Central Info - Updates Archive
08.24.04 (August 24th, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO! Hewwo and welcome to another day of PCHAN UPDATES!! Originally webbychan was supposed to update today, but even though he has his connection again he doesn't have it to the point where he feels he could update. So PCHAN updates again! I had very weird dreams last night, and I had different dreams every time I went back to sleep. It was very strange but very interesting. Sometimes dreams will influence the rest of our day. I like dreams, especially vivid and memorable ones. They are so important! You have a good day and be well!
08.23.04 (August 23rd, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO! Today is the day when PCHAN updates! I hope you are all well. Today it is a little rainy, so I may have some delicious food for lunch. I hope it will be a good day. I will work on PMD today! If you have not yet visited Youkaimura, click here and see! We even have a comic now! I hope you will all be well. Moocow says hi. WUV WUV!!
08.22.04 (August 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today is a rather big day. First of all, it's the Sunday Special, Sunday Special #149, in fact. It's also the end of this chapter (although not this story arc) of Captain N: Tales of Videoland. There are, of course, two more pages of manga in Gunner Epic as well, but there are other things happening as well. Today I head off to college which, as I transferred, is no longer in my home town. I'll be heading out there today. I've got my laptop. I've got my vehicle. I've even got my towel. It's going to be a bit bumpy for the next few days as I situate myself, but there will still be the episodes in this time. Monday's episode is heading off to Pchan. Tuesday and beyond I'll be doing myself. With any luck, Pchan won't even need to upload Monday's for me. ^^ That said, I hope you enjoy this, Episode 1113 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Drop Off", and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.21.04 (August 21th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And tomorrow, the Sunday Special. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy the episode and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
08.20.04 (August 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I expected returning to the Mansion would result in a rather peaceful time for a bit. It doesn't seem to be turning out that way. ;) So what all is there? Kirby and friends need to return to Dreamland. We need to find out the fate of Lalala. We also need to find out what's up with Jeff. Then there's Zeldafreak and Zabgoth. We last saw them suggesting to go out of the room to figure out what the noise they heard was, a noise created by Adam arriving back in his room. Arle needs to go back to her world with 'Bunky. Then there's always that warp zone that Mike sent off into the sky... Hrm. There's lots of things that have to be dealt with, and there's tons more that I haven't even remembered yet. Oh, and there's the need to fix the warp zones, of course, and the Xebnaxians and Moocows that joined us in the alternate Videoland. We'll see in the future days beyond this beautiful palindrome. At any rate, I wish all of you so well today. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.19.04 (August 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *yawns big* Tuesday was a nice little trip. Wednesday was incredibly, incredibly busy. Thursday we came home. That, for another twenty-some minutes, is today. @.@ I'm so exhausted. I'm going to sleep very soon. At any rate, I wish all of you well now. Enjoy the episode. Enjoy the PMD. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.18.04 (August 18th, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO!! Now I eat punjab chhole! It is nummylicious, with chickpeas and potatoes and onions. Indian food is so good, and there are so many ways of fixing so many different dishes. Anyway, Webbychan wanted me to update today, so here it is! Today's episode. I hope you like it! Please check back for PMD tomorrow, as the hard struggle against the dark lotus continues. WUV WUV!!
08.17.04 (August 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And in about an hour, I head out on a small trip that will end tomorrow. As such, Pchan will have tomorrow's episode and put that up himself. On other matters, I have little to say. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow (and Thursday) I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.16.04 (August 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm not with a single idea of what to say for today. :/ I've not done much today. My mom's computer is a bit on the fritz. @.@ Hopefully it will be fully dealt with by morning. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.15.04 (August 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode is finally done. That makes this, Sunday Special #148, complete, with pages 37 and 38 of Gunner Epic, 190 and 191 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland, and Episode 1106 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Adam's Condition." If you didn't see yesterday's Adam episode (which is quite possible because I accidentally didn't change the image displayed on the main page,) please check it out. I hope that you enjoy our offerings and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Pchan just noted to me right now that I forgot to change the number on the comic. @.@ It was there, I just forgot to do that. @.@ My apologies. @.@ Up now. Sunday Special soon. Be well. @.@
08.14.04 (August 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today has been awesome. I got some shopping done, helped build my mom's new computer, and ended up making some very cool phone calls to some very hoopy froods about the events of today that happened at QuakeCon. QuakeCon really isn't my thing, and I'm definitely not there, but there was one event, the workshop, that made it of interest to me. At any rate, I wish all of you well today and hope that you enjoy today's episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.13.04 (August 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm keeping this short since I have to get running off to a movie in just a minute. I hope you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.12.04 (August 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Yes, that is a pun. At any rate, I wish all of you well and hope that you enjoy your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.11.04 (August 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode took forever to figure out what it would be, but as soon as it did, it came out very quickly and tomorrow's episode's script was nearly instantly found as well. At any rate, I'll keep this short so you get the comic a few minutes earlier. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.10.04 (August 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I installed the recently released SP2 for XP. So far I've found little to be thrilled about, but little to be angry about, too. The security center is a nice little thing, although it's mostly just better presenting stuff from before. The security notices in Outlook Express and Internet Explorer are nice, too. The only real complaint I have is that when, on a local computer, you run a file that uses Javascript or such, it gives an "I've disabled content to protect your computer" thing that I can't quite seem to turn off. It's all because data is being sent from a local location to a remote location or script is being executed on this specific computer that could do things unknown. Annoying, but not a big deal. At any rate, I hope that this episode finds you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.09.04 (August 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Not sure what to say for today. I ordered my laptop from college, read well over 100 pages of a book I've been meaning to read for years, and that's about it. I also found out that my computer's alarm doesn't go off if I have it set up to go back to the login screen for Windows XP when the monitor turns off. That was a bit of an oops when I woke up from my intended two hour nap around six to seven hours later than intended. @.@ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.08.04 (August 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And back! Okay, let's get to what's in this, Sunday Special #147. For the mangas, we have pages 188 and 189 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland and pages 35 and 36 of Gunner Epic. For N-Fans, we have Episode 1099, entitled "Things Still Coming", and that completes this Sunday Special. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy our offerings and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I had just the most incredible dreams. It was all a bunch of perception of reality stuff, but it was a coherantly contiguous dream that seemed to span nearly the entire period of my sleep. At any rate, it was just a rather good dream, even though I don't really wish to get into the details of it. ^^ At any rate, I should be back with the episode in not too long. Be well and enjoy the manga until then. Until then, bai!
08.07.04 (August 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. There's a big storm that's been going on here, so I'll keep this short because I'd hate to miss updating or something because of power going down, especially with the episode done. At any rate, I wish all of you well today. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.06.04 (August 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Don't expect this often. Today is the beginning of the Fourth Year, and that meant that something special was appropriate. While it is simple, it seems right. So many things have happened. This episode feels right to be made as it is. The music is by densha and n8, with the particular version for this loop by densha. This episode exists because of them and especially him. Without him, I would not have received this file, nor would the idea have crossed my mind to create a Coffee Break inspired episode. Be so well, my friends, my readers. May your days be joyous. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
 The Fourth Year 1600x1200
 The Fourth Year 1280x1024
 The Fourth Year 1024x768
 The Fourth Year 800x600
 The Fourth Year 640x480
08.05.04 (August 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today is the end of the third year, and tomorrow is the beginning of the fourth. It does not feel like it has been this long. It doesn't feel like it was back in high school when I started this. It just feels like it's a part of me, not that it began at any one time. It's amazing how long the story has become. It's amazing how dependant the present stories have become on the past stories, for that matter. My friends, my readers, I hope so much that you enjoy today's episode, the episodes before it, and the many episodes still to come. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.04.04 (August 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode and PMD and a Webbychan that has been working hard on his computer stuffs and other stuffs. My computer is nearly back to full functionality; I just have to reorganize around 30-40 gigabytes worth of files to really have it back to normal. Did an eye checkup this morning and I'm getting new glasses. Lots of other stuff, too, but I'll let this go here. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!

08.03.04 (August 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, the hard drive situation is proceding a bit slower than I had hoped. I need to clear off sixty gigs just to resize the previous Windows partition beyond five gigs. *laughs* I'm nearly there. Bleh. :P At any rate, today has basically been doing some things with some family friends that were in town and working on fixing my computer. It should be fixed sometime tomorrow, or at least so I hope. be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.02.04 (August 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, time for a computer update. Remember how all my computer problems started because I wanted a new PSU so I could put in another hard drive? Remember how the new PSU killed my motherboard, which resulted in me getting a new motherboard, processor, heatsink, and replacement PSU, all but the processor and motherboard coming in completely different packages? Well, it goes on even a bit more now. The reason my system is being slow is not because of the IDE cables (which I bought some nice replacements to that should hopefully arrive in about a week or (hopefully) less), but because of a hard drive. Specifically, the hard drive with Windows installed on it. Yes, that hard drive. Why? Well, it used to be my hard drive for use up at BSC for a Unix class, so I had Sun Solaris and Red Hat Linux installed on it. That also meant that it came home with me after classes, rain, cold, heat, or shine... and during the cold it got... well... cold. I never used it while it was cold, so I assumed it was good, safe, happy, and healthy. After running some tests on it under a true-DOS-only program (which is a bit of a pain to get to without a working floppy drive while running Windows XP), it turned out that it wasn't happy, healthy, safe, or even good. It's... got some problems. -_- And it definitely isn't the hard drive to be running my OS on. So, after this, it's likely reinstall time (again) and hopefully that will work out well. Hopefully. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
08.01.04 (August 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, not much to blurb tonight. I'm running late, nearly midnight, but I've been out all day and that's largely why I am such. We have, for this Sunday Special, two more pages of both Captain N and Gunner Epic, as well as Episode 1092 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Reawakening of The World." I hope that you enjoy this Sunday Special and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.31.04 (July 31th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. The power supply arrived yesterday, so I picked it up early this afternoon. I'll be putting it in in a few minutes; hopefully that will go well. At any rate, today's episode formed well, even if it did end up being animated (which almost always takes a bit longer and results in a larger comic, but that's okay. We got Moocow's friends from his journey in it, and that's definitely worth a few more seconds wait. ^^ At any rate, I Hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.30.04 (July 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And now episode is up and I hope that you enjoy it as well as the slightly late PMD. At any rate, Pchan has already sent me this week's manga so that's not a worry for Sunday. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.30.04 (July 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Now new PMD is up and episode will soon be, too. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, be well. Until then, bai!
07.29.04 (July 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I may have just missed it (or Pchan may have just forgotten to send it), but I don't have the PMD for today. Not sure if it is error on my part or forgetfulness on his, but we'll find out. ^^ At any rate, I'm leaving the PMD up for now and will add another small blurb and another PMD when he sends me it. At any rate, Spawnchan begins his dig and places himself in today's Pchan Thingie. I hope that you enjoy that along with this episode. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.28.04 (July 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Back to a reasonably lengthed blurb. In fact, let's make it a fairly short one. ^^ I hope that you enjoy today's episode as our time in the alternate Videoland slowly wraps up. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.27.04 (July 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, and now is the time to discuss the events of the weekend. I know this won't be as complete as the account I gave Pchan over the phone, but it will be complete enough. Let's start with Friday.
Friday began with finishing up Sunday's episode, and giving Pchan what he needed to update for Friday, just to make sure things would go smoothly. After that, I headed off to get my three-month checkup done, got home a bit later than hoped, and finished the HTML for Saturday and Sunday (excepting Pchan's blurbs) and sent Pchan prepared groups of files for which he should upload for each day. Good stuff. After that, I shut off the computer, finished packing my meds, packed the car, and my mom and I went off to Minnesota. We drove from 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM, switching driver and passenger occassionally, with little incident besides our stops, which really weren't that big of matter except for the Barnes & Noble stop in Fargo, North Dakota. The Barnes & Noble there is usually a good place to choose a book or two (or four) for the trip, and I did. "Flatland," "The Long, Dark, Tea-Time of The Soul," and "The Salmon of Doubt" were my main book picks, with a wonderful copy of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" that is not only hardcover, but is printed on wonderful silver pages with a blue font, each page being accompanied by an image related to that part of the poem on the opposite page printed in the same blue ink. It is a truly wonderful production and definitely worth the $4.98 it cost. But, that done, we arrived in Blackduck, Minnesota around 1:00 AM and stayed the night at the AmericInn there.
Awaking at 8:00 AM in the morning, we had breakfast, packed out barely unpacked things, cleaned up a bit, and drove the rest of the small distance (around twenty to thirty minutes) to Webster Lake, which, yes, I was named after, and found my dad and little brother to be in the first campsite there. We talked, considered our day, and decided that we would head out to my grandparents' place to meet up with them and my cousins there before we all went out to Bob Nukem, a close but relatively distant relative, but found that they had already left for there. When we arrived, they were already picking raspberries from the wonderful lines of the plants there. I met Dawson, my youngest cousin, for the first time, as well as re-met the now eight year's old Drake, my former youngest cousin. That was good; gooseberries were also picked, but eventually we went back to my grandparents' and spent a few hours there before returning to the campsite. After that, we just rested there for awhile, during which time I read (and finished) Flatland, before my cousins and aunt, as well as eventually my grandparents, arrived and fun was had. Not much else was done. We had dinner, sat in front of the fire, watched a few chipmunks and a red squirrel as they tried to figure out how close they were able to safely come towards us, and that was pretty much that, at least until we were well in our tents and the not incredibly heavy rain caused the rather old tent that my mother and I were in to become not quite such a shield from outside, leaking all around the edge and forcing us to flee to my vehicle until the morning. Sleep was not an entirely enjoyable process, as you might well imagine.
But, hey, that's okay. That's the fun of camping, right? So, we woke up Sunday. I woke up off and on, but eventually got ready and into clean clothes as my dad returned from an event of that morning that he attended. We did some stuff around the campsite and then decided it was time to do the Bog Walk, which is the first quarter or so of a path around the lake which leads to a boardwalk leading out into a boggy area. The rather acidic nature of the water makes the plant life rather inhibited; the plants that manage in it remind one of almost a bonsai forest. It is truly beautiful. On the walk back down the boardwalk to begin our return, my mother and I looked for all the venus fly traps, with the largest grouping we found being an incredible seventeen venus fly traps in a filled oval formation. Later in the day we went out to my grandparents', having decided that my mother and I would return a day later than our original intentions, leaving Monday morning instead of Sunday night, and enjoyed a nice dinner there, including the gooseberry pie that my grandmother had refused vehemently to make. It was good, despite many others considering it a rather bit too sour. After all of this and more was done, we returned to our campsite, did a roundabout of the camping area, and sat around the campfire for a bit before we went to sleep, the soaked tent of the night before dry, and slept fairly well until the next morning.
The morning began for me around 6:45 AM when I began to wake up for the walk around the lake my dad and I had agreed to possibly do. By 7:30 AM we had had breakfast, prepared ourselves adequately, and we were off on the walk which, for a change, we decided to take the hard part of first, especially since it always feels like you're at the end of the trail for around fifteen minutes before you are. So, at any rate, we went the reverse route of normal. We nearly immediately encountered a group of perhaps six or so rough grouse, then again another group as we went on. It was a good walk of a bit over an hour and we returned around 8:30 for breakfast, packing up, and the final visit down to the lake. The breakfast was pancakes. The packing was little trouble. The lake had two adult and two baby loons less than thirty feet from shore. We, a family of four, watched them, another family of four, as they swam and fed their children. It was a very beautiful thing to see and they didn't seem to mind us one bit, as it was when several of us were down at the very shore of the lake, washing our hands in the water and sand, that they came their nearest. It was truly a wonderful end to our time at the lake. It felt so wonderful.
But that was the end, and it was time to go home. So, my mom and I began our driving. It was without major event, an enjoyable journey, and we returned home, and I powered up my computer, found Pchan had left me a worried message, and I caught up on things while I chatted a bit before I called him, I told him of these things, and eventually decided it was time to go. Then the episode came and I told you I would do this later.
Later became today, but this began well over an hour ago, so I don't think that I'll keep this going much longer. It was a wonderful vacation. I needed it very much. The only thing that is unenjoyable about the entire matter is the vast number of mysquito bites I have recieved from it. At current count, I have fifteen on my left leg, eighteen on my right leg, eight on my left arm, and five on my right arm. That's forty-six total so far, and I believe there's one more on the back of my neck as well, so it's actually forty-seven. I'm a bit itchy, as you might imagine. ^^ At any rate, be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.26.04 (July 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm back, but my journey contained so many things and I am tired. I will tell of these things that have happened tomorrow, when I am more awake and far, far, less exhausted. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!

PCHAN KOKO!! Well, hopefully Webbychan will return before tomorrow and we can have an actual N-Fans episode! But for now this is Pchan temporary solution...THE ADVENTURES OF PCHAN! If any of you are fans of the timeless and hilarious adventures of Asterix the Gaul, you'll probably recognize today's background! I hope you'll enjoy it, and hopefully webbychan will arrive later to take over. Wuv wuv!!
07.25.04 (July 25th, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO!! Today's Sunday Special opens with N-Fans: The Series, episode 1085, The Things At Hand. We also have Captain N: Tales of Videoland manga, pages 184 and 185 for you. I hope you enjoy this! Also, if you haven't yet, please visit Youkaimura, which is Pchan fun site about Japanese legendary creatures! Webbychan will be back later today to take over again. I hope you enjoyed Pchan Updates!!
Here is secretly reposted Webbychan's secret message to me!
Buns, please note the name and number of the episode and the page numbers for CN:ToV. Wuv-wuv is from me to you! O_O Be well. ^^ I return later this day! O_O WUV WUV AND BAI!
07.24.04 (July 24th, 2004 CE):
PCHAN KOKO!! It is time again for pchan to update! It is a lovely day and I think that we are actually, finally nearing the end of this story arc. We have come such a long way from the beginning! Although I'll be glad to move on to more adventures, I can't help but feel like I'm leaving a little bit of myself behind as this story ends. But an ending is only a beginning too! I hope you are all happy and having fun, but please remember not to get too much sun in the heat! Pchan worked in his garden too hard yesterday and had some mild heat exhaustion. So you be careful when you're outside not to get dehydrated and overheat! I hope you all have a wonderful day and I wuv you all!! WUV WUV!!!
07.23.04 (July 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Pchan will be handling the updates until Sunday since I'm out of town until then. I hope that you are well, my friends, my readers. Until then, enjoy your day and be well. Until then, bai!
07.22.04 (July 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *yawns* And episode is done and up. I hope that you enjoy it. ^^ Now, being quite tired, it is very near my time to sleep. I wish you all well, my friends, my readers, and hope that you enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
07.21.04 (July 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I honestly feel sorry for Arle. She chased after Adam to try to save 'Bunky only to find herself in Pchan's recreation of Xanadu, currently in use by a rollerskate-wearing cat, bird... and potted plant. Experiencing something like that wouldn't likely inspire me to move much if I didn't immediately. Just kinda a petrification due to the oddity of it all. A little pink man appearing out of thin air to get the onion would honestly likely seem rather tame by this point. *shrugs* At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.20.04 (July 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Completely unsure of what to say today. Nice episode number with three full turns' worth of episodes. At any rate, I think I'll let this blurb remain short. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well and enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
07.19.04 (July 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I am not sure what should be said today. I'm soon to order parts for my PC. Currently, it looks like an Athlon XP 2500+ with a Soyo KT600 Dragon Plus motherboard and a Thermaltake Volcano 11+ heatsink. All together, around $130. I believe it will be good buy at that price, although I still wish I didn't have to spend it. Not too bad, though. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.18.04 (July 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A dozen squared Sunday Specials today and a very tired Webbychan. @.@ I only slept around an hour (with about three more hours of just trying to sleep) but that was enough to manage to survive making this Sunday Special which, at least on paper, is quite long. In play it is not quite so long, but I think still of a decent length and, for those of you on 56K, worth the wait. That said, today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1078, is entitled "Reopen The Portal" and comes with Gunner Epic's pages 31 and 32. May you enjoy our offerings and be well. Until tomorrow, we wish you well. Until then, bai!
07.17.04 (July 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm back to being able to work on my own computer, at least in the sense that it's my own monitor and case and that the parts in it aren't for any other computer in this house. :P It's not the most fun situation to be in, but I'm coping. I slept an incredibly long time today, so I'll likely get at least part of the way through the Sunday Special for today's episode. Pchan is going to have Gunner Epic this week and Captain N: Tales of Videoland next week so that he doesn't have to rush to get it to me by late Thursday, since I'm on vacation from Friday to Sunday to visit my grandparents. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.16.04 (July 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I actally managed to update again. @.@ I'm actually happy at this. @.@ I'm working on my mother's PC now as I still haven't been able to get mine to go online. Need to get a driver, I believe. Hopefully I can do that before I sleep so that next time I update, I can perhaps do it from that PC. I don't like to look at this as being entirely bad, however, so let's handle the up side of this as well. As a result of my processor and motherboard dying, I was given the chance to pillage three computers that were going to be thrown away for parts and have gained at least one old motherboard and processor that I don't have to return and have permission (if necessary to do what I need to) to ultimately not return or (if it happens) burn out. Right now, it actually looks like two old Pentium IIIs and motherboards for that task. Additionally, I've gotten another old video card to test (which sadly may be better than mine), a floppy drive that may also work, and a goodly amount of PC133 RAM. 896 megabytes of PC133 RAM, actually. It won't be of use in my to-be-made PC, but it will be of wonderful use for Pchan's computer and perhaps the one I've forged together for the time being in my normal case as well once I move it to somewhere else. I think I may try to use that motherboard and processor to be a little household server or something of the sorts. Just little things that I can run and that sort of thing. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.15.04 (July 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, with a set of workings, the finished result of which might even impress McGyver, I have a somewhat working computer. My PSU has a problem, that's what caused the problem to the motherboard and/or processor, but with the wonders of a 145 watt power supply (as opposed to the 480 watt that needs to be sent back and the 300 watt that was in there and has now somehow timed its own death) I've been able to get my computer up and running on a spare motherboard and a 700 Mhz Pentium III. At any rate, the computer runs on the 40 GB hard drive (where I've reinstalled XP and actually put the data from some of my other hard drives), which is also the only hard drive that was in there that I didn't keep powered up. Amusing, huh? Amusing subject matter in the episodes lately, too, I guess. :P Considering. ;P At any rate, I've been able to get my DVD burner to work on that system, so I brought the data that I needed up to this computer, my mother's, and have been working on it here since she's out of town for the weekend. Very full day. Rather stressful day, too. :P At any rate, enjoy the episode and be well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!

PCHAN KOKO!! The thrill of POTANTE!! Actually today Webbychan's computer went POO POO, so Pchan takes over again with PCHAN ADVENTURES! Webbychan should be back sometime soon, he says, hopefully before midnight! If not, you will see MORE Pchan Adventures! And please enjoy PMD today as always. Be well and wuv wuv!!
07.14.04 (July 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, got a ton of work done today and even finally got the registration done for a domain for my mom's organization's website. Fun stuff. Beyond that, though, I really don't have much to say. I thank Xander for some help with Nadeshiko's sprites for today, though. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.13.04 (July 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A Thingie with a purpose! Today's Pchan Thingie is brought to you by the winds outside Pchan's house, which blew down a considerable portion of a tree quite near to him while he was rescuing the potted plants and seedlings that he's been planting lately outside from being blown away or hurt by the winds. At any rate, today's episode is the result of something that Pchan suggested last night, and it worked out very well. I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.12.04 (July 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode title really has no excuse. I like the episode, but the episode title is just a bit ridiculous. @.@ It also is the best fit that I could find. :P At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.11.04 (July 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And back. Not quite as early as I had hoped, but I was unable to think of what to do for today's episode until Pchan gave a suggestion. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the offerings of pages 29 and 30 of Gunner Epic, pages 182 and 183 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland, and today's episode of N-Fans: The Series, Episode 1071, entitled "A Little Overlooked Problem". That said, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day and be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I'm slowly working on getting the episode up, but right now I'm mostly sneezing. I've been doing so since I got up and it's not a very enjoyable thing. Bleh. @.@ At any rate, the episode will hopefully be up soon. Until then, be well and enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
07.10.04 (July 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, not really sure what to say for today. I slept an incredibly long time and woke up just several hours ago. It's 11:40 PM right now, so that gives you an idea. At any rate, I wish all of you well and hope that you enjoy your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.09.04 (July 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A restful day, a simple day, a Dodochan day. But so many other things come today as well! First of all, there was SG-1's season premiere. I missed my Stargate. ^^ Secondly, (as well as more importantly,) new ads were on SciFi for Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars. After these years with Farscape being over, it is wonderful to have "To Be Continued" to be continued on television. I await October and the seeing of so many things that will happen. Finally, some more good news. With any luck, I'm going to be doing some fun little simple animation work for a television commercial, just animating and highlighting the locations of state libraries across North Dakota on a map. If it happens, it'll probably be less than $100, but it'll be an awesome little thing to do, I doubt too terribly hard, and really rather fun (in my mind) to do. That said, I wish you all well. Until tomorrow, be well and enjoy your day. Until then, my friends, my readers, bai!
07.08.04 (July 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. As you might tell by the Pchan Thingie, Pchan is having trouble at a specific part of Dusk of the Gods, an old PC game. If any of you remember that game, give him a ring on the Forums or by e-mail... I'm sure he'd appreciate it. ^^ Beyond that, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. I like it, even though it's a rather simple one. Things will work out, I'm sure, but not quite yet. At any rate, be well. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.07.04 (July 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I've been working on my continuing, big sprite project today. Nearing completion with it. If you aren't aware of it, I'll note the final results here. I hope that you like them when you do. Today's episode, to me, is a bit bland. There's really not much happening with any of our characters right now, however, and I don't wish to force the speeding up of the events, either. It might be a bit more enjoyable, but it wouldn't feel right for me to do. At any rate, I really hope that you still find enjoyment in this episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.06.04 (July 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Yesterday's blurb from Pchan remains up today as yesterday's early debut of PMD #100 should not be missed in case you didn't read yesterday's comic. At any rate, I really hope that you enjoy today's episode and PMD #100. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.05.04 (July 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And it is not just the episode, but PMD. And it is not just PMD, but PMD #100. ^o^ Congratulations to Phoenix and his wonderful little stories that make so many of us smile almost every Tuesday and Thursday. My week would be less full without them. Thank you for them, buns. Thank you forever. To my friends, myreaders, I wish you well and hope that you enjoy your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
PCHAN KOKO!! Have we really come so far in what seems like such a short time?
Through all our adventures, from setting out to the land of Kuni, we've picked up new friends both in PMD and in the forums and the IRC chat, and elsewhere too. Lots of people surprised me and really started to love PMD, and it made me very happy to do this strip week after week.
What surprises me most about reaching strip 100 is the fact that I never thought it would make it even half this far. In fact, several times I considered stopping, but each time someone would come up and coincidentally tell me (without knowing I was considering this) that they loved PMD. One person even said that it had become an important part of his life and kept him happy through a very tough time. That meant a lot to me, and that's why I keep doing PMD. It's for all of you, and for me too.
So here is my gift to you, episode 100 of Pchan Mahou Densetsu. Moocow, Dodochan, Kitsunechan, Lambchan, and I are in the shrine's garden, with fireflies all around us. It's a lovely summer night, and the chimes are in the tree surrounded by water. Each chime represents one of us...can you guess which one goes to which person?
I love you all and I thank you all. You are a part of the adventure too, and you always will be. Keep xebnax in your hearts, as it always is in mine. :)
07.04.04 (July 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are with the full Sunday Special #142, with Episode 1064 of N-Fans, entitled "Sometimes Better Just Not To Ask", pages 180 and 181 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland, and pages 27 and 28 of Gunner Epic. I hope that you enjoy all of these offerings. ^^ Today is being a relaxing day for me. Not going to do much, just relax. It's working well so far. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.03.04 (July 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm about to run off to a movie, so I'll keep this short. I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. I needed a break and these last two episodes have done so well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.02.04 (July 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I hope that you enjoy today's episode. I wasn't sure what to do and then this came. It seemed right. I hope that you like it. At any rate, I'm not sure what else to say today. I hope that you are well. Enjoy your day. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
07.01.04 (July 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I don't know about you, but I needed to get away from Psama's former Citadel. Wario seemed a good place to go, and what I'm sure he called "freaky lawn gnomes" a bit before this episode occurred seemed a good setting for it. At any rate, I hope you enjoy today's episode as well as today's PMD, the 99th PMD, and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.30.04 (June 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today was so busy. Good things, but so tired. I need to sleep *now*. I will speak of them perhaps in the text update. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.29.04 (June 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today was a wonderfully exciting and busy day. ~o~ But I wish not to write about it right now. Right now I just wish to let this blurb end where it ends, which is very soon. Enjoy the episode and the PMD and enjoy your day, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.28.04 (June 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hmmm... Today has been an enjoyable day. Got something done that I needed to do, did some work on something else, did the episode, and began to write this incredibly vague blurb. My sleepings lately have been rather poorly timed, and today I extended about five to six hours later than yesterday, so that's probably a good thing. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and how the post-Psama episodes are forming. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day and be well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
06.27.04 (June 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Upon Pchan's wish for a daydream, a daydream he gets! Episode 1057, entitled "A Silly Daydream", is up and ready for you reading, watching, and hopeful enjoyment. That completes this, Sunday Special #141, and joins pages 25 and 26 of Gunner Epic and 178 and 179 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland. I hope that you enjoy our offerings and are well in your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Untiul tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I'm going to try to take a short nap before I do today's episode, but the rest of today's Sunday Special is ready and up. Pages 178 and 179 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland and pages 25 and 26 of Gunner Epic are up. I hope that you enjoy them until the episode is up. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, be well. Until then, bai!
06.26.04 (June 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Okay, what to say for today? Not much, really. I was working until around 7:00 AM on research for use on another website and then slept. Slept with my alarm going off for several hours, then woke up and shut it off eventually. Then it was time to bathe, do episode, and write this blurb. Not much to actually write about. ;) At any rate, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day and be well. Until tomrrow and the Sunday Special, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.25.04 (June 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Just heading out to a movie so I'll keep this short. I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.24.04 (June 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Not entirely sure what to blurb again today. Today has been a fairly busy day, working out exactly how to proceed on a website for my mom's environmental organization, making the basic layout. Good stuff, really. At any rate, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.23.04 (June 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And, after an hour of having a rather frightful experience where I couldn't contact the server. I seemed to be completely ignored by it. Very frightful when everyone else can get to it. At any rate, the episode is now done and I'm now able to upload it so it is now going up. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.22.04 (June 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. This episode came out perfectly. Angrily, too, yes, but perfectly. Gered wrote himself. That is good. Regardless, I'm about to pass out because I've been up 22 hours because I couldn't sleep earlier. Therefore, at 5:00 PM, I go to sleep. The PMD will go up as soon as I recieve it (and am conscious), but it will likely be up tomorrow as well. Check back later and hopefully it will be there for you. At any rate, I wish you all well. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.21.04 (June 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. It has been a fairly odd day. I couldn't sleep, so I stayed up and worked on things, had some odd events occur that I won't get into, and then eventually went to sleep only to wake up three or four times over about six or so hours. Not a grand sleep, but it'll do for a few more hours. Regardless, the episode is finally up and I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers, and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.20.04 (June 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And back, just slightly before midnight and terribly much later than I had expected, but as soon as it was reasonable, unfortunately. @.@ At any rate, today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1050, is entitled "But For If There Were Open Truth" and is the completion of this, the 140th Sunday Special, along with the previously mentioned pages 176 and 177 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland and 23 and 24 of Gunner Epic. At any rate, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day and enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. With today being Father's Day, I'm going to try to get up at a semi-decent hour, but with Pchan sending me the manga first, I felt the manga should go up before that happened. ^^ At any rate, we've got Captain N: Tales of Videoland's pages 176 and 177 and Gunner Epic's pages 23 and 24. I hope that you enjoy them. I will try to get the episode up as soon after I wake as reasonably possible. Until I return, I wish you well. Until then, be well and enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
06.19.04 (June 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And now the episode is here. ^^ I hope that you enjoy it. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow and the Sunday Special, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.18.04 (June 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, this episode turned out fairly well too, I think. ^^ Paul did an excellent job in the sprite for Dodochan and the range of expression that is available with him with just the few poses that he has is truly wonderful. At any rate, I think I'll let that be the end of today's blurb as I wish to get the episode up. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.17.04 (June 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I like these episodes as of late. They're much more lighthearted, even a little bit funny. I think, after all the episodes of seriousness involving Psama, that was needed. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode as well as today's PMD. Enjoy your day and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
06.16.04 (June 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today, however, I do have something to talk about: How I woke up this morning. Well, this normally wouldn't be a very big or entertaining subject, but this morning it was. You see, I woke up this morning to what couldn't have been a smoke alarm. There's no reason a smoke alarm would be going off; there simply wasn't anything to really catch fire anything but spontaneously but the furnace, which would more than likely just explode and peacefully end my life in my sleep before I was able to wake up and panic. So, it couldn't be a smoke alarm, but it had to be something. Stumble up. Walk over to the door that leads to the laundry room, not feeling any heat from the other door to the laundry room (which was open and wouldn't be worth entering because you can only get to the pantry from there, not the actual laundry room part of the laundry room) as I passed it. Stand in front of the door for a second as I continue to wake to try to figure out if the sound is coming from in there. Yep, it's from in there. Open the door. Door open. Eyes go wide as I realize that what's hitting my face is water and steam and that the alarm is going off because it's that hot. Okay, this is - where do I - where is the prob - And off I ran to close off the main water valve. Turn it one way... no effect. Other way and - oh crap, the water pressure gauge thing is increasing! Other way again. Run upstairs to catch my mom who has just heard the alarm: "A pipe broke! There's water!" "What?" and we run back downstairs. She, being able to see from being awake, runs into the water and steam and finds the source of the sudden conversion of our laundry room into a sauna. She reaches to turn a valve by the washer. She begins to turn, reaches back, grabs a cloth of some sort from the laundry basket, and finishes the action. The water stops leaking. Then the cleaning began. Few losses, but quite a stressful start to the day. It continued with a dentist appointment I had heard of only the night before and a sudden rescheduling of another appointment that was to come early next month (but now late next month), but that's not something that really needs to be dealt with any more deeply. It has been a day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
06.15.04 (June 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Not quite sure what to say today, so I think I'll just let this blurb be that short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Enjoy the episode. Enjoy the PMD. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
06.14.04 (June 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today has been a fairly big day to my mind. Read the news story at the top, you'll see why. Spread that story around, too. Post it on your site. I'm not fond of liars, and these guys make any corporate trial I can think of for this entire millenium thus far look good by comparison. But that's that and we'll leave it there. Onward to better and happier things, such as the episode. I hope that you enjoy it. It just came out right and it would make sense (at least to Psama and Death) to have the door reveal mechanism to be voice triggered. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day and be well. Until then, bai!
06.13.04 (June 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And the episode is done. ^^ I am very happy with how it turned out, especially the little thing Dodochan does. At any rate, today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1043, is entitled "Foodless Kitchen" and joins the previously mentioned pages 21 and 22 of Gunner Epic and 174 and 175 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland. I hope that you enjoy all our offerings. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. And the Sunday Special begins. ^^ We've got manga to begin it, with Captain N: Tales of Videoland's pages 174 and 175 and pages 21 and 22 of Gunner Epic. I've been feeling a bit simplistic on the Sunday Special background borders lately, so I hope you don't mind that. It's a faster load for those on 56K, which I know is a very good thing. *laughs* At any rate, the episode should be done in an hour or two and then we'll have this Sunday Special completed. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
06.12.04 (June 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, it's back to this hallway, although it is a little lighter than the last time we saw it, I think. The reasons for being in it are definitely lighter, at least. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's little episode and are well. Tomorrow, whatever the Sunday Special ends up being, it should be a good day as well. Enjoy the episode and enjoy your day, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.11.04 (June 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I have been working on things today. Some sprites, some revising to quality of manga pages, and other little things like that as well. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy this episode and your day. I was about a third of the way through another episode when I realized that I needed to finish a little bit up here first, so that's why I was a bit later than even I expected to be, but I'm done for tonight. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish all of you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.10.04 (June 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I will have to have Pchan write more about Dodochan later. At any rate, I need to get this up. It has been an incredibly stressful day and one that I do not terribly care for being the first day I miss getting the episode up before midnight. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy the episode and enjoy the PMD. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
06.09.04 (June 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. For anyone who has ever read the SMB2 manual, I offer this possibility for the source of Birdo's eggs. And that's all I want to say. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.08.04 (June 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode. ^^ And PMD, for that matter, too. Woke up this morning slightly after ten; since then I have been working on little things and errands. Getting milk, then out again for butter, then out again for soda, burning a few gigabytes to CDs over the course of about two hours, and onward from there. At any rate, the episode is now done and I'm tired, so sleep I believe will soon become of me. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.07.04 (June 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode. ~o~ It's been nearly an hour since I finished this episode, perhaps slightly more than one, actually. "Web, can you come up for a minute?" *sits on his mother's bed to be the computer person while his mother sits at her computer to consult e-mails while calling her brother about a logo* And then my dad came home and we had to talk about some things related to his work and such... and now it is almost time for noodles. Noodles will be good. But soon, sleep. Sleep is also good. I like sleep. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.06.04 (June 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And back! A bit later than expected (as a three hour nap tends to cause), but I think that the episode turned out well. Also, considering I wasn't quite sure what to do earlier (which this episode may show a bit, as it's more of a set up for what will come), but that's okay, too. At any rate, for today's Sunday Special we have Episode 1036 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Beginning The Things To Come", as well as pages 19 and 20 of Gunner Epic and pages 172 and 173 of Captain N: Tales of Videoland. I've also updated a few links on the main page as well as added a few pieces of artwork and updated a link or two in Captain N Sector. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy all our offerings and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I'm still not quite to the episode yet, but we do have the mangas, including the highly anticipated return of Captain N: Tales of Videoland, and so that goes up now. We've also got the beginnings of the second arc of Gunner Epic, which I am sure you will enjoy as well. At any rate, I should be back in a few hours with the episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.05.04 (June 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. It feels totally unlike Saturday today. It just does. I've been working around the house some. Ended up watching a movie along with a pizza that we ordered. A good day, at any rate, There are other things I need to do, but I'm far too tired to really get to them properly before I sleep. At any rate, I do hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you all well. Until then, be well. Until then and the Sunday Special, bai!
06.04.04 (June 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Big storm happening here. Good test of the UPS, I think it may be. ;) Well, if it doesn't work, I'll tell you when I repair. :P At any rate, I'm extremely tired as I haven't slept yet. I hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.03.04 (June 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And we have PMD and a little episode showing the (very little) progress of the Doctors and Nadeshiko. A simple episode, but it seems right for today. At any rate, I'm going to keep this short and head off to the wonderful world of bathing, so I'll let this be at that. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.02.04 (June 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. You know that feeling of that you've missed something? That's what today's episode feels like to me. *laughs* But that's probably not that bad of thing with nearly a week of Adam having been between that and this. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
06.01.04 (June 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And now things are beginning to set up just nicely for some fun back at the Mansion. ^^ But, that done, I think we had best return to the former Citadel of Psama before too much happens there. At any rate, today we have PMD and it is of Sage and Moon Pig and love, as you can very well see, and that is good. ^^ I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.31.04 (May 31st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode is exactly how I wanted. ^^ Pchan and I were talking on the phone this morning and it just decided it had to be that Arle's little mis-warping experience would lead to Xanadu. And, of course, we needed to see Onionchan and Kitty and Tweeter. We haven't seen them much since the whole pie incident. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.30.04 (May 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Yes, today is a late and also small Sunday Special, with just Episode 1029 of N-Fans, entitled "Let There Be Puyo" for this, Sunday Special #137. There are a few things that, had I not been waiting for several hours to get ahold of Pchan and ask for manga (admittedly by taking a nap), I might have them up, but I forgot that this week was one that Pchan was taking off. I apologize for that as well. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the epiosde and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.29.04 (May 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I just could not sleep this morning. Perhaps it's something about a little concept I'm working on, but perhaps it was just because it was one of those mornings. At any rate, my mom and I are going to do movies this weekend since my dad and little brother are out of town. Tonight's movie: "The Day After Tomorrow", which British reviews I've read seem to absolutely love. As one review said, "Finally a movie all about the weather." I expect it to be so-so, but we'll see. Tomorrow is a bit more likely to be good with Shrek 2. We'll see. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.28.04 (May 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And, yes, Happy Fun Watanga Color Time returns! ^o^ Beyond that, this part of Lalala's scripts for Adam's adventures in the lands of Puyo Puyo come to an end. Tomorrow will likely be the last episode in the lands of Puyo Puyo, so I hope you enjoy where all of this leads. My friends, my readers, be well. I hope that you enjoy the episode (even if you don't approve of Adam's actions, which I don't think anyone (including myself) does,) and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
05.27.04 (May 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Angry is the Adam who wants the 'Bunky. o_o At any rate, I'm not really sure what to say today so I'll keep this short. I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.26.04 (May 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. We've got some fun stuff today. ^o^ Well, the first part of some very fun stuff, at least. You can see it below. ^^ You may remember the Pchan Quixote artwork that Jakechan kindly did for me a good two years and some months back when I requested it for the background to a piece of homework I was working on. Now he comes back with more artwork showing how awesome crayons truly are with a PMD omake, Happy Fun Watanga Color Time! ^o^ I hope that you enjoy it. I am sure that you will. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
05.25.04 (May 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. This is a fun world. ^^ I'm sure some of you know which videoworld this is, but for the others we will let an episode or two more go by. At any rate, today has been a full day. Venturing off to get milk, doing dishes, other things around the house. Lots of little things like that. Also helped my dad finish putting up the revarnished door panels in the kitchen. They look surprisingly better than before, and I no longer really have a reason to wonder why he did it as I did when he began. Most importantly, however, my mom returned home from her trip to Moab. ^^ Lots of fun it would seem she had and thus all is good. All in all, a good day and the right day for Episode 1024 to have happened on. Two to the tenth power and all. ^^ Be well and enjoy your day, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
05.24.04 (May 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A busy day. @.@ Working on the Forums, doing some things I needed to get done, going out to get some things, and now just finishing making food for my little brother before finishing up the final details of today's episode. Just busy. @.@ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.23.04 (May 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And, although slower than intended, I'm back with the episode. Today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 1022, is entitled "Hello, Peachchan!" I hope that you enjoy it. Also, you should really check out the newly revised Forums. While I'm not completely done, the new set of mods are installed and I think that they're a spiffy little addition. Next up is the redoing of the templates to make sure that all the colors are correct. I notice a few little errors already, so I'll get that done soon as quickly as possible. At any rate, my friends, my readers, be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. What should have been waking around to slightly before noon turned out to be waking up at nearly 5:00 PM. Because of that, I'm behind. However, manga is up now. Pages seventeen and eighteen of Gunner Epic and pages sixty and sixty-one of Zesty are up now. The episode should be up in hopefully no more than an hour or two. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.22.04 (May 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today didn't start very well. I slept well over twelve hours, around four to six hours more than I had intended, and waking up revealed some rather cruddy happenings. After that, though, today has turned out fairly well. Today's episode, created with the help of Lalala's scripts, is awesome. It's fun to see the return of The Box. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. I really wish you all well today. Be well, my friends. Be well, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until tomorrow and the Sunday Special, bai!
05.21.04 (May 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. The title of today's episode amuses me. I think of two such contrary things: Gilligan's Island and Dr. Moreau... with perhaps a little Jurassic Park thrown in. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.20.04 (May 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Hrm. My ear is doing better, something I am quite happy about. I've been not doing much today. I went out to get soda, taxied my little brother to and from his Tae Kwon Do lesson, and that's about it before the episode. It's a slow day. It needed to be. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.19.04 (May 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. The ear is slowly but surely returning to health and this is good. It's still quite tender, but I'm able to nearly perfectly hear out of it again and so it can't be that much more in need of care. Two more days of meds to it and then it should be healthy again. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.18.04 (May 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today I feel a bit better. My ear is still a bit off and I do not want to be driving right now because (as when I was earlier today when I went to get a haircut) I feel really unprotected without the ability to really hear properly out of my right ear. Not exactly a fun condition. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Enjoy the PMD, too. ^^ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.17.04 (May 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I feel rather unenjoyable right now. I have another ear infection and I'm treating it, but it's not fun and I'm not feeling very well because of it. About as soon as this update finishes, in fact, I'm going to go to sleep. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.16.04 (May 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. I like how this episode turned out. Pchan and I both weren't sure how to handle Death's parting. This is the way that we both felt it had to be, though, and it turned out exactly as it should. At any rate, today's episode of N-Fans is Episode 1015, entitled "A Parting With Death", and is a part of Sunday Special #135. For manga we have four pages, pages fifty-eight and fifty-nine of Zesty and pages fifteen and sixteen of Gunner Epic. We also have a little bonus in the background of Trivial Moo, which I worked out this morning while trying to think of how to do this episode. At any rate, I'm getting quite tired, so I think I'll let this end here. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. And thus begins the Sunday Special. At any rate, we've got the manga and a bonus background that I hope you'll enjoy right now and now begins the work on today's episode of N-Fans. I shall return soon. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
05.15.04 (May 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode completion. I slept far longer than I meant to earlier today and just woke up in time to finish the episode. Bleh. @.@ At any rate, I wish all of you well today and hope that you do indeed enjoy your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.14.04 (May 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Since I updated around 11:00 PM last night and 3:20 PM today, be sure to check yesterday to make sure you didn't miss Episode 1012 unless you're sure you didn't. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your days and enjoy your lives. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.13.04 (May 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Oh, it feels good to be done with that program. So good, in fact, that fourteen hours of sleep resulted from the finishing of it, leaving me to wake at 9:00 PM. @.@ At any rate, it's a bit past 11:00 PM right now so I should probably keep this short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Until then, bai!
05.12.04 (May 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. @.@ I've been programming all day for a final project due tomorrow. Still even have a few things left needing to be done to it before I'm completely finished and can send it in. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. I'm sure more than a few of you realized that Death hadn't disappeared along with Webstor or Psama. Unfortunately, it would appear an attempt at escape by the surfer or portal was not to be successful. That said, I'll let this blurb end. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.11.04 (May 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Both finals went quite well. Also well went my little brother's band's little performance in his school's talent show. My mom and I were a bit late because of how I needed a ride to get there on time because of the Computer Science II final being an hour later than I expected and unfortunately ended up missing the first part of his first song, but we were fortunate enough to get there before the second. Fun stuff. Good stuff. At any rate, I have some water stuck in my ear and it's driving me a bit nuts so I'm going to go sleep and see if I can get it to come out during the night. Hopefully it will. At any rate, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until tomorrow, bai!
05.10.04 (May 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *stretches big* Finals tomorrow. Calculus and Computer Science II. Computer Science II doesn't worry me much, but Calculus should be a bit of a worker. As such, after I bathe it becomes time to study. Because of that, I think I'll keep this short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.09.04 (May 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And here we are! Sunday Special #135 and Episode 1008 of N-Fans: The Series. Today's episode is entitled "A Bovine Beside" and comes with two mangas of two pages added each in the form of pages thirteen and fourteen of Gunner Epic and fifty-six and fifty-seven of Magic Princess Zesty. At any rate, I hope that you all enjoy today's offerings. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. And finally today's manga is up. I'm feeling a bit unwell right now, so it may be a bit before the episode is up, but it will, I guarantee, be up before Midnight central. At any rate, I'll be back in a bit with the episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, be well. Until then, bai!
05.08.04 (May 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And yay! Adam Saga again. I really like how this episode turned out. Lalala's script for it was six frames, but eight frames just fit much better so I went with it. And Bub, let us face it, is just adorable. ^o^ Boys cursed and turned into little dragons tend to be that way, though. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then and the Sunday Special, bai!
05.07.04 (May 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. No, you're not seeing double. We have two Pchan Thingies today. One from yesterday (as I forgot to change the number) and one for today. A little "oops" on my part and something I apologize for. At any rate, I wish all of you well on this day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.06.04 (May 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And yes, finally back to Adam. ^^ It felt wrong to break away from the tale of Psama to go to Adam or anyone else, really, but now that we're done with that, it seems only proper to go to where we left Adam nearly 140 episodes ago. At any rate, I wish all of you so very well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
05.05.04 (May 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Not sure what to blurb about today, so I think I'll just let it go. The tests went well and all seems to be fine. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day and enjoy your life. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.04.04 (May 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode and PMD. Today was a good day. It was relaxing, although busy and requiring a nap. Tomorrow, a day of tests. Today had two tests, too, but tomorrow's tests are for Computer Organization and Calculus, both of which are considerably harder than those of today as they're much more higher-level mental than those of today. At any rate, I wish you all well in this day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
05.03.04 (May 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And so it is. ^^ This episode feels good. There is so much left to do in this videoverse, but at least this is now done. My friends, my readers, I wish you all so very well. Be well. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, bai!
05.02.04 (May 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here once more. I forgot to mention that today's episode, Episode 1001, is entitled "Anger's Fate" and, as a bit of time has passed, I am ready to present a little gift from densha. It's still got a few bugs, but I know that he can work them out and that it will be wonderful once it is finished. At any rate, you can visit his gift of the Pchan Thingie Archives by clicking on the current Pchan Thingie below. It seems the appropriate place to put this gift. ^^ Be well, everyone. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here again. And done! Episode 1001, the last palindrome number as far as the episodes go for 110 more days. A good day, then, for this, Sunday Special #133. With this episode comes also, of course, the manga. Zesty arrives with pages 54 and 55 and Gunner Epic has pages 11 and 12. I know today's episode is a bit large, and I apologize for that, but I couldn't decrease the size without highly decreasing the quality. At any rate, we also have a gift from densha that will be up momentarily. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I had an interesting set of dreams through my sleep, including one where I was an undead being. Not a zombie, as there was no brain-lust thing, but an undead creature. It was quite odd. Hrm. At any rate, the episode is being worked upon and should be up fairly soon. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, bai!

A present from Pchan. "Mangan Omedetou Gozaimasu", "1000 Chapters Congratulations!"
05.01.04 (May 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And so it is. Episode 1000. It felt really odd to do the HTML changes for this episode. The episode itself came out very easily... but the changes to the HTML just felt odd. It's a big change, all four of the episode number digits. When N-Fans began, it was far different from what it is now. It was a bit more jovial, slightly less serious. Now it's become a 1000 episode (and rising) epic crossing over two videoverses, pocket universes, and even the spaces in between. It's a wonderful path to watch develop, and I hope that you have enjoyed the journey so far. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Be well. Enjoy your day. Enjoy your life. Be well. Until then and the Sunday Special, bai!
04.30.04 (April 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. The final three-digit episode. Episode 999: The Two Doctors. No way I couldn't get at least one good Doctor Who-related episode title in one-thousand episodes, especially with an episode such as this. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day and enjoy your life. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.29.04 (April 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, not noon, but definitely earlier than the past few days. We're nearing the 1000th episode, only two days away. So is nearing the end of this battle. I hope that you enjoy the journey to them and beyond. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.28.04 (April 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And there we go. I'm not sure what is happening is perfectly clear to all of you that aren't in #Captain_N, but the next few days will make it clear. At any rate, I'm fairly happy with how this episode turned out and apologize for not updating before my little after classes nap. :P At any rate, since today is Thursday I should have the next episode up around noon and that means that we'll be going back towards the proper timing... finally. @.@ Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.27.04 (April 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Back! Eleven minutes before the end of the day! @.@ Even if I had the time, I wouldn't know what to say, though, so I'll let this also be short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Pchan and I are working towards getting today's episode done, but today's PMD is done so I present it now while the episode is prepared. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, bai!
04.26.04 (April 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. @.@ I woke up late today, 10:20 AM. Thankfully my 9:00 AM class wasn't happening today, so it was only about fifty minutes later than I had intended to since I Was going to work on a program with someone before my other classes. That, unfortunately, did not work out. So I got to my first class around two minutes late, booted Knoppix, ran X-Chat in the background while we covered the eight major RAID configurations, and managed to miss a very surprise visit from Brian Nelson, a friend from back in high school, who came in while I was reading the notes. I really wish I hadn't missed him. Brian, if you do read this, please send me an e-mail. I'm amazed you even remembered I had a website/IRC channel after such a time. At any rate, after classes the person and I worked on the program a bit, which meant I got home about an hour later than expected. I tried to get the episode working, but it just wouldn't, so I ended up going to shop for presents for my mom's birthday (tomorrow) with my little brother and father. It was good. She's getting spoiled. ^^ Eleven presents by the wrappings. Fifteen counting grouped items seperately. ^^ Lots of good stuff, too. That got the three of us home around 9:45 PM. After we got home, my dad informed me that the D-Link router that he bought to replace our horrible, horrible Belkin router (and yes, that's a recommendation to never buy Belkin routers) that knocks us offline for no apparent reason when we plug our hub into it to avoid the problem of being knocked offline if you plug more than one computer into the router that can't be otherwise avoided because the cable modem requires a router if you have more than one computer in it had arrived. That took thirty minutes to set up and try to fix a few little network sharing problems with. Then there was the wrapping of the presents. That took forty-five minutes. Now, there is the episode. Now, it is done. Now, I have less than ten minutes to midnight. I apologize. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
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