Central Info - Updates Archive
04.25.04 (April 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And done! In addition to the manga previously mentioned we have now, of course, today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 994, entitled "Painful Wakings", and one that I think turned out fairly well. At any rate, I wish all of you well on this day and hope that you find yourselves well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Episode in progress, but manga is up now. First off, we have pages nine and ten of Gunner Epic as well as page fifty-three of Zesty. At any rate, the episode should be up soon, so enjoy the manga until then and be well. Until then, bai!
04.24.04 (April 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, that didn't work out very well. I slept around fourteen hours and it was bleh. @.@ But I had awesome dreams, including one that involved Contra, carnival people, orange and white versions of Oompa Loompas, and creating a gateway to a videoworld, and that was good. At any rate, I wish all of you well on this night and hope that you are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow and the Sunday Special I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.23.04 (April 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And tomorrow will actually be on time. Saturdays are good reset-to-time days. At any rate, I'm going to keep this short. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, enjoy your day. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.22.04 (April 22st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. *sighs* Well, the thing I needed to do just sucked. I don't want to get into it at all, but it just sucked and that's all that needs to be said. :P At any rate, the episode is finally done and we're slowly moving back to the time things are supposed to be put up. I'll get back there. At any rate, I wish all of you well and hope that you enjoy the episode and what remains of your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I have to do something before I can get the episode over and done with, but it should be up in about two to three hours. At any rate, enjoy the PMD and be well until I return. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.21.04 (April 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And a few minutes faster today, too. Not what I wanted, though. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.20.04 (April 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. At least a few minutes faster today. Tomorrow will be better. @.@ It has to be. @.@ *sighs* At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well and enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.19.04 (April 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Running so very late today. 11:18 PM. Been a busy day and that's all I can really say about it. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.18.04 (April 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. An awesome nap. Today's episode also turned out well, I think. I think I'll let Webstor's little encounter go on from here without showing it. I think it's best not to and leave it up to the imagination of each reader what goes on next. I have an inkling, but I think it's best for the imagination. At any rate, today's episode, Episode 987, is entitled "The Only Way To Go". Gunner Epic comes with pages seven and eight, and Zesty comes with page fifty-two. And that's this, Sunday Special #131. Be well and enjoy it. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.17.04 (April 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Yes, it is my birthday. One score ago today I was born, and, as such, today I am twenty. Wow. No longer a teen. *laughs* :P At any rate, it's just after 6:00 PM and, after a wonderful sleep full of dreams, I woke up in time to go shopping for kitchen and bathroom things since we're going to be remodelling them (or, rather, getting the remodelled) in hopefully the next month or so. Now, as I'm finished with the episode, it is time to finish up this blurb and get off to dinner. It should be a good night. Be well, everyone. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow and the Sunday Special I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.16.04 (April 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Woo. @.@ Today has been fairly busy again. Worked on a few things in the morning (including one thing I need to fix and e-mail to an instructor yet) and then went to classes. After getting home and having a short rest, I helped one of my little brother's friends with finding computer parts to upgrade his computer, then went shopping for shoes with my mom which ended up (after doing some other things) taking around two hours longer than expected. Then, finally, the episode, which near the completion of had Pchan convinced that today was Saturday, thus his decision for today's Pchan Thingie. Be well, everyone. Enjoy today's enjoy and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.15.04 (April 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. As many have not yet read yesterday's episode, I'm also leaving up yesterday's blurb, as I think it is important to know of these events. Today's episode came out fairly easily, but today's blurb is not really coming, so I'll keep it short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day and enjoy your life. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.14.04 (April 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I saw something beautiful today. A small bunny at the tennis courts on my walk home, just right where I usually sit for a moment to think on my way home. As I approached, the bunny went under a burrowed out area beneath the stairs. So I sat there and thought. I closed my eyes, spread a reassuring feeling. I felt calm and good when I left and, although I didn't see the bunny as I left, I feel it may have understood when I left that I was a friend to it, too. Experiences happen to us for reasons. Many times we don't know why, but they do. Sometimes they are wonderful. Sometimes they are sad. Today for Pchan a sad thing has happened. About three weeks ago he became the protector, with the help of Lord Watanga, for two rats who called out to him, Branwen and Cerridwen. Tonight Branwen sadly passed from her body. Yesterday, before this all occurred, Pchan had asked me to put up a random PMD. After these events, one of the few things I can offer is a comfortably colored PMD that feels appropriate to me for this sadness. It just somehow fits today for me. We must remember life and love. I trust in animals. Branwen knew she was going to pass when she called out to Pchan. Pchan gave her love in her life, and what I am sure were the happiest and most joyful three weeks she had in that life and could ever dream of. Life is precious, experience and enjoy it. Be thankful for time together with those that make our own lives brighter and, in absence pf those that do this, remember the good. The past is to be a source of happiness. Do not dwell on it, enjoy it. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai.
Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present.
It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
added by request of Lucy
04.13.04 (April 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. It has been such a busy day here. I had to flip-flop my schedule, walk home several times, attend classes, research possibilities for temporary replacements to my former attempts at Fedora since I don't really wish to risk the need to reinstall Solaris again, do the episode and, most importantly, nap. But there are other things today as well. Pchan is moving a few houses down on the street he's on, so he's not going to be here for the next few days and, because of reasons below (to which I now note his hopes have been dashed as it has been diagnosed as such), he also will not have the PMDs for this week. He does, however, have a gift of POTANTE, which is below. At any rate, I wish you all well. Be well. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, enjoy your day. Until then, bai!

Pchan koko!! Pchan has had quite a couple weeks of it...we're moving into a new house nearby which, while I love, is a lot of trouble. On top of that, I've been having really awful allergy attacks from the inconstant weather and hopefully it won't deteriorate into bronchitis!
Anyway, this week things are insane and I think it would be best if I wait until I'm settled in at the new house before I do PMD again. In other words, next week. So Tuesday and Thursday of this week you'll get PMD reruns! I hope you enjoy them, and I'm sorry for the delay. But look forward next Tuesday to a brand new PMD. :) Wuv wuv! n.n <3
04.12.04 (April 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, this turned out well... except for that my intended waking at noon ended up at 7:00 PM. @.@ But these things happen. The episode, though, turned out well. At any rate, since I'm late I'll keep this short. Be well. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.11.04 (April 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Wake up for stuff and then immediately pass out again. @.@ But that's okay. ^^ Today's episode turned out quite well, I think, or at least quite how I wanted it to. Episode 980 of N-Fans, entitled "Affirmation of Self", joins Gunner Epic's pages five and six and Zesty's fifty and fifty-one for this Sunday Special. I hope that you all enjoy all of it. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. And here we are with the beginning of this Sunday Special. I must now nap for a few hours because I need to get up in a few hours, but for now we have the beginnings of it with the manga. Gunner Epic with pages five and six and Zesty brings fifty and fifty-one. That said, I break for now and return with the episode soon enough. Be well. Enjoy your day. Until later and the episode, be well. Until then, bai!
04.10.04 (April 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I slept so late. @.@ 5:00 PM. @.@ And then I woke up to preparing the entries for the sprite competition currently going on... a short break... beginning episode... a dying of eggs... help little brother with his Sims house design... and then finish the episode. Busy day so far. At any rate the Sunday Special will be up before I sleep, I am sure of this. Be well. Enjoy what is left of your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.09.04 (April 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And today's episode came out exactly as I wanted. It took forever to find, but once found, perfect. At any rate, I will keep this short. Enjoy the rest of your day and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.08.04 (April 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And the second part. I'm really not sure what to say about this episode, but I am pleased with how it turned out. At any rate, I wish all of you well and hope that you enjoy the episode. Oh, and on a very cool note, for this, Episode 977 and PMD 77. ^^ I love numbers. ^^ Be well. Enjoy the rest of your day. Until tomorrow (and the beginning of a four day weekend), be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I'm waiting for Pchan to get back for the episode, but PMD is now. I'll be back in hopefully an hour, perhaps two if he's slower than I expect, but I wait for him for this. Be well, my friends, my readers. I'll be back with the episode then. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
04.07.04 (April 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, except for a few minor details, I've finished a major section of the program that is being done for Computer Organization, but there is some bleh, too. I just found our around ninety minutes ago that I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow... but this means that I should have gone in to get some blood taken... but since it wasn't on the calendar, I didn't know that I needed to get it done. @.@ Hopefully things will go okay. I have a good selection of my bloodsugars typed up from a few weeks ago and also can type these up, so that'll hopefully be good. I can also get my blood taken afterwards if they like as well, as I doubt having it taken before is possible unless the lab is open before 8:00 AM. I'll find that out. At any rate, enjoy the episode and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.06.04 (April 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And even worse today. @.@ I just am not sure of specifics again right now. Pchan has helped some, but even with his help it's been slow to come to me. At any rate, we have PMD and we have episode and both are something that I think you shall enjoy. I hope that this is so. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.05.04 (April 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And I woke up at like 8:00 AM after like three hours of sleep, passed out after school, and then finshed the episode at 9:05 PM. @.@ Bleh. @.@ But today's episode did turn out fairly well, I think. The beginning of this confrontation. ^^ At any rate, I wish all of you well. Enjoy the episode and the rest of your day. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.04.04 (April 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. 040404. o_o I like those numbers. ^^ Very good day, at least I think so. Very cool, regardless. At any rate, today, for Sunday Special #129, we have Gunner Epic's third and fourth pages, Zesty's 48th and 49th, and Episode 973 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "The Rush To Save Them". At any rate, I think today's Sunday Special is a fairly good collection of items and hope that you do as well. As of now, however, I must be heading out. I need to install Solaris today as I couldn't yesterday. ^^ Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you all well. Until then, bai!
04.03.04 (April 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And, although very late - 7:30 PM just came by - the episode is done and up. I've spent around four hours today just trying to figure out exactly how things would work, including the head. The platform for the head I was unsure of, but it turned out well. I particularly like how it looks at this angle's view. Although I did the other side's view of the head myself, this side of the head I must thank Hazard for, as I just wasn't sure how to quite do it. Hazard Labs is, as I'm sure some of you remember, where he calls home. Also, I should probably thank Waxy for helping me with getting the legs to look just right from my initial works as well. Well, this episode I am happy with. I hope that you enjoy it as well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
04.02.04 (April 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are with the episode, and I like it overall. The appearance of Psama's attack, especially. Fairly simple, but very much what I wanted for this episode. At any rate, I wish you all well. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai! ^^
04.01.04 (April 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today's episode didn't turn out perfectly, but it turned out fairly well and achieved my goals for it. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as well. At any rate, I wish all of you well on this day and will keep this blurb short. Enjoy the episode, enjoy the PMD, and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.31.04 (March 31st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. @.@ Today began with studying and finishing up a binary multiplication worksheet for the class I was studying for. I think both went quite well. In a Solaris-related update, Fedora does not seem to get along well with Sun Solaris 9 as, when today I tried to boot into Solaris today to try to run PatchPro, things didn't go well... or at all, for that matter. Then again, the update to the Fedora kernel didn't work well, either... but that may have been because I didn't update up2date before I updated the kernel. *shrugs* I'll get it working. My plan of attack is to delete all partitions, reinstall Solaris, reinstall Red Hat 9, make sure everything is running properly, then update Red Hat 9 (instead of clean install like before) to Fedora v1.9x (newest one I can get at the time, last was the v1.90 Fedora Core), and then hope that it all works. ^^ If that's not enough jargon, babble, and thinking out loud, then perhaps the next few days if they don't go well (or perhaps even do go well), will bring more. Be well, my friends and my readers. Until tomorrow and an earlier update, be well. Until then, bai!
03.30.04 (March 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again (although this is the first time you're seeing it). Crapburgers. @.@ I thought I had uploaded. The images had been uploaded. The HTML was supposed to have been uploaded... but it wasn't uploaded. @.@ Bleh. -_- I apologize. Here is the episode for today... finally up... and I apologize again. _-_ Had Pchan not noted, I might have actually missed this completely. Be well, my friends, my readers. I apologize again. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Today has not been very fun. The annoyance of Java suddenly refusing to even try to compile, then Java's download server not functioning, then reinstalling the Java SDK, then reinstalling jGRASP, then still not being able to compile can do that to a person. Bleh. At any rate, we have PMD and we have episode and this is good. Enjoy the episode and enjoy your day. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.29.04 (March 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I apologize. It's nearly 7:00 PM and the episode is just now finally going up. This morning I woke up just in time to study for a test and do nothing more before classes. The test went okay and I was able to reinstall Solaris 9 and Fedora Core v1.90 (a bit outdated already, I know) and I'm overall happy with how that went. Considering that one of my goals this semester was to take Solaris past the point of no return and I did so, I'm happy with that, too. ^^ At any rate, enjoy the episode and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.28.04 (March 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I'm happy with this Sunday Special. It's Sunday Special #128, of course, and that's a number I like, so that helps, too... but I'm happy with it for other reasons, too. First off, we have pages 46 and 47 of Magic Princess Zesty. Next, we also have N-Fans: The Series with Episode 966, entitled "It All Comes Down To This", which, although short, I think turned out quite well. Then, we have a new manga by Pchan, entitled Gunner Epic, which debuts with two pages this week. I should at this point note that Captain N: Tales of Videoland will return after the current Zesty chapter ends... so don't worry, he is still doing it. ^^ I know some of you must be wondering too because we've had several visitors to #Captain_N that have come there to ask exactly that. Finally, something that someone on the Forums noted: Yahooligans is now streaming both episodes of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show and The Legend of Zelda. We can only hope that they'll add some Captain N soon. ^^ At any rate, enjoy your day, enjoy the episode, and enjoy all our offerings to you. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
03.27.04 (March 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And there we are! A little after noon (the episode formed inordinately slowly today for its complexity), but it turned out well, I believe. I hope that you enjoy today's episode. At any rate, be well and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, my friends, my readers, bai!
03.26.04 (March 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today is a morning of somewhat blah. I'm needing to finish up a program that has (most likely had) a tentative due date of today. Still have a good way to go on it, should have it done by Monday. Hopefully so. At any rate, I wish all of you very well on this day. Enjoy the episode and enjoy your day. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.25.04 (March 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And today we're at 11:00 AM, but that's okay. ^^ Had to get to an appointment at 9:30 AM so I didn't have a chance to do the episode before then. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. I also hope you enjoy the PMD. ^^ I really have loved this week's episodes of it. ^^ At any rate, I wish you all well. Enjoy your day and enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
03.24.04 (March 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And 8:00 AM again! ^^ None of you probably know exactly where things are going, but I think most of you will be surprised and pleased by where things do eventually go. At any rate, I need to get some things ready before class, so I'll keep this short. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.23.04 (March 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And we're back to 8:00 AM! ^^ Before classes, and thus a good timing. At any rate, today's episode I think turned out well and the final pieces are falling into place for this mission. I hope you're enjoying how it is going. Also, of course, today is a PMD day and today's PMD is one that made me shed a few tears. A truly beautiful episode from the mind of Pchan. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.22.04 (March 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *yawns* Little sleep. I had the episode completed before class, but didn't have time to do any of the HTML or even the Pchan Thingie, so now, 2:32 PM, the episode goes up. Very much in the right direction today. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
03.21.04 (March 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And we're with episode! Today's episode, Episode 959, is entitled "Disciplining The Body", and is joined in this Sunday Special with two other joys: Zesty and a PMD Omake. For the PMD, it's an Equinox/Ostara omake, celebrating the coming of the change of seasons and days. For Zesty, it's two more pages, 44 and 45, and most awesome. ^^ At any rate, I hope you enjoy our offerings today. Be well, my friends and my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. @.@ Today has been a bad day for episodes. I was trying to get started at 4:00 AM, but neither Pchan nor myself could think of what today's episode should be. It just didn't seem to come. Even Pup, who can generally give a whacked out idea or two that can somehow turn into an episode that feels right when Pchan and I are unsure didn't have a clue for today. The only idea I've had that seems good even *after* sleeping is now being worked on... and that's really only due to the help of Xander, who is making a few sprites for me while I work on other parts of the episode. At any rate, I wish you all well and should be back in about forty-five minutes. Be well, everyone. Until I return, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.20.04 (March 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. That wedding lasted longer than I had hoped it to, shorter than my parents expected, and almost too late for this. 11:07 PM right now, I've just gotten home (plus the time for the episode-making) after going to a wedding around nine hours ago plus forty-five minutes waking up, getting ready, and going. A bit of a long day. At any rate, I best let this blurb end. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.19.04 (March 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Yay! Up before 8:00 PM. @.@ Bleh! Not up before noon! @.@ But we're getting better. ^^ Hopefully I'll be back on schedule very soon. Hopefully. @.@ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. Nadeshiko's pulling out of the wire isn't a *perfectly done thing, but it worked out fairly well, I think. Not perfect, but good enough. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, bai!
03.18.04 (March 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Okay, here we go. o.o Only about twenty minutes faster today than yesterday, but we're headed in the right direction and this is good. Also in the right direction is how the episodes are going, I think, and I hope you think so too... or at least do when this mission is over with. At any rate, I'll let this blurb end and upload. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. A little after 4:00 PM. Just woke up about an hour ago and was immediately bombarded by around a half-dozen people contacting me when I went on AIM about various things. *laughs* Fun. At any rate, the episode should be up soon, but the PMD goes up now. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, be well. Until then, bai!
03.17.04 (March 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. 10:59 PM right now. Here's the past 24 hours.
2300: Begin to get ready to go to sleep.
2315: Clog in bathroom drain. Father begins trying to fix it.
0000: After many attempts to unclog it, my father goes to get some chemical stuff to pour down it in addition to that which he had poured down a bit before he left. Mom: "Are you sure you feel safe mixing chemicals?"
0045: My father returns home. He pours the other stuff down the drain.
0050: The combination of the chemicals begins to cause a strong, noxious odor to flow in much of upstairs.
0100: "We're going to a motel."
0115: To IRC channel: "My dad's stunk up the house by mixing chemicals. We're evacuating for the night."
0140: We're in a motel.
0300: My mom and I are trying to fall asleep in a motel.
0330: My mom and I both finally are able to fall asleep in a motel after laughing over how hilarious this situation really is.
0630: Alarms we've set up begin to go off.
0710: I begin getting ready for my wisdom teeth surgery.
0735: I finish getting ready and my mom takes me to the oral surgeon's office.
0750: We reach the oral surgeon's and I finish filling out some more forms.
0800: I get called in. My mom comes in with me.
0802: I get a new X-Ray taken.
0805: My mom and I watch a 12-minute "Risks and Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Removal" sort of video.
0818: I sign another form.
0820: Off into the room where the surgery will be performed.
0821: Begin first attempt to get into my very visible, very tangible, very hard to hit vein.
0824: Begin examination of second arm for vein.
0827: Begin return to hand on first arm.
0830: Begin anaesthetic.
0900: Begin waking up from surgery, gauze in mouth, all three wisdom teeth removed.
0911: Return to home.
0930: "WOOHOO!" heard from downstairs. A huge clog of hair is removed from the pipes by my dad.
0945: My dad leaves on a business trip.
1000: Sleep.
1400: Wake. Pills. Yogurt. Sleep.
1800: Wake. Pills. Yogurt. Sleep.
2130: Wake. Begin work on episode.
2200: Yogurt, pills, and ice-pack break.
2254: Episode completed.
2257: Pchan Thingie completed.
2259: Blurb begins.
2315: Timeline for past 24 hours completes.
Amusingly, I have felt no real pain from my teeth being removed. Good stuff. At any rate, that's what today has been for me. I hope you enjoy the episode and your day. Be well, my friends and my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.16.04 (March 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *sighs* Tomorrow is the surgery. The teeth come out. I do not look forward to it, but it must be done. *sighs* That said, today's episode is up and I hope you find it well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.15.04 (March 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. @.@ Efforts to get the episode up before sleep were unfortunately unsuccessful. Episode is now up and I'm supposed to now be getting ready to go out for a short bit. At any rate, I like how this episode turned out. I hope you do, too. Be well, my friends and my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.14.04 (March 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Today's episode reminds me a bit of square candies that look round. At any rate, I apologize for being so late, but the episode (I think, at least) turned out very well. I hope you think so, too. For this, Sunday Special #126, we have pages 42 and 43 of Zesty, two pieces of artwork by merp - one of Psama and one of Death - and of course today's Episode of N-Fans: The Series, Episode 952, entitled "The Giving of Hope". I'll have the next episode up before I sleep, so look for it around 6:00 AM. At any rate, I wish you all a great end of your Sunday. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, bai!
N-finity here. Pi Day! Also stupid sleep through your alarm day! @.@ By six hours. @.@ But we've got some good stuff. We've got artwork and manga and episode in progress. I'll be back soon. Enjoy them until I return. Until then, be well. ^^
03.13.04 (March 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And tomorrow is Pi Day! Yahoo! ^o^ But today has been busy. Got up, rushed off to get meds, rushed back, ended up having to play prosecutor for something for about four hours... and now I've finally finished the episode. @.@ At any rate, I'm still busy, so I'll keep this short. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then and the Sunday Special, bai!
03.12.04 (March 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Two days until Pi Day! Two hours and ten minutes until midnight! @.@ Bleh. I came home, laid myself down to watch a small show before working on the episode (since I had woken up at 8:30 AM and had to rush just to get to class a few minutes late), and immediately fell asleep. I woke up just about an hour ago. @.@ At any rate, I apologize and hope that you enjoy this episode. Tomorrow's episode should be up *considerably* sooner than today's. Until tomorrow, be well. Enjoy what is left of your day. Until tomorrow, bai!
03.11.04 (March 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. Test today pretty much right after I woke up. Then home... then bleh... then episode. @.@ I'm tired. It doesn't sound like much, but the painkillers I've been taking to deal with my mouth until next Wednesday are not good for staying awake. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Hopefully tomorrow will be with the episode *before* classes instead of after. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.10.04 (March 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. My ability to talk is impaired because of my troublesome tooth causing a bit of a scrape to the side of my mouth. Not fun. Hopefully it will die down a bit over my sleeping. At any rate, I'm late today because of waking up just in time to get to class at 7:35 AM. @.@ Nearly ninety minutes early because of a meeting my mom had to go to. Test in Calculus, that went okay. Then walking home in the afternoon... that was interesting. It was a very windy day, 30 mile per hour winds all day long and the like. Fortunately they were in a favorable direction for walking home. At any rate, when I reached the top of the hill that's just a few blocks away from the campus, I turned around to see a line of snow rapidly approaching. Turn back away from the snow. *boom* Hit by even more powerful winds with snow. For ten minutes, it was a blizzard. But that's not the amusing thing. You see, one armstrap of my backpack disconnected right as the winds began to hit. Then a slight rip was heard: the wind tore my backpack! *laughs* It was a wonderful walk home, regardless, and my backpack is not seriously damaged. At any rate, I wish all of you well on this day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.09.04 (March 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. @.@ I had a three hour Tylenol with Codiene induced nap after class today. @.@ Bleh. @.@ But episode is finally done, even if it is just ever-so-slightly past 8:30 PM. I hope that you still read and enjoy today's episode. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Good news: I've made an appointment to get my wisdom teeth out. Bad news: my wisdom teeth won't be out until next Wednesday at shortly after 7:45 AM. At any rate, the episode will be up shortly after I return from my afternoon class. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until I return with the episode, bai!
03.08.04 (March 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. As Pchan notes, wisdom teeth are an ow-ow. I have three. Didn't have a fourth. the two on top fit just fine, but the bottom one is a bit painful. It's just finally coming in... and it's coming through - in good part - a thicker part of my gums. Not ultra-thick, but more than just the little bit it could have been like those on top. It's annoying. It's painful to pronounce the letter S. I'm hoping not to have to get them removed... but a few days more and I will consider it. Bleh. :P At any rate, I apologize for not getting this up before classes, but my tooth made me have a bit of trouble getting to sleep... and I slept until after 8:00 AM. Not a good thing. @.@ At any rate, I wish you all well and hope that you enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
03.07.04 (March 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Lots of things of good have happened in the past 24 hours. First off, Lord Watanga got BUNNIES. Two four-month old bunnies of black and white of love that have the names of Mr. Gregorian Foo and Mr. Atticus Brumble. Also, I finally started reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl and am already around a third of the way through the book. While I read most of The Great Glass Elevator when I got both of these books perhaps as far back as elementary school, I never read the first book. Now I am, in a form of hope that Tim Burton's intended adaptation of the book will be good. Let it be good. At any rate, we have manga today in the form of Magic Princess Zesty and her 40th and 41st pages. Then, of course, we also have N-Fans, with Episode 945, entitled "A Friend Indeed." That said, I wish you all well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.06.04 (March 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. I slept from around 2:30 AM until well after 5:00 PM. @.@ A *lot* longer than anticipated. At any rate, I'm now finally done with the episode. I hope that you enjoy it. Be well, my friends and my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.05.04 (March 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. An interesting thing happened near the end of this episode. I was having Diet Coke that I had poured into a glass. I had just finished the glass, set it down... and the four ice cubes in it which had melted considerably from the previously uncooled Diet Coke, and they were in a column. They stayed that way from balance as I looked at them, as I picked up the glass, and as I moved it around and tipped it to see inside from several angles. They stayed. It was not until I took them upstairs that this changed as they fell back into four icecubes, none on top of another, two steps from the top of the stairs. This occurred while listening to Jòga by Björk. Quite the odd happenstance. At any rate, I hope that you are enjoying these episodes. I know that they are large as they are animated, but I hope that you still find them reasonable in size to read. Be well, my friends and my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.04.04 (March 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are, episode late, episode animated, episode done. And we're nearing 500,000 hits. Tomorrow will be the day, most likely, and the episode should be a good one for it. At any rate, I'll keep this short since I want to get the episode up so you can get it. Be well. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
03.03.04 (March 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Eleven days until Pi Day! O_O I may have forgotten Towel Day, but I shan't forget about Pi! O_O At any rate, It's 5:00 PM and I just finished the episode because I woke up at 8:15 AM this morning because of connection troubles screwing with my alarm... I think... it may have been me. I'm honestly not sure. o_o At any rate, enjoy the episode and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
03.02.04 (March 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. I forgot to change the date on yesterday's blurb. @.@ It was a change yesterday, though, and I hope you realized that. At any rate, Today's episode, as I said yesterday, is very much a part of yesterday's. If you missed yesterday's because of my mistake, please go back and read it. If not, then you know what I mean. At any rate, be well, my friends and my readers. I must get ready to depart but I hope you all to be well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
03.01.04 (March 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today's episode almost wrote itself once the idea was in my head. Tomorrow's, too. It's not been scripted or created, but it is ready for it. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.29.04 (February 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A rather short Sunday Special today in terms of length, but it achieved what I wished it to so I'll go with it. ^^ There's no manga for this, the 124th Sunday Special, but we do have some good stuff. First off, we have a little omake from Pchan that he did because he hasn't been able to get things set up for Zesty quite yet. After that, we have a few backgrounds from myself to give this Sunday Special a bit more substance and for being late. "For Friends, For Power" and "Battle of Good and Evil" are their names. I think that you shall enjoy them. Finally, we have, of course, today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 938, entitled "Death To Webster". Pchan decided it after I gave it as a bit of a silly suggestion. At any rate, that's the Sunday Special. Pchan wanted to get a blurb in, so I'll let this end and go off to him. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
PCHAN KOKO!! As you may have noticed, there isn't any manga this week, but I did you a cute little sketch to show you that I love you all very much! It's just been a very stressful and trying week, and I've also been working to keep my updates with Youkaimura consistent... hopefully some new stuff at Hidden Shrine sometime soon too!
Right now it's a special day, a day good for magic and faeries! I hope you've all enjoyed it. I made faery cake! I'll have to enjoy it with some faeries later... let's hope they show up! :)
Anyway, hopefully by next week I will have the tone sorted out (since the last Zesty I've had a computer crash), so that should be out of the way by next week. I have most of the first pages of the story done...it just remains to add tone! Wish me luck! :)
I hope you all have a lovely 29th. Until the next special, wuv wuv from Pchan! <3
02.28.04 (February 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, today has been a bit late. My dad accidentally woke me up around 11:00 PM, about half of the way through my intended sleep, so my body reset and, despite going back to sleep within five minutes, it was thirteen hours before I woke up. @.@ Not fun. I then woke up, helped someone with a business-related identity theft issue that they've had... tracked all information given to someone in Calgary in Alberta, Canada... and then worked on the background for some upcoming episodes (including a very small bit shown in this episode) and did the episode. That was five hours algotether... perhaps a little more. @.@ Hopefully the identity theft info I was able to provide will be helpful. I am sure that it will. Be well, my friends and my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.27.04 (February 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Not sure what to blurb for today. Episode is done. Pchan Thingie is done. Episode is up. Pchan Thingie is up. Class begins soon, so I prepare for that. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.26.04 (February 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And the episode completes. It's five to six, so I'll keep this short. Be well, my friends. The battle between Psama and Pchan is now underway, and we shall see where that takes us. I hope that you enjoy the journey. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I had a wonderful sleep from around 7:00 PM until around 8:30 AM this morning. I haven't had a chance to get the episode done yet due to expecting to wake earlier and needing to finish a program before class, but I shall hopefully have the episode up within a few hours. Be well, everyone. Until I update, enjoy the PMD. Until then, bai!
02.25.04 (February 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. You know, it's amusing when the test that you expect to have bombed actually turns out to be the test for which you got the highest grade in the class. Amusing. *yawns* But that's about it. That's what today has been. My dad arrived back home last night. My mom left for Canada this morning... and today has been a day. Be well, my friends and my readers. Enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
02.24.04 (February 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I'm nereding to get off to class, but the episode is done and now up and I even have the PMD ready from Pchan, so all is good. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.23.04 (February 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And 8:00 PM today. Tomorrow we finally really do get to the pre-noon updates again. Hopefully even pre-8:00 AM. At any rate, things are going well for my grandfather: He's hopefully to be released tomorrow. This is good. Also, for those of you that like MZM, I have something that may be of interest to MZM fans around 2:00 AM today.

Or if you prefer to read the topic I made...
Crocomire is hidden in the CHR data of Metroid Zero Mission. Quite an interesting find, if I do say so myself. Fun. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.22.04 (February 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. I ended up napping longer than intended, but the episode is now done and up, so that is good. As far as my grandfather, things seem to be going better but I haven't heard much beyond that. As far as the now finished Sunday Special, however, we have a decent selection. First off, we have the end of this arc of Fantella with pages 109 and 110. Secondly, we have two pieces of artwork from Pchan. Neither is related directly to N-Fans, but the top one is, of course, related to Fantella. The bottom is actually Pchan's rendition of the goddess Arachne, in the style of Mucha, his favorite artist. That leaves N-Fans, with Episode 931, entitled "Sufficient Effort". At any rate, I do hope that you enjoy today's episode, despite its lateness. Be well. Enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, bai!
N-finity here. I'm not very good with thinking today. I'm a bit stressed, a bit worried, a bit just... bleh... something understandable after yesterday. I'm working on trying to find the best way to do today's episode, but I'm still not sure. When I am and when I'm done, it will be up. Until then, I wish you well. Until then, my friends, and my readers, be well. Until then, bai!
02.21.04 (February 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. I woke up a good number of hours ago, but I am just now, at nearly 10:00 PM, updating. My father is gone. He left this morning to see my grandfather, who went into the hospital this morning because of chest pains. He's had a heart attack since then. He has been airlifted from the hospital in Bemidji to Fargo, where my father is (by the time, we're assuming) driving my grandmother to after having picked her up in Bemidji. There is much fear and much worry, but I do not feel that it has yet reached the end of my grandfather's life. He is getting older, but he is fairly sturdy... or at least sturdy enough to basically terraform a small section of five acres of wooded area into a very nice selection of garden, wood and rock pathways, and (of course) grass. His time is not yet up, and he will pull through this. Be well, my friends and my readers. I will likely be up for a good while from now, waiting for a call and information more. The Sunday Special will go on, early or late compared to normal, perhaps, but on. At any rate, be well. Enjoy your lives. Until tomorrow, bai.
02.20.04 (February 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Test today, all sorts of lack of sleep... and finally episode. @.@ I think I may nap before Stargate. I hope for waking before it. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy the episode and are well. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.19.04 (February 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And not too long in terms of time, either. At any rate, I'll keep this short since I want this to get up now. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well and hope that you enjoy the episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, bai!
N-finity here. And, like broken clockwork, my alarm didn't wake me. -_- I woke up around 11:45 AM and had to rush off to class. At any rate, PMD is here and ready and done and up... and episode will be the same soon enough. Until I return, be well. Until then, bai!
02.18.04 (February 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. It has been a day and thus I am so very late. It has been a day. After four days of worry and consideration to possible errors that I might have made, I got back my Calculus II test today. I had studied for this test, done the one take-home piece of the test immaculately in color with diagram included, and made notes precisely for use in the test. And thus they were promptly left at home, ten minutes before the test began. Wonderful. A scurried scrambling of notes began. It was completed. The take-home! Scribbled back down on the paper from the help of my memory of the equation and my calculator's memory still having the final answer, fortunately completed. Today they were returned. 11.5/12.0 on the take-home section, the 0.5 deduction being to my forgetting of the density variable omega as a part of my rewritten equation, and 45.0/47.0 on the in-class test. Considering that I had been in a bit of worry that I had written an equation wrong in my notes or made far greater blunders, not to mention that my day going outside began with the door handle breaking off the door as it was attempted to be opened, this day didn't turn out that badly after all. Be well, everyone. Enjoy the episode and enjoy the little bit left of your day. Tomorrow's episode will be fairly early, hopefully between 4:00 AM and 8:00 AM, and that is something good for all of us. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.17.04 (February 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And, just as I sleep late, Psama begins to make more mistakes as he is abandoned by those around him. Taking trust in his superiority, his infallibility, his world begins to move towards it's end. Okay, enough on that thought. I hope that you enjoy today's episode as well as today's PMD. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.16.04 (February 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Not a clue what to blurb today. I'm late (again), but the episode came out (I think) well, so that's a fair trade. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
02.15.04 (February 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Okay, and that finishes up the Sunday Special with Episode 924 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Dissertation of an Evil Plan". As stated before, Fantella has pages 107 and 108, and Captain N sector has four pieces of artwork added, as well as the Captain N action figure scan. Also, we have a Moocow Match update! While I was told scores by a few people more people, only a few submitted with a screenshot. At any rate, here's some of those scores. ^^
Moocow Matching Moovers:
1. N-finity, 21 turns.
2. Professor Hazard, 22 turns.
3. Magus, 23 turns.
3. Phoenix, 23 turns.
2. Riku, 30 turns.
N-finity here. And today I just slept... again. o_o At any rate, Sunday Special #122 is in progress with much of it already up. So far we've got Fantella's pages 107 and 108, three pieces of Captain N artwork by Cassie Sterling, one by Alan Bates, and also a scan of the Captain N action figure that was in a recent Toyfare Magazine. Check 'em out and enjoy. The action figure is under publicity in Captain N Sector, so look there if you're wondering. ^^ Be well. Until the Sunday Special finishes, be well! Until then, bai!
02.14.04 (February 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Happy Lupercalia, or Valentine's Day, or SATURDAY THE 14TH!, whichever brings you the most joy or fear, depending on your religious, personal, and cult-movie beliefs. At any rate, I slept, but my ear feels better. It feels better enough so that my ear actually can stand headphones. It can't stand my headset phone, but it can stand headphones... and that's good enough for me. ^^ I apologize for being late today with this, but my long sleep was not intended... especially since I had slept like six hours before my long sleep happened... and even missed Stargate. At any rate, be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, be well. Until tomorrow and the Sunday Special, bai!
02.13.04 (February 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today has been such a tiring day. I woke up around 7:00 AM after a few hours of sleep, studied for my Calc test and went to classes... and just got home a little over two hours ago. I'm nearly ready to nap again, though, and wow. z.z My ear is nearly better: I've taken some tylenol but none of the tylenol with codiene that I was prescribed for if I needed it for pain... and the Floxin seems to be doing a good job in my ear from the forementioned improvement. At any rate, I hope that your day finds you well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.12.04 (February 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Ear report, day four. Doc appointment yesterday went well... I'm now on Floxin and Tylenol with Codiene for my ear infection and pain. Not fun... but slowly getting better. Hopefully, at least. At any rate, I wish you all well and hope that you enjoy this episode. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.11.04 (February 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Ear report, day three. My ear is still in pain and such... looks like it's time for a doctor visit. -_- Bleh. Likely an infection, but hopefully one that won't be too long in nature once treatment begins, at least not in terms of pain. Sleeping was absolutely horrible... barely got any because I couldn't manage to actually fall asleep. :/ At any rate, I hope your day goes well. Hopefully mine will once the ear is dealt with. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.10.04 (February 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, my ear is doing slightly better today. I got some earwax remover stuff and that's been working fairly well. I can nearly hear properly out of my left ear again. :P At any rate, I hope that you are enjoying how these episodes as of late are going. I best be getting ready for class, so I'll leave this blurb at that. Today will be a better day than yesterday for me, and I hope the same is true for you. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.09.04 (February 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. The past sixteen hours have not been good, despite fourteen hours of them being sleep. I have some water or some such stuck in my left ear and I can barely hear out of it right now... I have a bit of a headache... no soda... I was up for about a whopping sixteen hours of the weekend. -_- Bleh. Then there's other things, too... but bleh. Not a grand day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Enjoy your day. I'll try to shape mine into something decent as well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
02.08.04 (February 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are, Sunday Special #121! Two pages of Fantella for this one, pages 105 and 106, and Episode 917 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Let Us Out". I think that the episode turned out quite well and, although I don't know Pchan's opinion, I think that the Fantella did, too. ^^ At any rate, enjoy the episode and the manga of this Sunday Special. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.07.04 (February 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Okay, and I'm done. I'm not sure what I should say about this episode yet, so I shan't say anything. I apologize for being so late today. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow and the Sunday Special, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Holy crud. o_o I slept. o_o And slept. o_o And slept. o_o Many awesome dreams which are already escaping me... but very much sleeping did I do. o_o At any rate, episode will be up ASAP. PMDs (all three!) are up now. ^^ Enjoy. Be well. Back soon. Bai!
02.06.04 (February 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Time for class! Only about twenty minutes until I need to leave and need to do most of the getting ready still. Because of that, I'll make this short. Be well, everyone. Enjoy the episode and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.05.04 (February 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Woah. I woke up at around noon, a good fourteen hours of sleep. @.@ At any rate, I've just finally been able to get the episode done, so here it is up. I hope that you enjoy it and are well in the rest of this day to come. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
02.04.04 (February 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. So very tired. At any rate, because of tired, I will keep this short. Enjoy the episode. Be well. Until tomorrow, bai!
02.03.04 (February 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I feel a bit cruddy today. Not sure if it's illness or what, but it's cruddy feeling regardless. At any rate, I've been able to get the episode done and I hope that you enjoy it. Also, Pchan is going to rest from PMD for the next two weeks but asked to put up some of the favorites that had been decided upon in the Forums and IRC channel, along with a little bit of commentary. Be well, my friends, my readers. I'll try to do the same. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
02.02.04 (February 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And Monday again. Today's episode was a quick one to make, thankfully, so I was able to get it done before classes. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well, Until then, bai!
02.01.04 (February 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Well here we are with the entirety of Sunday Special #120. With it comes two pages of manga, pages 103 and 104 of Fantella, as well as Episode 910 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Changing Situations". With that said, I'll keep this second blurb short as I was a few minutes longer than I had intended to be with this getting done. Be well, everyone. Enjoy your day and enjoy your life. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Wow, an ODD last night. First off, I saw something rather odd in the basement. For about an eighth of a second, there was a noise-making four to six inch static discharge-like object around eight to ten feet away from me. Absolutely startling. More startling is that, if my distance gauging is correct, it was around a foot or two away from the wall. By the direction, there was nothing electrical or prone to static discharge at all. At any rate, yeah, that freaked me out a little bit. Then, after I went to sleep, I woke up after probably a few hours for no apparent reason and screamed very loudly. Not too odd of occurance, but just like @.@ when put into combination with the whole blue static discharge-thing. Oh, and, of course, on top of that, I managed to nearly cause two fires yesterday. One when I forgot that I was cooking soup upstairs for almost an hour... and the other when I tested the popcorn air popper to see if it had broken and was causing fires still from the last time we used it or if it was just a once time thing due to the whole overheating thing from making well over 64 cups of popcorn. Needless to say, it was not a one-time thing and I had to rush it to the basement sink without piping under it to douse some water into it and stop the smoke from becoming stronger flames. So, how was your day? *laughs* At any rate, I'll be back in around 45-60 minutes from now (2:37 PM) with the episode. Yesterday was way too busy. *laughs* Be well. Until I return, bai!
01.31.04 (January 31st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And episode! ^o^ I like how this one came out. I wasn't sure how to introduce this, but this seemed to work, Pchan approved, and it did. At any rate, I wish all of you a great day. Be well, my friends and my readers. Until tomorrow and the Sunday Special, be well. Until then, bai!
01.30.04 (January 30th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Today was a good day, despite my being late by a few minutes for class due to the van being too cold to even shift. Not great, but good after that. The first part of a big program for class has been finished... second part doesn't seem *too* much harder than the first. At any rate, enjoy the episode. I apologize for not waking to my 6:00 AM alarm to get the episode up on time, but it happens to me quite often, as we all known. @.@ Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish youw ell. Until then, bai!
01.29.04 (January 29th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Well this took a good while, but Pchan and I worked out not only it fairly well, but also some of the episodes to come. At any rate, enjoy the episode and enjoy the rest of your day. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. @.@ I just woke up like thirty minutes ago, class in twenty, still not ready. I have PMD, have put it up for your enjoyment, and will have episode up as soon as possible after I return from class. Only one class today, so not a long day by any means. Be well. Enjoy PMD. Until I return, bai!
01.28.04 (January 28th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. So... cold. o_o It's actually like an actual winter, not those last six or thereabouts that were incredibly mild. Today's temperature... -23 degrees Fahreinheit... -48 with wind chill. I am getting a ride home today. Yesterday was -30. I could survive that semi-comfortably under all my clothes. -40? No. -48? Definitely not. At any rate, I wish you all well and my little brother a happy - but very cold - birthday as well as Soshika. Happy birthday to you both. ^^ Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.27.04 (January 27th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... back! 4:25 PM, but not too much later than I expected. At any rate, today felt like a Doc & Nadeshiko day, so it became such with Pchan's confirmation of this decision as being okay. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy this episode. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. I had a nasty case of insomnia last night... so today is going rather disorderly on me. I'm trying to finish up a program now for a class, but the instructions that it gives me in this case don't make sense, and argh. @.@ The episode should be up around 4:00 PM, with any luck. At any rate, we have Pchan's wonderful PMD for today and I'm going to try to finish this up. -_- Bleh. Be well. Until I return, bai!
01.26.04 (January 26th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *yawns* Today is a day of a tired Webster. I've napped some earlier, I may catch five more minutes before class. We'll see. At any rate, today's episode is done and I hope that you enjoy it. That said, I'll keep this short. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.25.04 (January 25th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And now I'm back. 10:30 AM, episode done. Episode good. All is well. ^^ Going on from that point, today's episode of N-Fans: The Series is Episode 903: "Precognition of A Trap", and today's Fantella is pages 101 and 102. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy it. Be well, my friends, my readers. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Running a bit behind what I expected. I fell asleep on the couch for around 90 minutes right after Cleopatra 2525, one of the greatest SciFi shows ever, which is now being shown on SciFi in the most obscure timeslot ever, 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM (Central Time Zone) on Sunday mornings. Yeah, you can't get much more obscure than that. At any rate, it's one of my favorite shows ever and I love it and I fell asleep after credits rolled. @.@ Episode should be up in around 60-90 minutes as Pchan and I have the episode script worked out, but until then we have Fantella. Be well, everyone. Until I return with the episode, bai!
01.24.04 (January 24th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A simple episode today, but one I had to do in regards to future episodes. I'm late (again) and I apologize (again) for that, but tomorrow I promise to be before 8:00 AM. Please enjoy this episode and be well in your day. Until tomorrow and the Sunday Special, be well. Until then, bai!
01.23.04 (January 23rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. 7:24 PM. I passed out as I thought of the idea for today's episode and it finished forming as I awoke. At any rate, I apologize for being so late but hope that you do enjoy the episode. Be well. Until tomorrow and the hopefully much earlier up next episode, bai!
N-finity here. Just a heads up on today. I'm running late, and I apologize for that, so the episode won't be done until after my classes today. That means around 3:00 PM... -_- Bleh. -_- I'll do my best to have it up as soon as possible after I get home (2:00 PM), though, so check any time after that. Be well, everyone. Until the episode, bai!
01.22.04 (January 22nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Pchan wished today's episode to be not of the standard stream, and we worked out this episode together fairly quickly. It came together well, I think, and I hope that you feel the same. Nine hundred episodes, not a single day missed. Late sometimes, but never missed. Enjoy this episode, my friends and my readers. I wish you well in this day. Be well. Until tomorrow, bai!
01.21.04 (January 21st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. This month has just rushed by. Two-thirds over... just incredibly fast. At any rate, I hope you enjoy today's episode. Things are happening. ^^ At any rate, enjoy the episode and your day, everyone. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.20.04 (January 20th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, I need to get stuff ready for class today, so I'll keep this short. I hope that you enjoy where the episodes are header. I need to finish up and upload some of the episodes of the past, too, so I hope that you visitors that are now new guests to N-Fans don't mind seeing the older ones while you read. At any rate, I wish all of you well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
01.19.04 (January 19th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, not as early as intended, but still much better than yesterday. Only 9:00 AM right now, the episode having turned out fairly well, and with me, I'd say, soon to sleep. I was able to get one of my little programming projects to work properly... and that's good news, as it will save me much time in some of my other projects. Oh! That reminds me. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! My eighth anniversary of being diagnosed as a diabetic. :P At any rate be well. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.18.04 (January 18th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And I'm back! Nearly 9:00 PM, but back. :P At any rate, today's Sunday Special has two parts to it, Fantella's pages 99 and 100, and Episode 896 of N-Fans: The Series, entitled "Kirameki Gyakushuu!" by the naming of Pchan. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy these offerings. I am happy with how they are. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then and an early update, bai!
N-finity here. The 118th Sunday Special on 1/18. How amusing. At any rate, as you may have noticed, I am quite behind today. I did not mean to be, but I four hours longer than I should have and around six longer than I wanted to. This being so, I am only now just working on the episode, so I put up Fantella now for your enjoyment. Be well, everyone. Until I return with the episode, bai!
01.17.04 (January 17th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. And I'm back. It's just after 5:00 PM, but I think that the wait was, overall, an okay thing. Hopefully you don't mind me for it too much. At any rate, Pchan gave me a good idea for the episode today and those to come... and hopefully you will enjoy them, too. At any rate, enjoy the episode and be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then and the Sunday Special, bai!
N-finity here. Bleh. Today is not a great day. I've been stuck on an idea since I woke up... and I'm waiting for Pchan to wake to really try to get this done... because I'm not sure what to do. The path is clear, the details are blurred. This is a problem. At any rate, because of this problem, I decided to work up a few minor backgrounds. May you enjoy them until the episode is up. Be well. Until I return, bai!
01.16.04 (January 16th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *stretches* A good morning. Today is a 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM day, with Calculus II, UNIX System Admin I, and Computer Organization with an hour break after Calculus. It should be a nice day. At any rate, I hope that your day is well as well. Be well, everyone. Enjoy the episode and enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
01.15.04 (January 15th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. After a nice bowl of chili after returning from classes, I fell asleep around 4:00 PM. I then woke up around 6:00 AM. Good nap. At any rate, today is my shortest day: one class. It's on in about 90 minutes, so soon I'll be getting ready for it, but the episode is now done so I'm happy with that. At any rate, enjoy the episode. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.14.04 (January 14th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, maybe some other day we can somehow return to some of the things that were in the White Hall. I had a little idea of something that could be there, but Pchan wanted to press on... and I think it would be best not to show it for now, too. Personally, I think the Black Hall, although a bit more sinister in just its color scheme, is really the more pleasant of these twin halls. At any rate, I'm happy that ALFI was up for a few minutes functionally this morning, a time during which I was fortunately able to sign up for another class that I wanted. Yay. :P Now I just need to return some books, buy another. Bleh. :P Shouldn't be too bad, though, a little other thing to do during my 9:50 AM to 11:00 AM break. That said, I had best finish getting some things ready... not to mention wake my mom to ask for the receipt from getting books Monday. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, bai!
01.13.04 (January 13th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And now back to classes. Just two today, Calc II and Comp Sci II, but that'll be a good refresher-start for getting back to classes. One of my classes being sadly cancelled, I'm still trying to sign up for it again. There's a few logical errors and contradictions on the ALFI site that I've found while trying to get in... so I might suggest a few changes. NAID-CHECKOUT or NAID? No way of telling but trying. Bleh. :P At any rate, be well. Enjoy your day and enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.12.04 (January 12th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. @.@ And now the entire online registration site is malfunctioning. It won't let you log in before the session expires... or else you'll get a DNS error and bleh. Bleh ditty bleh. -_- If you go to the main page you can tell that something is really wrong. Bleh. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy tonight's very late episode. Tomorrow's should be around 4:00 AMish, I'd guess, so check around then. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. It's a mad house! A maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad house! *insert cackling* At any rate, my day so far has consisted of waking up, finding out that one of my classes that I really wished to take (English Usage (Grammar) II) was cancelled and then trying to find a replaceent for it. Finding possible replacements is a fairly easy process. Finding possible replacements that even crudely fit within my current schedule, not so easy. So, I've finally found one. Yay. Going to do a History class. Sounds grand. Okay, register up that class... server down. Reload. Server still down. Reload. Session error. Select your favorite institution. Bloody. -_- So the server is so overloaded that it's not working at all. Absolutely wonderful. -_- And I need to get books today. -_- Bleh. Well, I'll get this done and the episode done and the books thing done... although probably not in that order. -_- Be well, everyone. Until the update comes... Session expired...
01.11.04 (January 11th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. And a few minutes before 8:00 AM, I'm done... and I sleep. It will be good. It is currently needed. At any rate, for today's Sunday Special we have two pages of Fantella, pages 97 and 98, an omake of Pchan as Onmyouji, a sorceror, and, of course, today's episode of N-Fans: The Series, Episode 889, entitled "The Dullened White Hallway". That said, I'll break this off and go into a few hours of sleep. I'm using a vest I have as a wonderful pillow cover for the couch pillow I'm currently using. It's wonderful. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.10.04 (January 10th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. *stretches big* Late today, but not as late as yesterday and this is good. *shakes his head* Sleep is a curse, but such beautiful dreams. I was in a wonderful apartment that was absolutely huge and had shag carpet EVERYWHERE. Floor, walls, and even ceiling! And the colors. ^^ There was a wonderful blue... and a kinda randomly colored section... and I think an orange... and others, too. Awesome. ^^ Really fun. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Be well. Until then, bai!
01.09.04 (January 9th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, an odd episode today. Two frames for each frame as it was the best way that I could think of to show a lack of communication between the two sides of the barrier. Also caused the lines to the textboxes to be a bit... stretched. I apologize for that. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.08.04 (January 8th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well, this turned out about as well as I wanted. A few things not perfect, but it turned out very well. My opinion of it, at least. That said, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.07.04 (January 7th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. This morning was *busy* for me. I woke up a little after 8:00 AM. At 9:00 AM, I was with the diabetes educator. At 10:00 AM, I was with another diabetes person whose title I forget. At 11:00 AM, I was with a dietician for a six-month visit. At noon, I was home... and more tired than after having blood taken yesterday. Pchan and I conversed for awhile, then. Eventually we came up with this idea for how to go with today's episode and the next few coming. If you don't see tomorrow's, I think you'll be pleased with the story to come tomorrow. At any rate, I'm going to put this up... and hopefully I can sleep soon... and bleh. @.@ I am the Webbychan the Tiredpants. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.06.04 (January 6th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Well that wasn't terribly fun. A little painful poke to get that blood, but I'm okay. Had the little normal post-blood-taking tiredness, too. *laughs* I can't imagine how people that actually give blood feel after even just a pint or two! With less than a third of a pint taken (probably around a fourth, actually), I become so incredibly tired that this episode actually took me over two hours to do. Slow work, indeed. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy this episode. Enjoy it and be well. It is a bit busy, but I think you'll see all that is happening Enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. *yawns* I need to go get some blood taken but shall be back soon with the episode. PMD now, however, and that is good. ^^ Be well, everyone. Until an hour or so from now, bai!
01.05.04 (January 5th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. Well that wasn't terribly fun. A little painful poke to get that blood, but I'm okay. Had the little normal post-blood-taking tiredness, too. *laughs* I can't imagine how people that actually give blood feel after even just a pint or two! With less than a third of a pint taken (probably around a fourth, actually), I become so incredibly tired that this episode actually took me over two hours to do. Slow work, indeed. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy this episode. Enjoy it and be well. It is a bit busy, but I think you'll see all that is happening Enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. *yawns* I need to go get some blood taken but shall be back soon with the episode. PMD now, however, and that is good. ^^ Be well, everyone. Until an hour or so from now, bai!
01.04.04 (January 4th, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. @.@ I went to sleep for three hours. I woke up around 10:30 to eat cinnamon buns and do the episode... and ate the cinnamon buns, and fell asleep as I finished them. @.@ And then I slept. -_- At any rate, the episode, although very late, came out to my mind quite well. I am very pleased with it and hope that you'll accept it as a bit of a making up for my being so late. At any rate, today's episode of N-Fans, Episode 882, is entitled "Xebnaxian Calling" and, as stated earlier, today's Fantella is pages 95 and 96. Soon comes a need to change the numbering, it would seem. @.@ At any rate, I'm supposed to also note that the character in the omake is Annica, also known as Annichan, who is one of the bots in the IRC channel. Despite her being programmed, she's really wonderful and actually confuses many a person to her identity. We enjoy having her as a part of our channel as well. At any rate, it would appear that the upload has finished so I'll end this blurb now. I wish you all well, my friends my readers. Be well. Until tomorrow, bai!
N-finity here. Well today has been the second day of "Webbychan's Big Relax", which has mostly involved playing video games and not really being anywhere else much. It has been good. It has been needed. It is to allowing me to come back refreshed and this is very good. However, it also has had me greatly lose track of time which means that, although I thought it was perhaps 2:00 AM, it was already well past 5:00 AM. As such, I'm beginning to get a good bit tired since I only slept six hours yesterday... but I thought it was best to get the first part of today's Sunday Special up before I had my short nap. *unplugs his microphone so that his alarm is actually on* So that's what I've done. First off, we have pages 95 and 96 of Fantella: Zombie Fighter... and secondly we have a wonderful omake from Pchan for support of my eternally progressing, seemingly never finishing program. ^^ It is one of the most wonderful pieces I believe him to have done and I am so happy to have recieved it. The glasses, I think. ^^ Be well, everyone. I shall return in a bit with the episode. Until then, I wish you well, until then, bai!
01.03.04 (January 3rd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. A sadness happened yesterday. The kitty of one of #Captain_N's beloved and cherished friends sadly passed. To him, we wish solace in the days to come. Life is so precious, and it continues to be affect us even after passing through the doorway that is death. All those precious to us, all those who touch our lives, can be loved whether or not they are physically with us now. They are always with us in some way, as long as we keep them in our hearts. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai.
01.02.04 (January 2nd, 2004 CE):
N-finity here. Well the thing yesterday I needed to hurry off about was that I was out of Humalog. Not fun. Insulin med stuffs and the pharmacy was closed. Definitely not good. It ended up not being that bad, with my mom and I going down to the hospital and just getting a phone call made down there and picking it up at the pharmacy that they have, but bleh regardless. At any rate, I wish you a good day today and hope that you enjoy it. I need to make another call related to doc stuff now, too, so let me end this. Be well, everyone. Enjoy your day. Enjoy the episode. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
01.01.04 (January 1st, 2004 CE):
N-finity here again. I must go do things and do them now. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Today is a day of feeling peaceful. I fell asleep with it being such and I woke with it being such. I woke up a bit late, so the episode is not yet quite done, but I shall put the PMD up now and the episode when I finish it. I wish you all well, my friends, my readers. Until I return, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.31.03 (December 31st, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. Wow. The final day of the year. My uncle and aunt arrived early this morning, so that's good and fun. I woke up around two hours ago, just a little after 10:00 AM... and it's just two minutes before noon now, so I'll let this be short. Be well, everyone. Enjoy your day and be well. May the new year bring you good. Be well. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
12.30.03 (December 30th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. And yay, the episode is done, the PMD is up, and here I am with my little blurb for the day. I'm in the final stages (until I think something else up) for my continuing little program, and that is good. Just a few more things and it can really be released. Hopefully soon. Be well, everyone. Enjoy the episode, enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, be well. Until then, bai!
12.29.03 (December 29th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. And the logical continuation of yesterday's episode... today! I hope today finds you well, everyone. Today has been an enjoyable day of some relaxation to me so far, and hopefully the rest shall be similar. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.28.03 (December 28th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here again. Much better. This episode turned out much better than I expected (although the large version is considerably larger than I had expected and hoped for), and that is good. At any rate, let's do the breakdown for this, the 115th Sunday Special. For this episode of N-Fans, Episode 875, the title is "Of Cupcakes And Bonds" and with it comes three pages of manga. Fantella has one page with page 94, and Captain N: Tales of Videoland ends this mega-arc that has been going on for I'd guess nearly a year now (if not more) with pages 170 and 171 of its tale. May you enjoy them all. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. And here we are with the beginnings of this Sunday Special. Just the mangas and the Pchan Thingie so far, but N-Fans should be up in about an hour. Be well, everyone. Until the next part of this update, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.27.03 (December 27th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. That was odd. Had a nasty restart earlier. Hopefully not the indicator of a problem to come. At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well, but I'm going to let this be short because of how I'm actually running a good bit late with this being past noon. Be well, everyone. Enjoy the episode and your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.26.03 (December 26th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. Well today has been a bit of an exciting day. So far, I've dealt with every major computer in the house in one way or another. I installed the hard drive that I gave my little brother into his computer, put my new DVD burner in my computer, and did enough diagnosis on my mom's computer (looking at the back of it) to figure out that the beeping which seemed at first to almost be a keyboard-key-stuck-please-fix-it beep (which would have made the keyboard I gave her perfectly timed), but the looking at the back of it showed me quite quickly that the power supply's fan had stopped working... erk. So that's going to be dealt with by my dad and I'm searching up some good deals on power supplies as he's going to get a used one for around $15 to replace it temporarily. It's only a 300 watt, so replacing it with something higher and new would be good, anyway. So that's what's up here. I hope that you enjoy today's episode and are well. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.25.03 (December 25th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. And a happy Videoland Midwinter Celebration to all! Now, today's episode is excessively large. I spent around three hours trying to get it smaller, but ultimately nothing really worked. Even encoding it as a Flash (which bumped it up to a whopping 16 MB with Imageready's export option) or even DivX (which made it look a bit poor at the size of the large version) wasn't enough. So, if you're on 56K... the non-animated *might* be the best choice. It's only 180 KB, quite a reasonable size. You may also notice that we have something really different... Moocow Match. I've been messing with Flash some lately and, when I found a template for a card matching game that was offered up for usage by a contributor to FlashJava.com, I couldn't resist but to try my hand at making a Moocow version of it. So, with the help of Pchan and about two hours of my time, it was done. I really think that you'll enjoy reading about the different Moocows when you match. If anyone manages to get all the cards matched in less than 24 mo(o)ves, feel free to send in a screenshot and I'll mention you here in the blurb. ^^ Also included today is a special little background of Pchan & Watanga that I did with the help of one of Lalala's images. It turned out excellently and is below. I hope that you enjoy these offerings and the PMD, which reaches the fiftieth number today. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until tomorrow, enjoy V.M.C. Until tomorrow, bai!
12.24.03 (December 24th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. And simplicity seemed right for today. Snow is so beautiful. There is little of it here, unfortunately, as although we are not warm of weather, a brief period of warm melted the snow we had had almost a month ago. But a little remains, and that is good. As a little present for today, I've updated Captain N Sector with four pieces of artwork: two by Nintanda and two by Eeeveegou. I hope that you enjoy these things. Tomorrow will bring something bigger and I hope all the more enjoyable to you all. Be well, everyone. Enjoy the episode and your day and whatever you may be doing. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.23.03 (December 23rd, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. And here we are, and here is Adam. Lalala finally sent me the next background around two days ago, and that meant that I could finally press on with her scripts. Happily, I have done so today and this is the result. I hope that you enjoy it. Additionally, two pieces of artwork have been added to the Artwork sets. One is the omake of the soda walk that Pchan made for me several weeks back and the other is a colored version that I made of one of Lalala's uncolored artworks. I think and hope that you will enjoy seeing them both again, even if you have before. At any rate, please be well today. Enjoy the episode. Enjoy your day. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.22.03 (December 22nd, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. I have such a good reason for being late today but you don't get to hear it yet. ^^ Why? Because it's a secret. o_o That's right. And you don't get to hear it yet because of that. ^^ At any rate, I hope that you enjoy today's episode. I put some work into retexturizing The Good Doctor's room. There's a bit more to this episode than meets the eye, too... but we'll just have to see if you figure it out. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.21.03 (December 21st, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. And I'm back! It's been around two and a half hours, but I spent a good deal of that in thought on other things, so that's not too bad. At any rate, today's episode is entitled "Exiting The Mid-Space Warp" and I hope that you enjoy it. Please also enjoy Pchan's special omake for Yule and his offering of two pages of Captain N: Tales of Videoland, pages 168 and 169. Be well, everyone. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
N-finity here. Well, the episode should be up at a decent time today, but not quite yet. 6:00 AM exactly right now and I decided it was probably better to put up the manga and such relatively early so that I could tell you that. I'm not entirely certain what today's episode will be, but Pchan and I have a few ideas and I'll probably have a script done within a few minutes and, depending on difficulty, should be done an hour or two after that. Be well, everyone. Enjoy your day, enjoy the episode. Until then, be well. Until then, bai!
PCHAN KOKO!! First of all I would like to wish you all a joyous holiday season, for whatever holiday you celebrate. Today just happens to be my observance of Yule, or the Winter Solstice, in which the hope of Spring is reborn to the sleeping world. It's a beautiful occasion and I always cherish it.
Unfortunately for me, my escapades earlier this week in the snow made it possible for me to be rather stricken with a particularly nasty cold right now, and although it's better than it was two days ago, it's still not entirely gone. For that reason I unfortunately wasn't able to keep my coherency enough to finish Fantella for this week, but with this week's Captain N we inch ever closer to a resolution for this storyline.
I've also included a very special little gift for you all. I hope you know you're all my friends and I treasure you. Think of those you love and those who love you, and keep them in your heart today. That's the hope for Spring.
12.20.03 (December 20th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. Well today didn't work out well. I was supposed to wake up around 9:30 to 10:30 AM... instead I woke up slightly after 5:00 PM. Bleh. At any rate, today's episode turned out quite well considering I wasn't quite sure how to be doing it. That said, I hope that you enjoy this episode and are well. Until tomorrow, I wish you well. Until then, bai!
12.19.03 (December 19th, 2003 CE):
N-finity here. Well that was lovely. Remember how (I think) I said a transformer went out on Monday that caused me a ton of little troubles, including having to reinstall Windows XP? Well, today, less than an hour ago, the power abruptly shut off. This caused me to lose my script but fortunately not most of this episode. It was down for a bit, but things otherwise came back up on this computer and in this house just fine once the power returned. That said, I'll end this blurb and get this episode out. Be well, everyone. Enjoy the episode. Enjoy your day. Be well. Until tomorrow, bai!
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