suppose I am a little fragile...he was always concerned that I should be happy and enjoy my life. I will always be grateful for him, for that.
Steve, I love you and Vera both, and I wish you well in your new experiences and existences. I miss you so much. I will always treasure the gifts that you gave me, both physical gifts and gifts that are intangible. Even the letters you sent me are gifts, so precious and so beautiful. But especially the pictures you took. You let me travel with you through that wonderful camera. Anyone who looked at those pictures could feel the places you went, through them. And in that way we travelled with you. It's one of the ways I feel so close to you, and I will always love that.
Thank you for those moments I will always hold dear to me. They, and you, will always be in my heart. I will take them with me all of my days, in this life and out of it. These are truly precious gifts, one that can never be replaced. Thank you, and I love you.
Some moments that I've had
Some moments of pleasure
I think about us lying
Lying on a beach somewhere
I think about us diving
Diving off a rock, into another moment
The case of George the Wipe
Oh God I can't stop laughing
This sense of humour of mine
It isn't funny at all
Oh but we sit up all night
Talking about it
Just being alive
It can really hurt
And these moments given
Are a gift from time
On a balcony in New York
It's just started to snow
He meets us at the lift
Like Douglas Fairbanks
Waving his walking stick
But he isn't well at all
The buildings of New York
Look just like mountains through the snow
Just being alive
It can really hurt
And these moments given
Are a gift from time
Just let us try
To give these moments back
To those we love
To those who will survive
And I can hear my mother saying
"Every old sock meets an old shoe"
Isn't that a great saying?
"Every old sock meets an old shoe"
Here come the Hills of Time
Hey there Maureen,
Hey there Bubba,
Dancing down the aisle of a plane,
'S Murph, playing his guitar refrain,
Hey there Teddy,
Spinning in the chair at Abbey Road,
Hey there Michael,
Do you really love me?
Hey there Bill,
Could you turn the lights up?
- Kate Bush, "Moments of Pleasure"
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